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Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs , (Novogen)
Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs , (Novogen)
Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs , (Novogen)
Promensil -
Product Code:NV0006
类别: Menopause

Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs, (Novogen)

Promensil is a clinically proven, natural product based on red clover isoflavones for the relief of menopause symptoms, hot flushes, hot flashes and night sweats. Promensil relieves the symptoms of menopause and maintains health and bone health, making it an ideal natural alternative to Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT).  
Novogen, the world leader in isoflavone research, developed, manufactures and markets Promensil globally.

Dietary sources 
Soy, a component of the Asian diet, contains two of the four major isoflavones, daidzein and genistein. To obtain all four major isoflavones, therefore, a range of food stuffs need to be consumed. 
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The isoflavone content of food is extremely variable, and it is usually recommended that two servings of high-isoflavone products per day are consumed to obtain a sufficient intake. However, this requires a substantial modification of the westernised diet, a change that many may find difficult and unpalatable. 
In addition, soy milk has the potential to promote weight gain when quantities sufficient to ensure a high isoflavone intake are consumed. Furthermore, it is important to note that variable quantities of isoflavones are removed by alcohol washing, a process that some low-fat soy products have undergone. 
Promensil has been tested more than any other natural product 
Promensil has been clinically tested among hundreds and hundreds of women all over the world. It is standardized and made according to the highest manufacturing standards. 
No product-related side effects have been reported in clinical trials. Over 1,000 women have participated in clinical trials around the world. Specifically:
  • No increase in breast density
  • No uterine thickening
  • No breakthrough bleeding
  • No blood clots
  • No weight gain reported.
Clinical Trials: Hot Flashes and Night Sweats 
With four clinical studies, Promensil is proven to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats. Clinical trials include those conducted by Drs. Nachtigall et al at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts and New York University, New York, New York; Drs. Jeri and de Romana in Peru; Drs. Rees et al John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom; and Drs. van de Weijer and Barentsen Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 
Clinical Trials: Bone Health 
Promensil has been shown to reduce the rate of bone loss by 50% in pre- and peri-menopausal women. Dr. Atkinson conducted this trial at the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 
Clinical Trials: Cardiovascular Health 
Promensil has been shown to improve arterial elasticity. Dr. Nestel at the Baker Medical Institute in Australia conducted this trial. 
Osteoporosis Risk: 
During and after menopause, 2% of bone mineral density is lost annually. 
PMS Symptom Relief 
Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms are associated with fluctuating levels of hormones. Promensil helps balance hormones naturally. A Promensil tablet taken daily reduced breast tenderness in most women tested. 
Another PMS symptom, irregular or erratic menstrual periods, is also relieved by taking Promensil. Menstrual cycles are stabilized and lengthened in the majority of cases. 
Safety Issues: 
HRT binds to alpha and beta estrogen receptors. Isoflavones only bind to beta estrogen receptors. Isoflavones are safe for the breast and uterus. 
Cholesterol Risk: 

Cholesterol levels rise in women during and after menopause.

Take one Promensil tablet daily with a meal. Some women feel the benefit of Promensil after two weeks. For most women it takes 4-5 weeks to achieve the desired and full effect. continue use to maintain health benefits.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $34.99
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Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs, (Novogen)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Serving Per Container: 60

Amount per serving

Plant estrogens (Isoflavones) (as red clover extract) 40 mg **
**Daily Value not yet established.
Other Ingredients: Red Clover isoflavone extract, Dicalsium, phosphate, Microcystalline cellulose, Magnesium stearate, Mixed tocopherols, Silica, Soy Polysaccharide, Dextrin, Dextrose monohydrate, Lecithin soya, Sodium carboxmethycellulose, Sodium citrate.
Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs, (Novogen)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%

"Each day I see women searching for alternative solutions... Promensil is an option that has been clinically trialed so I feel confident recommending it."  
Dr. Lila Nachtigall 
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology  
New York University School of Medicine


Anonymous  "Results in 2-5 days for me"
I'm going through premature menopause (I'm 35), and this stuff has worked wonders for me. The Promensil website says you should expect results in 2-5 weeks, but I had results in 2-5 days. I'm still having mild daytime hot flashes (tomorrow will be two weeks since I started taking it), but they're much more tolerable than they were before I started taking it. And I haven't had any night sweats AT ALL since I started it. Bear in mind that everyone is different and you might not have the immediate results that I've had, but give it a try because it works!

Christina  "Really like this product"
I really like this product. I take it with soy and it works really well. I rarely have hot flashes anymore. I tried Black Cohosh with no luck, and some side effects. This has no side effects, at least for me. A lot better than taking the hormones my doctor gave me for my hysterectomy. I highly recommend.

Ann  "Love it"
I've been using this product for over 18 months. I had been having problems with sleeping, moodiness, breast tenderness and the occasional hot flash and night sweats. I was reluctant at first to try the product (frankly I thought it too expensive), but it WORKS! I saw improvement within a month. I also take Evening of Primrose Oil, which has helped tremendously. This is not too much to spend to feel great. All the women in my doctor's office take this & love it!

Anonymous  "The best product I have found"
I have taken Premarin for about 10 years. I tried all the different over the counter products to relieve the hot flashes now that I am no longer taking prescription Hormone Replacement. I ordered Promensil last month, and this is the best product I have found. I highly recommend Promensil. So happy I have finally found something that really works.

Anonymous  "Works well "
I'm just starting menopause, and hot flashes and night sweats were beginning to become an annoyance. My gynecologist said my choices were birth control pills (not HRT) or to try herbal alternatives. As a breast cancer survivor, the Pill isn't an attractive alternative to me. I decided to go with Promensil alone intitally and then added black cohosh. This combo helped to minimize the symptoms to the point where they rarely occur, although it took about six weeks for the full impact to be felt.

Anonymous  "On a scale of 1 to 10, Promensil receives a 10"
Before trying Promensil, I had severe hot flashes, sometimes 10-15 times a day. After trying Promensil daily for about 10 days, the hot flashes disappeared and do not come back unless I miss taking Ppromensil for two to three days.
Promensil - Relieves Hot Flashes & Balance Hormones, 60 tabs, (Novogen)

How It Works

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From adolescence on, your estrogen levels have a familiar cycle. They rise at puberty with the onset of your childbearing years. They increase and decrease rhythmically with your menstrual cycle. They peak during pregnancy. As you approach menopause, they fluctuate greatly and decline. If you have not had menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive moths you are considered to be post menopausal. 
It is this natural fluctuation and decline in your own body's estrogen levels which gives rise to the many symptoms associated with menopause.
How long does it take before I will see the benefits of Promensil?
I am not getting any relief with Promensil. When will I see the benefits of      Promensil?
What is the difference between Promensil and Rimostil?
How old should you be to take Promensil?
Who should not take Promensil?
Are there any side effects with Promensil?
Do women need to take progesterone in addition to Promensil?
Can you take Promensil concurrently with hormone replacement therapy      (HRT)?
Can I take Promensil when I am on the Pill?
Can I take Promensil if I have had breast cancer?
I have had a hysterectomy. Can I take Promensil?
Will Promensil affect my blood pressure?
Can antibiotics be taken with Promensil?
Can I take Promensil with tamoxifen?
Can I take Promensil with warfarin (Coumadin)?
How does Promensil compare to soy?
Is there more than one color of Promensil tablet?
What does Promensil contain? Is it standardized?

How long does it take before I will see the benefits of Promensil?
Some women report relief from hot flashes and night sweats in the first week; however, the response may vary with each woman. Our research suggests it may take 4 to 5 weeks of daily use to achieve the desired and full effect. Continue use to maintain benefits. | Top |

I am not getting any relief with Promensil. When will I see the benefits of Promensil?
Scientific studies indicate that the amount of isoflavones contained in one Promensil tablet is approximately equivalent to the amount of isoflavones consumed by people on a traditional vegetarian diet which includes a high legume intake. Therefore, we recommend that one Promensil tablet per day is sufficient for most women to help relieve hot flashes and night sweats naturally.

Some women find it helpful to begin taking 2 tablets of Promensil per day (1 in the morning and 1 at night) for one week and then continuing with the recommended 1 tablet per day. It is rarely necessary for women to continue on more than one tablet daily for a long period of time. We have tested up to 4 tablets each day, which was well tolerated and no side effects were noted.

Promensil should always be taken with a large meal. In addition some women have noted that the benefits of Promensil can be enhanced by taking Promensil with natural yogurt with live cultures, such as
acidophilus. | Top |

What is the difference between Promensil and Rimostil?
Both products contain isoflavones derived from red clover. However, only Rimostil contains Clovone, a unique ratio of isoflavones formulated for bone and heart health. Promensil, on the other hand, contains the 4 same isoflavones but in a different ratio and in a proportion ideal for managing the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, naturally.

Promensil contains 40 mg isoflavones. Rimostil contains 57 mg
Clovone. | Top |

How old should you be to take Promensil?
Promensil is safe at any age. We recommend starting Promensil when your body’s hormonal balance starts to fluctuate noticeably. This is a signal to start maintaining bone health. This happens to most women in their mid to late 30s and is referred to as “peri-menopause.” Promensil not only relieves hot flashes safely, but also can help maintain bone health before and after hot flashes safely. | Top |

Who should not take Promensil?
Pregnant women, breast-feeding women and children under 15 should not take Promensil. | Top |

Are there any side effects with Promensil?
There have been no product-related side effects reported from our clinical trials in women to date. Over 1,000 women have participated in trials. In particular:

  • No weight gain
  • No endometrial thickening
  • No breakthrough bleeding
  • No breast tenderness
  • No bloating
  • No migraines
If you have any possible concerns about taking Promensil, please give us your feedback and importantly, consult your doctor or health care professional for further advice if necessary. | Top |

Do women need to take progesterone in addition to Promensil?
No. Current medical opinion is that progesterone (or a synthetic progestogen) is not required because Promensil has been shown in several studies not to stimulate growth of the endometrium.

In a trial at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, Australia, in a total of 43 women there was no evidence of thickening of the endometrium after taking Promensil for 3 months at 40mg/day (1 tablet). If uterine thickening occurred, that would have indicated an estrogenic effect of the isoflavones on the uterine tissue. However, this was not observed in the trial. This clinical trial has been published: Baber R.J., et al. 'Randomized placebo-controlled trial of an isoflavone supplement and menopausal symptoms in women'. Climacteric 1999; 2:85-92. | Top |

Can you take Promensil concurrently with hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
Given that the isoflavones are naturally occurring substances that could be consumed in the diet irrespective of Promensil supplementation, many leading clinicians consider that Promensil and HRT may be taken concurrently. Novogen has not studied the combination of Promensil with HRT.

Medical advice should be always sought when Promensil or any dietary supplement is combined with a prescription medication. The final decision is the responsibility of the patient in consultation with her doctor or health care professional. | Top |

Can I take Promensil when I am on the Pill?
Novogen has not studied this combination. Leading specialists and plant estrogen experts are of the opinion that the oral contraceptive pill and Promensil are compatible.

Medical advice should be always sought when Promensil or any dietary supplement is combined with a prescription medication. The final decision is the responsibility of the patient in consultation with her doctor or health care professional. | Top |

Can I take Promensil if I have had breast cancer?
Medical advice should be always sought to assess the suitability of any medication or dietary supplement in relation to breast cancer risk.

Promensil has been subject to numerous clinical trials in women related to relieving hot flashes and night sweats. However, to the best of our knowledge, the use of isoflavone supplementation in women with a history of breast cancer has not been studied to date. Accordingly, due to lack of clinical information, Novogen is not able to offer you any specific recommendations relating to Promensil and breast cancer. We would strongly recommend that you speak to your doctor or health care professional, who can make a clinical decision about the use of Promensil given your medical history on the basis of a risk/benefit analysis. | Top |

I have had a hysterectomy. Can I take Promensil?
Novogen has not studied the role of Promensil in women who have had a hysterectomy. There is no reason why women who have had this procedure cannot take Promensil.

However, women who have had a hysterectomy have special requirements and are at increased risk of long-term complications, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular events. The extent of risk depends on many other factors such as what age they were when the procedure was performed; whether the ovaries were removed as well as the uterus; relevant family history; smoking; corticosteroid use etc. Because of proven effects in maintaining bone mineral density and cardiovascular benefits, HRT is often considered to be optimal therapy for many women who have had a hysterectomy. This matter is best considered in consultation with your doctor or health care professional. | Top |

Will Promensil affect my blood pressure?
In Promensil trials involving women with the normal range of blood pressure there has been no reported change in blood pressure. Women were assessed monthly during the trials. Please consult your doctor or health care professional if you have any concerns about your blood
pressure. | Top |

Can antibiotics be taken with Promensil?
Antibiotics may interfere with the absorption and metabolism of isoflavones in your intestines (gut) by reducing the number of normally helpful bacteria. These helpful or 'commensal' organisms are involved in the normal absorption and metabolism of isoflavones. We have had some women in clinical trials see the return of their hot flashes from taking Promensil and antibiotics together.

However, we have also had experience of the return of positive results (hot flashes reduced) in women on antibiotics and Promensil who have increased their intake of products containing helpful bacteria, especially 'acidophilus' yogurt. Therefore we suggest that acidophilus yogurt could be taken on a daily basis to help restore the useful gut bacteria levels (flora) to normal while on antibiotics and for a period of several weeks after finishing the course of antibiotics.


Can I take Promensil with tamoxifen?
Novogen has not performed a specific drug interaction study to evaluate the combination of isoflavones with the anti-estrogen tamoxifen. Due to structural similarities between isoflavones and tamoxifen, it is possible that there may be competition for estrogen receptors, although the clinical significance is uncertain. Patients should discuss the use of Promensil and any other dietary supplements in combination with tamoxifen with their doctor or health care professional. | Top |

Can I take Promensil with warfarin (Coumadin)?
Current evidence from clinical trials suggests that Promensil does not affect blood-clotting factors and Promensil has been used by patients taking warfarin.

If you are taking medication for clotting disorders, such as warfarin (Coumadin), please discuss the suitability of Promensil and the use of any other dietary supplements with your doctor or health care
professional. | Top |

How does Promensil compare to soy?
Soy only contains two of the four important isoflavones: genistein and daidzein. The extra two found in Promensil - formononetin and biochanin - are in the traditional diets of Asian, Mediterranean and Central American communities. These isoflavones are found in chickpeas, lentils and certain varieties of beans. Research suggests that all four isoflavones have unique health benefits and are important to human health. | Top |

Is there more than one color of Promensil tablet?
Promensil is available in original red and all natural clear tablet coating (which is actually a green colored tablet). Both products will work in exactly the same way in your body and both have a daily calendar indicator to assist you with remembering to take Promensil every day.

The original red 30 tablet pack is available in pharmacies. The all natural clear coated 30 and 60 tablet packs are available only in health food stores and natural food supermarkets. The cartons are marked 'All Natural Clear Coat', and the tablets are green, the natural color of
clover. | Top |

What does Promensil contain? Is it standardized?
Each tablet contains a total of 40 mg of four standardized isoflavones, genistein, daidzein, formononetin and biochanin A sourced from red clover leaf extract (Trifolium pratense). The biologically active ingredients are naturally occurring plant estrogens, which are NOT chemically synthesized.

Promensil is free from sugar, yeast, milk derivatives, wheat, cornstarch, gluten, preservatives, artificial flavors.

Promensil with the all natural clear coat is free of artificial colors and is available in fine health food stores and natural food
supermarkets. | Top |
Case Studies
Clinical trials provide us with objective evidence of the benefits of taking Promensil. But it's really satisfying to hear what women report after taking Promensil for at least one month:  
Laura M. Healy. Burr Ridge, IL - "Two months ago, my doctor wanted to start me on HRT because my estrogen levels were decreasing and I had problems such as irregular bleeding, night sweats, sleeping problems, and lack of concentration. My husband called me his 'electric blanket.' I did not want to start HRT because I did not think my situation was that drastic (yet). A friend suggested Promensil.  
After checking out the ingredients, I decided to give it a try. After 1 week, the sweating and sleep problems stopped completely. After 1 month, my concentration is much better. After 2 months now, I've had one period that was very manageable. Last night, my husband complained that he has to buy an electric blanket for the fall and winter this year; I smiled and decided to keep using Promensil!" 
Linda Worker. Illinois - "Last spring, I began taking medication to control my hot flashes. I soon found that I was suffering some of the possible side effects. That’s when a friend suggested I try a natural remedy and after reading the Promensil package decided to give it a shot. Within one week, my hot flashes were noticeably decreasing and within the second week, they were gone. I’m sleeping undisturbed all night and feel like my old self again! Thank you, Promensil!" 
Paula Johnson. Dover, DE - "I was having severe hot flashes, my chest would burn so bad with each one. I was confused as what to do, and then one night after church I talked to a friend as I was fanning myself and I said, “What do you do about these hot flashes?” She said to get Promensil and told me it would take about three weeks to work. Desperate, I popped one right there at the store, and I noticed a slight change about 3 days later.  
After taking Promensil for 10 days, I was so pleased with the way I felt! It’s been four weeks and I no longer have nearly as severe hot flashes and when I do, they come few and far between." 
S L Cunert. Canal Fulton, OH - "I just wanted to let you know how glad I am that Promensil is available. After trying different HRT’s which caused me migraines, I am happy to report that since taking Promensil I don’t have the hot flashes, and I’m feeling like myself again. I am happy that my doctor’s office was liberal enough to suggest a natural product." 
Pamela Kane. Sausalito, CA - "I’d be sitting in a restaurant and have to leave because my entire outfit would be drenched. I had no energy. I couldn’t concentrate. And all of a sudden, after taking this tablet, all of the pieces started falling back into place. And my life slowly came back to normal—and I am so normal now! I jog two miles a day and am back to my size 4. My doctor may just be the best doctor in the world—he introduced me to Promensil. It’s not a drug, it’s natural..." 
Jeanne Budlong. Lopez Island, Washington - "It was almost like, on my birthday. I felt as if my hormones had crashed. I was also having some mood swings, a lot of problems with just sort of feeling out of sorts. Which was a definite sign to me of estrogen going away. So that was why I decided to try Promensil.  
At six weeks I was feeling a great deal of improvement and feeling like myself. A dear friend of mine said to me the other day: ‘you are looking really good; how are you feeling?’ and I said ‘I am feeling really good’. I am having a really good time right now--as if my body is returning to where my head is at-which is probably about 35 years of age!"
Promensil is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.