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Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test , (Amerifit)
Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test , (Amerifit)
Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test , (Amerifit)
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Menopause

Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test, (Amerifit)

Menstrual irregularity? Difficulty sleeping? Irritability? Is it menopause? Now you can take the mystery out of menopause with the Estroven Menopause Monitor. Beginning as early as your thirties you may begin to experience these symptoms, and even hot flashes and night sweats, all of which may be caused by hormonal changes associated with perimenopause, the years leading up to menopause. An increase in the amount of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) produced in your body is a common indicator of the early stages of menopause.  
The Estroven Menopause Monitor is a simple in-home test that detects elevated levels of FSH to help you identify your menopause stage and have an informed discussion with your healthcare professional about managing your symptoms. Take the Mystery Out of Menopause. Convenient - Simple urine test. Done in the privacy of your home. Accurate - 99% as accurate as tests done in laboratories. 
Understanding Menopause 
Menopause occurs when a woman’s body no longer produces enough estrogen to complete ovulation (develop an egg for fertilization). Before menopause occurs, estrogen production slows gradually and may fluctuate causing other hormones involved with ovulation to change as well. One of these hormones is follicle stimulating hormone or FSH. 
During ovulation, a high amount of FSH is released from the pituitary gland to prepare the release of an egg from the ovaries. The increased presence of FSH signals the body to increase its production of the hormone estrogen to complete ovulation. Once ovulation has occurred the production of FSH decreases until the start of the next reproductive cycle. For menopausal women however, the body does not produce enough estrogen to complete ovulation so FSH levels remain elevated.
The Estroven Menopause Monitor Easy-to-Use Home Test Kit contains everything you need to test your FSH level twice. Because your FSH level fluctuates during your menstrual cycle, it is recommended that you perform the test a second time to confirm the results of the first test. The second test should be performed two weeks after taking the first test.You will also need a watch or a timer when waiting for the test results.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $23.99
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Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test, (Amerifit)

2 plastic test sticks, one in each protective foil pouch. 
2 plastic urine collection cups.
Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test, (Amerifit)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
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Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit - 2 test, (Amerifit)


What Are The Stages Of Menopause? 
Perimenopause is the two to 10 year time period leading up to menopause when estrogen production begins to slow and affect your FSH level. It is not uncommon for this stage to begin while a woman is in her 30s or 40s. Women experiencing perimenopause most commonly notice changes in their menstrual cycles due to hormone fluctuations. This can be any change in the frequency, duration or flow of your monthly period. Other common perimenopausal symptoms include: 
• hot flashes 
• vaginal dryness 
• irritability 
• mood swings  
• forgetfulness 
• unexplained fatigue 
• interrupted sleep 
• decreased libido (sex drive)  
Menopause is the time when your body has stopped producing enough estrogen to support ovarian activity. Menopause typically occurs naturally in women between the ages 40 and 55 however it can occur earlier or later. Most healthcare professionals consider a woman to have experienced menopause when she has gone 12 consecutive months without a period. At this time your FSH level remains consistently high. Long-term health effects of menopause that you may want to discuss with your doctor include increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, incontinence and reduced sex drive. 
Postmenopause is the time starting after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period and continuing for the rest of your life. Your FSH level will remain permanently elevated. Typically, perimenopausal symptoms have diminished. 
Why test for FSH? 
Knowing whether your FSH level is elevated can help you identify which stage of menopause you are experiencing. 
I have some menopausal symptoms but I still get my period. Am I in menopause? 
You are not in menopause, but you may be experiencing perimenopause- the term for the months or years leading up to menopause. Visit www.estrovenmonitor.com for suggestions on how to manage your symptoms. 
What if I get mixed results with one positive test and one negative test? 
Mixed test results simply mean that the FSH level in your body is not consistently high. Because your FSH level is changing, you may be experiencing perimenopause. Talk to your healthcare professional about your test results and symptoms. 
If one or both test results are positive does that mean I can’t get pregnant? 
Two positive test results simply mean that your FSH level is consistently high. The Estroven Menopause Monitor is not a fertility indicator and cannot determine your ability to become pregnant. DO NOT USE YOUR TEST RESULTS TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL (contraception). Discuss test results with your healthcare professional. 
Will this test give me the same results as a test performed by my healthcare professional? 
The accuracy of the Estroven Menopause Monitor was compared to standard laboratory tests performed by healthcare professionals using blood to detect FSH levels and showed a 99% agreement with the results.
Estroven Menopause Monitor Kit is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.