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Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz , (Lewis Lab)
Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz , (Lewis Lab)
Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz , (Lewis Lab)
Famous Original Formula Staminex -
Product Code:079422-2
类别: 能量配方

Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

You may have used Lewis Laboratories' 100% Pure Premium Imported Brewer's Yeast, Fabulous Fiber, Lecithin or another of our quality health products but you probably did not know Staminex was the first, and probably the best, product we make.

Staminex is a combination of the richest and most concentrated natural nutritional ingredients known, balanced in such a way as to provide all 40 essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids (protein) which your body needs

everyday in order to maintain good health and energy. These, plus many trace minerals and metals, are present in natural organic complexes, combined with digestive enzymes so systematic assimilation is assured.


When you look in the mirror, what you see is protein. Our muscles, cartilage, bones, organs, skin, nail and hair are all made of protein. Moreover, the thousands of enzymes, hormones and neuro-transmitters which start, regulate and control virtually every function of the body, are constructed of protein. All of these tens of thousands of specialized proteins which build the body and enable it to function, are constructed from 22 amino acids. Of these, given proper diet, our bodies can manufacture 14. The remaining eight are the so-called "essential" amino acids. Essential because they cannot be manufactured in the body and must be supplied by the diet. If even one of these essentials is missing, then all the amino acids are released back into general circulation and protein synthesis does not take place. A further catch is that the essential amino acids must be in a special quantitative relationship to each other for maximum benefit. A single serving of Staminex meets, or exceeds, this standard for all eight of the essential amino acids. The National Academy of Science (Hegsted Recommendation) has established the ideal profile in terms of grams per day for each of the eight. The American diet, in general, provides more than enough total protein but that is no assurance the protein is of high quality and all the essential amino acids are present.


Beef liver (ours is imported from Argentina) is an important component of Staminex. If there is one food that surpasses all others in nutritional richness that food is, undoubtedly, beef liver. Not only is its content of amino acids unique, but its contribution of minerals, metals and trace elements is outstanding. Liver has long been famous as a rich source of iron and the B-complex vitamins. However, there are drawbacks to whole liver as a food. It is loaded with fat and cholesterol. It is a storehouse of fat-soluble substances such as DDT and herbicides. These are removed when the liver is defatted. That is why Staminex uses only the finest defatted, desiccated beef liver imported from Argentina and it is, therefore, free of chemical fertilizers and other impurities. The liver is then concentrated to four times its natural potency by vacuum drying at a low heat of 140° which gently preserves the rich nutrients. Yet there appears to be even more to this liver than the wealth of nutrients we catalogue there is a hint of magic we call Staminex.

Wheat germ oil is one of the best natural sources of Vitamin E and this is the main reason for its inclusion in the Staminex formula. However, in the authoritative book "The Physiological Effects of Wheat Germ Oil on Humans in Exercise", Dr. Thomas K. Cureton, Ph.D., reported significant increases in endurance, strength, neuromuscular and cardiovascular fitness in controlled tests involving over 900 people. These results could not be explained based on known nutritional factors in the oil and again, the value of the natural "sourcing" of nutritional products is apparent.

Other natural ingredients used in the balanced Staminex formula are fish liver oil concentrate, kelp, toasted wheat germ, soy oil, organ protein concentrate, oil seed nut concentrate and many more. How many "unknown" factors in these natural ingredients contribute to the Staminex magic we can only guess we suspect it is significant.

Technically, Staminex is a superb product and it appears to have a magic beyond what one would expect from its nutritional content alone. We can count the vitamins, weigh the protein, measure the minerals but, locked into the natural ingredients, there appears to be additional, and as yet undiscovered, nutritional factors that provide unexpected bonus benefit.

It might be possible to put together a product with all the known nutritional contents of the ingredients in Staminex by using vitamins and chemical equivalents which would be easier and probably a lot cheaper but we would not know how to add the Staminex magic.

Staminex will never win any prizes for flavor. However, mixed with fruit juice and, perhaps, a little sweetener, e.g. honey, it can become quite palatable. If you want flavor, you will have to add it. Staminex, taken regularly, will almost always provide a noticeable, even dramatic, increase in energy and mental alertness. Over a longer period, general health is likely to improve. Natural ingredients are a bit of insurance against what the experts do not yet know about nutrition. Once you try it you will want to make it the foundation of your daily nutritional program.
The recommended daily portion of Staminex is 30 grams (1 large heaping teaspoon three times a day or a level tablespoon twice a day). We suggest you begin with smaller portions and increase them over a few days to the desired level. Staminex needs to be mixed very thoroughly. Use a shaker, blender or glass jar with a lid. Mix Staminex with well-chilled juice until thoroughly dispersed. Feel free to cook with Staminex, adding it to such dishes as meatloaf, stews, etc. Our laboratory tests indicate heat does not diminish the effectiveness.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $23.99
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Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Large Heaping Teaspoon Three Times
Amount per serving
other ingredients:Premium Imported Brewer's Yeast, Desiccated Defatted Beef Liver Protein imported from Argentina, Hydrolyzed Gelatin, Essential Fatty Acid Mix of Soya Oil, Wheat Germ Oil and Vitamin E Acetate Oils, Wheat Germ Flour, Dolomite (Calcium/Magnesium Source), di-Methionine, Ascorbic Acid, Rose Hips Powder, Kelp (source of over 70 micronutrients), Papain, Papaya, Zinc Oxide, Thiamine Hcl, Vitamin A&D Palmitate and Pyridoxine Hcl.
**Daily Value not yet established.
Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

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Famous Original Formula Staminex - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)
