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Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs , (Schiff)
Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs , (Schiff)
Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs , (Schiff)
Melatonin 3mg -
Product Code:SB0651
类别: Sleep Problem

Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs, (Schiff)

Melatonin is a metabolic hormone made in the pineal gland, retina, and intestines. Melatonin is released into the blood stream by the pineal gland (which resides in the brain) to set your bodies biological clock and initiate sleep. Darkness stimulates the pineal gland and causes it to produce more melatonin. Day light stops your body's production of melatonin.  
Melatonin helps to promote healthy sleep patterns. Melatonin also protects cells from free radical damage, and directs the release of growth and sex hormones. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in brain chemistry and nervous system function.
As a dietary supplement, take one tablet at bedtime or as recommended by a health care practitioner. 
Primary Use: Sleep aid.  
Secondary Uses: Jet lag. Antioxidant.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $9.22
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Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs, (Schiff)

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride), Calcium (as calcium carbonate), Melatonin 3 mg. 
Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, cellulose, coating (titanium dioxide, dextrose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, mineral oil, sodium citrate, polysorbate 80 and dextrin), croscarmellose sodium, and magnesium stearate.
Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs, (Schiff)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%

In 1921, at the age of 19, Eugene Schiff immigrated to the United States from Hungary and entered the College of Pharmacy (now Wayne University) in Detroit, Mich., where he majored in pharmaceutics. Upon becoming a pharmacist, Schiff opened a drug store in Detroit, but soon realized his real interest was in foods with special health features. 
In the late 1930s, Schiff pioneered the use of whey for human consumption and formed Schiff Bio-Foods, a whey packaging company. He began selling packaged whey at his own drug store and to a few other local drug stores. A year later, he gave up his store and decided to focus on the manufacturing and packaging of health foods. 
Realizing that health food stores were selling synthetic vitamins rather than supplements made from natural products, Schiff began to study and experiment with whole foods such as brown rice, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ and liver. He found that these foods were naturally rich in vitamins and minerals. Schiff began to develop vitamins and minerals that best utilized and enhanced their natural properties.  
One of Schiff’s major breakthroughs was finding that rose hips provided a more concentrated source of vitamin C than orange juice. Schiff was the first to introduce this vitamin C source to America. Schiff also was the leader in producing the first natural source multi-vitamin, Schiff’s V-Complette. 
In 1949 Schiff moved his business to Jersey City, N.J. By 1954 business was booming and Schiff built a manufacturing plant and laboratory in South Hackensack, N.J. This building was a model for quality control and further helped to establish the Schiff brand as a trustworthy source of natural ingredients. In 1962 Schiff built a new 30,000-square-foot plant in Moonachie, N.J. By 1969, the Moonachie plant had doubled in size. In 1989 Schiff was acquired by Weider Nutrition International and relocated to Salt Lake City in 1991.


Anonymous  "Slept wonderfully"
I have problems falling asleep. I didn't want to take presciption drugs because I don't trust them so much. I took this and I fall asleep better and I stay asleep. I feel ready to start the morning when I wake up for college. Thanks so much!

Anonymous  "Great for other uses, too"
Melatonin also plays a part in vet medicine. Dogs that are hypothyroidic often seasonally lose all the hair on their rear flanks, also known as bilateral alopecia. Melatonin can help correct this problem by "tricking" their pineal into thinking it's summer, keeping them from losing their hair, as well as stimulating it to grow back. See your vet for further details. I use it for my Boxer, and it has brought her hair back in only about a month.

Anonymous  "Subperb!! "
Not only was I thrilled with this product, my doctor was very happy with this particular brand. Melatonin is a natural substance that, taken properly, can only help us as we grow older. Our bodies produce less of this hormone with age, and one little tablet brings back the good night sleep we used to have. One thing for sure, the price cannot be beat...and to have the backing of my physician, just puts it all together for me. You need a good night's sleep? Try this, you will be happy you did.

Anonymous  "I like the sublingual pills and the peppermint flavor is just right. "
I like the sublingual pills because I don't have to take them 1 hour before I go to bed. I can just go to bed and if I find I am having a difficult time sleeping I put one pill underneath my tongue and I am usually to sleep within 30 mins. The peppermint flavor is not over bearing but mild enough to taste.
Melatonin 3mg - 60 tabs, (Schiff)


What are dietary supplements?  
Dietary supplements are their own product category separate from foods and drugs. Dietary supplements is the correct term, although nutritional supplements, supplements, vitamins and nutraceuticals are words that have been used to describe dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are products containing nutrients that are able to affect the structure or function of the body. Traditionally, dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs and other dietary substances. 
What are vitamins?  
Vitamins are organic substances naturally found in foods. Body processes such as growth, maintenance and tissue repair require 13 essential vitamins. If a certain vitamin is deficient in the diet, a deficiency disease may occur. 
Why should I take vitamins or dietary supplements?  
You should take vitamins or dietary supplements for better health. There are millions of scientific articles, books and other publications about the health-promoting effects of nutrients that are present in dietary supplements. Many nutrients are essential, or indispensable, meaning we cannot live without ingesting them. Other nutrients, such as antioxidants, are not essential for life, but do have health-promoting properties. Dietary supplements simply keep people healthier and happier. 
What supplements should I take?  
There is no standard answer for what supplements a person should take. Each person must make choices about their health priorities. Since multiple vitamin/mineral products are consumed by almost all supplement users, it is obvious that a product containing essential vitamins and minerals is a good start. Seeking advice from physicians, nutritionists, dietitians and other health care providers is another way to determine if dietary supplements are needed. There are a multitude of books written for the public that explain the benefits of dietary supplements and what supplements are used for specific health concerns.  
What are some of the more popular or important dietary supplements?  
Multiple vitamin/mineral supplements are the most popular dietary supplement, and provide broad-based nutritional support with a large number of nutrients. Antioxidants are also popular and important for long-term health. These would include vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium and a host of other nutrients. Calcium and other minerals are important for bone health. Joint products containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates have become extremely popular as they have been shown to support healthy joints if used consistently over time. 
What is the difference between fat-soluble and water soluble vitamins?  
Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are found in the oily parts of food and are stored in the body. The water-soluble vitamins, which are present in the watery parts of food, include vitamin C and the B vitamins (B1, B2, niacin, B6, folic acid, B12, pantothenic acid and biotin). Excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins are eliminated in the body's urine. 
What are minerals?  
Minerals are inorganic elements that are essential to the nutrition of all humans. Minerals are needed for a variety of purposes ranging from bone and blood formation to energy production. The 20 essential minerals are either major minerals (calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur) or trace minerals (boron, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, silicon, vanadium and zinc) depending on the amount that is present in the body. If a diet is lacking adequate amounts of one or more mineral, deficiencies may develop. For example, deficiencies of calcium are linked to bone loss, and deficiencies of iron are linked to some anemias. 
What is the difference between vitamins in pill form and those found in food? Does the body absorb both equally well?  
Pharmaceutical manufacturers have singled out the most useful and most stable forms of each vitamin over the last 100 years. Sometimes these forms are nature-identical, and sometimes not. Usually, with only a few exceptions, the vitamins in pills are utilized and handled by the body just as efficiently, or more so, than the vitamin forms found in foods. One exception is vitamin E. The natural forms, called d-alpha-tocopherols, are absorbed and utilized twice as well as the synthetic forms, denoted by dl-alpha tocopherol. There might also be some differences in utilization between synthetic and natural beta carotene (vitamin A precursor), vitamin Ds and vitamin Ks. It makes no differences to our cells if the vitamin forms (called vitamers) were synthesized or came from a pill or an apple, as long as the vitamer is nature-identical. Vitamin E is the only vitamin where the natural vs. synthetic source makes a difference, and our bodies favor the natural form. 
What are RDAs?  
The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are a set of nutrient and energy standards developed by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Periodically, a group of nutritional experts meet to review the latest science to help develop nutritional allowances for maintenance of good health. RDAs are defined as the levels of intake of essential nutrients judged to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of healthy persons. However, RDAs are not designed to determine optimal intake, and they do not consider the health benefits of non-essential nutrients. 
I have heard that the dietary supplement industry is unregulated. Why are there not some controls and assurances of public safety?  
Dietary supplements are most definitely regulated, and any reports that the industry is unregulated are untrue. The Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act prohibits misbranding and adulterations of food, drugs, and dietary supplements. DSHEA provides procedures for making claims about dietary supplements and how they affect the structure and function of the body. Further, the FDA reviews all statements made in labeling. Dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any product, Schiff recommends that users read and follow all directions. 
What is the DSHEA?  
DSHEA is the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act, passed into law in 1994. The DSHEA amended (changed) the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to define and regulate dietary supplements as their own category of foods. DSHEA was passed by Congress because of overwhelming grass roots support from citizens who wanted to benefit from the healthy aspects of "vitamin pills." DSHEA defines dietary supplements as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, extracts, concentrates, metabolites, or a combination thereof. DSHEA defines the legal groundwork that governs the identity, benefits, manufacturing practices, and safety of dietary supplements. 
I hear some health care professionals say that dietary supplements are dangerous and are not needed if I eat a good diet. Is this true?  
No to both questions. The FDA has removed or prevented the introduction of dietary supplements that were shown to pose hazards for the public. Dietary supplements have shown a tremendous safety record, as would be expected for health-promoting products. In fact, food is more of a hazard than dietary supplements could ever be. Also, established and reputable dietary brands, such as Schiff, have internal guidelines that prevent questionable or unsafe products from being considered. Warning and Caution statements appear on dietary supplement product labels if there are any contraindications known. Few, if any, Americans routinely eat a “good” diet, as shown repeatedly by U.S. Government surveys. Variable intake of essential nutrients may be good enough to prevent classical nutrient deficiency diseases, but practically every health condition has been linked to inadequate dietary intake of healthy foods. Dietary supplements contain healthy substances derived from foods, and should be thought of as part of a healthy diet. Furthermore, there is now considerable scientific evidence that optimal intake of some nutrients, like vitamin E, is impossible even from a healthy diet. In other words, more is better for some nutrients. Since over half of all Americans take some type of dietary supplements, it is obvious that most Americans believe they need to improve their diets, and dietary supplements are a good way.
Melatonin 1mg is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.