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TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs , (TrimSpa)
TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs , (TrimSpa)
TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs , (TrimSpa)
Product Code:

TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs, (TrimSpa)

Holding onto a pair of jeans you haven’t been able to get into for ages? It’s time to bring them out! You know the best way to lose weight and to keep it off to eat less and spend more calories through exercise. But sometimes you need a boost to achieve real success. This unique blend of ingredients will give you that edge to support your weight loss efforts so you can look great and feel great! 
Added to your exercise program and healthy eating plan, Trimspa helps you lose weight. It’s that simple.
Take 4 tablets per day: 2 in the morning, 1 at midday, and 1 in the evening (suggested minimum serving 3 per day/maximum 6 per day), with 8 ounces of water each serving. 6-10 days of continuous use necessary for optimal results. 
Please remember that each person is different. It may take an adjustment period of trial and error before you find your optimal serving size of Trimspa X32, so please be patient and allow your body time to adjust to the product. Reminder, healthy weight loss is generally recognized at no more than 1-2 pounds per week. 
You may find the following tips helpful.
  • Drink at least an 8 oz. glass of water with each serving of Trimspa X32 . This helps with the breakdown of the tablet. It is advisable to consume more than your usual water intake for the duration of your Trimspa X32 supplementation.
  • Try eating healthy snacks in between breakfast and lunch, as well as lunch and dinner. Some examples of a healthy snack would be a piece of fruit, a half or whole protein bar, a handful of Trail mix or unsalted nut mix, 10-15 grapes, etc. …This helps to develop and keep your metabolism burning at a steady pace. It also helps to keep your glucose levels steady, keep you feeling full and satisfied, and keep you from being overly hungry at primary meals.
Develop an exercise program to make Trimspa X32 work even harder! (With the consent of your physician, of course) 
Begin slowly and work yourself up to at least 30 minutes of exercise 4 times per week. Be sure to include both cardiovascular exercise (aerobics, jogging, bicycling) and resistance training (weight training) in your program. Although Trimspa X32 may work for some people without exercise, the addition of an exercise regimen can result in faster, more dramatic results. 
Make sure you're eating enough. 
Because Trimspa X32 may reduce hunger, many people make the mistake of not eating enough calories to fuel the body. The body compensates for this lack of energy by slowing your metabolic rate. You DO NOT want to slow down your metabolism. Eat at least three square (healthy and balanced) meals per day with healthy snacks in between. 
Develop a healthy eating plan 
There’s no question: Trimspa X32 works best when integrated into a healthy eating plan. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein, while reducing your intake of processed foods, fried foods, sweets, butter and oil.
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Retail Price: $44.95
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TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs, (TrimSpa)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 90

Amount per serving

Chromium (as chromium dinicotinate glycinate) 75 mcg 62.5%
Vanadium (as vanadium amino acid chelate) 15 mcg *
Glucomannan † 200 mg *
Citrus Naringin 5 mg *
Glucosamine HCI †† 50 mg *
Cocoa Extract (standardized for Phenylethylamine [PEA], tyramine and 10% theobromine) 162.5 mg *
Green Tea extract (40%) (standardized for epigallocatechin gallate [ECGC], polyphenols and 40% caffeine 125 mg *
Hoodia Gordonii (whole plant/less roots) 125 mg *
*Daily Value not yet established.
Other Ingredients: dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, polyethylene glycol, FD&C red #40 aluminum lake, FD&C yellow no. 6 aluminum lake, titanium dioxide. 
Hoodia Gordonii (Hoo-dee-uh Gore-doh-nee) is a natural appetite suppressant, used for generations by South African tribesmen to stave off hunger during long hunting expeditions. 
Glucosamine (Gloo-ko-so-meen) is an ingredient, patented by TRIMSPA for weight loss, that actually prolongs the amount of time glucose (or blood sugar) stays within the bloodstream after eating. This delay means that any extra insulin can be used directly by the muscles for energy, instead of being transferred too quickly to the "warehouse," or fat cells. 
Green Tea Extract has long been known for its thermogenic-or heat generating-properties that promote burning of fat. The polyphenols in green tea also contain epigallocatechin gallate, which has been known to significantly reduce food intake and, subsequently, body weight in healthy adults. It is rich in potent bioflavonoids that, together with the polyphenols, provide the antioxidants so vital to fighting free radicals. 
Cocoa Extract contains 3,7 - dimethylxanthine, also known as Theobromine, and is found naturally in cocoa beans. Theobromine belongs to a class of compounds known as Xanthines. The predominate use of Theobromine is as a diuretic. 
Citrus Naringin (Citrus Na-rin-gen) is a powerful, naturally occurring citrus extract that is known to curb the appetite while serving as a source of soluble fiber. Like green tea extract, it is an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage and has also been shown to inhibit enzymes-such as cytochrome P450-that are involved in weight gain when found in the body in excessive amounts. 
Chromium Chelavite is an important nutrient that aids in controlling glucose (blood sugar) and carbohydrate cravings; it also offers many other benefits. It helps the body's insulin metabolize fat, convert protein into muscle, and turn sugar into energy, supporting weight loss and the development of lean body mass. A lack of chromium in the diet can result in weight gain, sluggishness, and can trigger a craving for sugar and other carbohydrates. 
Vanadium (Van-a-dee-um) is a naturally occurring appetite suppressant that can also induce physiological effects similar to that of insulin within the body. It assists the metabolism in converting carbohydrates into energy while also affecting the sense of taste and appetite, resulting in less food intake and weight loss. 
Glucomannan (Glu-co-ma-nan), derived from the root of the Amorphophallus Konjac plant, is a dietary fiber that assists in weight loss due to its ability to create a sense of fullness, even when taken in small amounts. Glucomannan reduces the appetite significantly and helps to prevent overeating and lessen cravings.
TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs, (TrimSpa)

Editor's rating: 8.55 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

TrimSpa X32 - Be Envied, 90 tabs, (TrimSpa)


How are TrimSpa products different from the other weight loss products out there?  
Trimspa X32 has an ingredient (glucosamine) that prolongs the amount of time that food is available for energy, thus keeping it from being stored as fat. This ingredient is not new to us, but the research on its weight loss capabilities IS fairly new.
Case Studies





Howard Stern producer Gary Del'Abate trimmed up with TrimSpa. On June 10th, the 5’7½” Stern producer and on-air personality stepped on the scale to reveal his weight of 214 lbs. In an attempt to improve his lifestyle and serve as an example to his listeners, he decided to start exercising, eating better, and taking the diet supplement that Stern recommended to Anna Nicole Smith, TRIMSPA X32.
Spokesmodel Anna Nicole Smith lost over 50 pounds!





Stephen Jones - 130 lbs. in 10 months "For a long time I fooled myself into thinking that I was okay with my physical health. 'Sure I'm a little over-weight, but I don't look that fat,' I thought. But in those quiet moments, when I was honest with myself, I knew I was unhappy. I decided I would give TRIMSPA a try. I believe TRIMSPA helped give me that added energy I needed to stick to my exercise routine. Through the course of 10 months, while I combined TRIMSPA X32 with regular exercise and healthy eating habits, I was able to lose 130 pounds! The number still amazes me!"
Nicole Cavicchi - 90 lbs. in 15 months "TRIMSPA X32 not only gave me the energy and drive to hit the gym but it really maximized every workout. Where I used to find myself literally crying in my closet over all my favorite old clothes I never would wear again, I found myself absolutely overcome with appreciation to TRIMSPA X32 and everyday found increased determination to keep going. I had the energy to eat right and make all the necessary changes to live healthier. I have not only gained my body back but I've become the active, fun and attractive wife and mother I always imagined myself being, all by using TRIMSPA X32."





Amber Sine - 20 lbs. in 3 months "TRIMSPA X32 has given me such an edge in losing those extra pounds I wanted to lose. I've worked out most of my life but for the past few years I wasn't able to shed those extra pounds that I wanted to get rid of. In 3 months I lost 20 lbs. and have an amazing amount of energy."
Sofia Poshni - 23 lbs. in 9 weeks "I found myself very unhappy with the way I looked and felt. I had heard of various weight loss supplements but was skeptical about the outcome. I came across TRIMSPA X32 and lost 23 pounds in 9 weeks. I have never been so happy and satisfied with the way I look. Thank you TRIMSPA! You have changed my life."





Jamie Patterson - 14 lbs. in 2 months "I felt my life was out of control; I was unhappy with my physical appearance with no energy to change it - both resulting in mood swings that stressed my relationships with my husband and children. I had purchased a ski machine but wouldn't use it because I felt too tired and would opt to hit the snooze button instead; until I found TRIMSPA X32. TRIMSPA X32 gave me the energy to get moving in the mornings; I ski 6 miles in 45 minutes then have an abundant amount of energy to achieve my daily to-do lists. Thanks to TRIMSPA X32 - I'm a happy, healthier, more productive me!"
Pamela Fullerton - 47 lbs. in 6 months "I was tired of being a statistic. I didn't want to be the overweight percentage of America any longer. I didn't want to be skinny or become someone that I wasn't, but I needed to be happy and become more than the 'girl with the pretty face' I wanted to be the best person that I could be and TRIMSPA X32 has helped me become that person. I exercise 3 times a week because I now have energy which I have never felt before. I went from a size 18 to a size 8 and am still losing pounds and inches. Being a 4th grade teacher takes a lot of energy and I now know that my students look at me as a healthy person. I thank the makers of TRIMSPA X32 for making a product that helped turned me into one. I saw Anna Nicole's commercials and asked myself, can a "normal" woman lose that kind of weight? I am proof that it is possible."





Dichelle Lutz - 96 lbs. in 13 months "I have always had problems with my weight; I went through the 50 different diets losing the 20-30 pounds just to gain 30-40 back. I am 5'4'' and weighed 250 pounds and was so disgusted with how I felt and looked. I was in sizes 24/26 and 3X and I am now in sizes 14 pants and Large tops. I have never stood behind anything as much as I stand behind TRIMSPA, it has changed my whole life and I recommend anyone trying to lose weight to try it, I feel YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ~ BUT THE WEIGHT!"
Darina Iurcu - 28 lbs. in 12 weeks "Thank you TRIMSPA X32 for helping me lose 28 pounds in about 12 weeks. During those weeks I was working out about once or twice a week at the gym, doing some running for about 30 min plus working on my abs. But the main change was in my diet. I stopped feeling hungry all the time, so I didn't feel the need to snack on everything all day long. TRIMSPA X32 helped me control my appetite, and that was my main problem."





Kerina Bustos - 30 lbs. in 15 weeks "After I had my son I gained thirty pounds. I didn't fit in my clothes and I was starting to feel like I would never lose the weight. A friend of mine gave me TRIMSPA X32 and told me to try it. I started taking two in the morning, one before lunch, and one at dinner. I was working out and as a diet I would try to stay away from sweets and eat a lot of salads, vegetables, and chicken. In about 15 weeks I had lost the 30 pounds and was back to my original weight. I still take TRIMSPA X32 to maintain my weight and I love it!"
Lyndsay Hollis - 28 lbs. in 7 months "Seven months ago I started taking TRIMSPA X32. After trying many other weight loss products, I finally started seeing dramatic results with TRIMSPA X32. I have lost 28 pounds and I am now down to my optimal weight. I look great, but I feel even better thanks to TRIMSPA X32."
TrimSpa X32 is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.