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Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Product Code:n/a

Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

The American Botanical Council reports that rose petals have sedative, antiseptic, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, cholesterol-lowering, and heart-supportive properties. An ointment called "Rosalin" was tested against several microorganisms with positive results, particularly the treatment of acute radiodermatitis and radionecrosis. It also showed benefits for abnormal cell growth patients receiving radiation therapy. Psychological studies indicate that rose oil can induce "sweeter dreams" and increase concentration and rate of work capacity. 
The rose has been valued for its beauty and its perfume for thousands of years. Because rose oil deteriorates rapidly with exposure to sun and wind, the content is highest on the first morning when the flower opens. Rose petals picked for distillation are picked manually, day by day, at or just before sunrise. 
Also known as Rosa spp (centifolia, gallica, and damascena are the most common varieties), Provence Rose, French Rose, Cabbage Rose, Red Rose, and Pink Rose.
Rose oil, rose water, ointments, and potpourri. Uses are very numerous and can be administered as a tea, poultice, bath herb, pillow mix, body spray, etc. 
Precautions: Avoid taking rose oil internally if you have gallstones. Potpourri and perfume do not present a problem.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $16.00
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Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

The distinctive scent of the rose derived from acyclic monoterpene alcohols, geraniol (up to 75%), citronellol (20%) and nerol (20%), and long-chain hydrocarbons like nonadecane or heneicosane (up to 10%). An important trace component of rose oil is beta-damascenone. Even though this chemical makes up only 0.01% of the weight of the rose, its presence or absence determines the appeal of the rose.
Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

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Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

Organic Roses, Red - Rosa centifolia, 1 lb is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.