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Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps , (Zoller Laboratories)
Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps , (Zoller Laboratories)
Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps , (Zoller Laboratories)
Product Code:

Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps, (Zoller Laboratories)

Delivering more than five times the weight loss of America’s #1 selling ephedra-based diet pill (“America’s best seller), the active compound in Zantrex-3 is not only the new weight loss winner, the ultimate appetite suppressant, but with the addition of its incredible, high energy, proprietary xanthine-based stimulant. 
Zantrex-3 gives you all the energy you want, whenever you want without ephedra, ma huang or any ephedrine derivative (a plus if health concerns or drug testing are an issue). 
To be honest, “America’s best seller and all of its ephedrine-based cousins, were on the cutting edge for years. But time moves on. Technology advances. And, inevitably, the old is always replaced by something new something better, something more effective. So, after taking Europe by storm, the active compound in Zantrex-3 is making tired, ephedrine-based diet pills obsolete, a thing of the past. 
Along with its new technology, Zantrex-3 brings a new ethic to the weight loss arena. You won’t see outrageous before and after photos no one really believes, paid celebrity endorsements, or the ever-present testimonial from someone named Nancy. Zantrex-3’s superior power is validated by a direct comparison of published medical studies scientific fact irrefutable clinical data. 
So if you’re tired, overweight and out of shape? If ordinary dieting just doesn’t get you there fast enough? If you’ve tried “America’s best seller (or any of its ephedrine-based cousins) and blamed yourself for their failure to perform? You need Zantrex-3. The most advanced, most powerful weight control compound available period. You will not fail this time. You can not fail this time. Guaranteed. 
This new diet pill isn't for everyone - individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, and are sensitive to stimulants should not take Zantrex 3. Zantrex contains high amounts of caffeine, so while using this fat burner, you can expect to experience some (or a lot of) jitters. 
Aside from the caffeine and the jitters, several ingredients are aphrodisiacs and help sexual performance. So along with a little weight loss, you might find yourself a little more in the 'mood' than usual.  
Below are some common side effects of Zantrex 3
  • Jitters, anxiety, increased sweating
  • Increase in heart rate, increase in blood pressure
  • Nausea, stomachache, diarrhea
  • Loss or suppressed appetite (not necessarily bad in this case)
  • Cold sweats, restlessness, shaking, irritability
  • Increase in urination (as caffeine is a mild diuretic)
  • Caffeine can be addictive
  • You may "crash" when going off of Zantrex 3
NOTE: the Zantrex-3 sold in mass market stores (like Wallmart) is a smaller cap count than the full size bottle we sell. Please check the nutrition label to verify serving size and strength.

Published Clinical Studies Don’t Lie 
A detailed review of published clinical data for the active compounds in both “America’s best seller" and Zantrex-3 clearly shows how a new approach to bariatric (obesity) science has helped create a superior weight loss formula. And while it’s difficult to compare scientific studies because of inherent design variance, it’s easy to understand the overwhelming factual record. 
Clinical Data for “America’s Best Seller" 
According to a published study conducted using “America’s best seller", subjects were told to follow a 22-calorie-per-kilogram National Cholesterol Education Program Step One Diet (NCEPSOD) and perform a cross-training exercise program 3 times a week with an exercise physiologist (neither the diet plan nor the personal trainer is included with your purchase of “America’s best seller". That’s right. Every subject was placed on a calorie-restricted diet, and was provided the services of a personal trainer to maintain a mandatory exercise regimen. 
Yet, even with the calorie-restricted diet and the mandatory exercise program, the study showed that subjects who used “America’s best seller" for 8 weeks experienced an average weight loss of just under 4.8 ounces per week more than the placebo group (a group of subjects who followed the same diet and exercise program, but took an ineffective sugar pill instead of “America’s best seller" Yes, you heard right. four point eight ounces. That’s less than one-third of a pound per week better than placebo, for eight weeks, a grand total of less than 2 and 1/2 pounds of additional weight loss after 56 days and nights of diet and exercise when compared to a sugar pill. 
Clinical Data for Zantrex-3 
Unlike the 8-week study conducted with “America’s best seller" which mandated a calorie-restricted diet plan and supervised exercise program subjects in the 45-day study of the active compound in Zantrex-3 were not required to change their diet, and were not required to seek the assistance of an “exercise physiologist". In fact, subjects were asked to take great care not to change their normal food habits or record their dietary intake. The only thing subjects in the Zantrex-3 study were asked to do was take the active compound in Zantrex-3 with a full glass of water 15 minutes before major meals, and live their life. In other words, the Zantrex-3 study was specifically designed to test the absolute weight loss power of the proven active compound in Zantrex-3 ?without the influence of diet and exercise. 
So what happened? 
Subjects using the active formula in Zantrex-3, for just over 6 weeks, experienced an average weight loss of a whopping 11.2 pounds 1,696% more weight loss than the placebo group, and 546% more weight loss per week (over and above placebo of course) than the entire group of people who used “America’s best seller" and that’s without having to follow any prescribed diet plan or supervised exercise program! That’s the power of Zantrex-3.

As a dietary supplement, take 2 - 3 capsules per day. For maximum weight loss, take two capsules with a full glass of water, 15-30 minutes before main meals.  
Remember, the calorie-reducing properties of Zantrex-3 are activated by food - make sure to eat when you take Zantrex 3.  
For a significant energy boost, take 2 capsules anytime as needed. Do not exceed 6 capsules per day.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $65.55
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Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps, (Zoller Laboratories)

Yerba Mate (bark), Caffeine, Guarana (seed), Damiana (leaf, stem), 
Schizopeta (spice), Green Tea (leaf), Piper Nigum (fruit), Tibetan Ginseng, Panax Ginseng (root), Maca Root, Cola Nut, Thea Sinensis Complex. 
Ingredient details: 
Zantrek-3 Blend: yerba mate, caffeine, guarana seed, damiana, schizonepeta, green tea, piper nigum, tibetan ginseng, panax ginseng, maca root, cocoa nut, kola nut, thea sinensis complex. 
The key active ingredient in Zantrex 3 is caffeine, and lots of it. If you look at the ingredient details above, you'll see caffeine in a few places - yerba mate, caffeine, guarana seed. That's right! That's a whole lotta caffeine - just in different forms. See below: 
Yerba Mate is a herb that contain a gentle form of caffeine, it also supplies vitamins, minerals, and 15 amino acids. Research suggests that yerba mate may aid with sleep irregularities and joint pains. Many people drink yerba mate to boost energy without the side effects of coffee. 
Guarana is a unique plant from Brazil, and it happens to be a very popular beverage there. Guarana has been shown to stimulate fat stores (burning fat). Its less acidic than coffee so causes less irritation in the stomach. 
Caffeine is well known for its fat burning effects. It increases mental alertness, boosts energy, increase adrenaline levels, and its also a mild diuretic  
Is that a lot of caffeine or what! A dose of this diet pill probably contains as much caffeine as 3 to 4 cups of coffee. You can expect some (or alot) of jitters as a result of taking zantrex 3. Also, if you're a heavy coffee drinker, you might consider cutting back a little while taking Zantrex. 
A word of caution: caffeine is addictive, if you feel you can't function without it, then you're probably addicted to it. 
Green tea extract: what can you say about green tea? Pretty much everything good, and nothing bad. Take a look:
  • Green tea is a powerful antioxidant. (Antioxidants control all the free radicals in your body, which can be harmful.)
  • It helps block the cancer-promoting actions of carcinogens, ultraviolet light from the skin, stomach, small intestine, liver or lung.
  • The polyphenols in green tea extract shows promising results supporting weight loss through increasing energy expenditure.
Damiana - is a small, aromatic shrub grown in South America. It acts as a stimulant for the nervous system, and its also known as Turnera diffusa. Some uses include:
  • treating depression, headaches, and physcial weakness
  • used as an aphrodisiac for both sexes and helps with impotence and sterility associated with anxiety
Damiana is not recommended for individuals who are diabetic, or have conditions such as schizophrenia, alzheimer's, or parkinson's disease. 
Schizonepeta - is a herb grown mainly in China. Its collected and dried in autumn and early winder. It promotes sweating, and is used to treat cold, influenza, fevers, sore throats, headaches, and reduces inflammation. 
Tibetan and Panax Ginseng - Ginseng is widely used all over the world, especially in Chinese culture, the ginseng has been used for thousands of years for its adatogen properties - meaning it helps to normalize the body's functions. Ginseng helps increase energy levels, and reduces stress. 
Ginseng helps to maintain sound physical as well as mental health. It's shown to reduce cortisol secretion helping to relieve stress and preserving muscle mass (cortisol is a catabolic hormone that can eat away muscles). It stimulates immune function, and can also help treat male impotence. 
Maca Root - also known as Peruvian ginseng is used since 15th century, and maca root was a staple in the daily diet in that region (peru). It looks like and is a relative of the radish. Peru is studying the Maca root extensively and have found it to significantly increase sexual endurance, physical stamina, and the ability to deal with stress. 
Kola nut - Kola has similar properties as caffeine. (I suppose I should've included this with the other caffeine components in part 1.) Kola nuts are stimulants like caffeine. Kola nut is used extensively by natives of western and central Africa, and also in Brazil.
Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps, (Zoller Laboratories)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 67% 33%


Erin  "New fourd Energy"
I haven't used any other diet pills. Thus said, with all the reviews I've read on all of them, yes, diet pills have side effects and problems. But if you are desperate enough to use a PILL to help lose weight, I liked this one. I am losing weight slowly, but because I did have side effects and I only take one or two a day. That is enough for me; I am much less hungry and I can keep up with my three kids. I can't take any after 2pm, or I can't sleep very well. If you buy this, just pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Anonymous  "Very good!"
Second best diet pill I have tried. If you take it exactly how you're supposed to with exercise, it will work.

Anonymous  "Ehh,"
I can't say for certain if Zantrex works or not. THe capsules are somewhat large so it's difficult for me to swallow them. This is my personal opinion only. Zantrex did give me energy, though
Zantrex 3 - America’s Hottest New Super Pill, 112 caps, (Zoller Laboratories)

How It Works
You’re not obese… you just need to lose a quick 10 or 15 pounds… and you want energy… plenty of energy. Well, forget about America’s #1 selling ephedra-based diet pill or any of its ephedrine-based cousins. Now there’s something new… something far beyond ephedrine… a new kind of high-energy diet pill so powerful you won’t find it in any Wal-Mart next to some "Flintrock" vitamin for kiddies.  
It’s called Zantrex-3… and if you’re finally ready for a Super-Energy Power Pill with a kick… if you’re ready to handle all life has to offer and more… Zantrex-3 is as close to a sure thing as you’ll ever find. 
Now let’s talk about weight loss… in a direct comparison of two completely independent published clinical trials1, 2, the active weight loss compound contained in the complex Zantrex-3 formula was shown to produce 546% more weight loss (over and above placebo, of course) than America’s so-called #1 selling ephedra- based diet pill… Don’t believe it? It is true, proven by subject independent RESEARCH! 
No diet or energy pill anywhere gives you the super xanthine-based, Zantrex-3 formula. No diet or energy pill anywhere gives you continuous, sustained energy to jumpstart your day or take you all through the night… we’re talking about enough energy to tackle anything life throws at you. 
So if you’re serious about how you look, how you feel, and how well you perform at any level… Zantrex-3 is the one formula you’ve got to have and best of all- it WORKS and it's GUARANTEED!
Zantrex 3 is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.