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HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz , (Quantum)
HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz , (Quantum)
HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz , (Quantum)
Product Code:QU0090
类别: Head Lice

HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz, (Quantum)

HairClean 1-2-3 Head Lice Treatment Kit - 1 oz. is an all natural head lice treatment made from essential oils. Unlike traditional head lice treatments, lice have no resistance or immunity to HairClean. Each package contains the HairClean spray and a high quality long toothed lice comb. As reported in 'Current Problems in Dermatology', HairClean head lice treatment is 98% effective in removing lice and nits. It is safe, works in just 15 minutes, smells good and leaves the hair soft and manageable, which makes combing out the nits easier for the parent, and more comfortable for the child. HairClean has more University studies than any other natural head lice treatment. 
Head lice are bloodsucking, wingless insects. Pediculosis, the infestation of man by lice, has been documented for thousands of years. Lice are very host specific; human lice cannot be transmitted to or from pets or other animals. Like all insects, head lice have six legs. Lice cannot fly or jump; they move only by crawling. Head lice lay their eggs on hair shafts, usually within a quarter-inch of the scalp. These tiny white eggs, known as nits, hatch before the hair grows more than half an inch. Any nits farther than half an inch from the scalp are in all likelihood shells of eggs that have already hatched. They generally hatch within a week of being laid, but it may take up to a month after contact before any symptoms of itching begin.  
Lice tend to adapt their color to their surroundings; lice found on dark-haired, dark-skinned individuals are darker than those found on people with lighter skin or blond hair. 
How do you get head lice? Direct head-to-head touching spreads lice. They do not fly or jump, they crawl. Children at play have closer contact than adults, so they're more likely to get lice, though this does not exempt adults from infestation. Head lice can be spread by sharing the following items:
  • Personal items (clothing, combs, headbands, hats, scrunchies and or scarves).
  • Towels, linens, pillows, carpeting, and naptime blankets.
  • Stuffed animals, dolls and cloth toys.
  • Earphones used for personal radios.
  • Lockers or hanging clothes together on coat hooks.
  • School uniforms, costumes, or gym clothing.
Head lice prefer clean, healthy heads and will actually leave the head of malnourished individuals in search of a more nutritious host. Children aged 3 to 11 are the head louse's primary victims. This is probably the result of head-to-head and body contact while playing, as well as sharing of combs, brushes, hats, helmets, and other head gear. Infestation occurs most commonly through direct contact with an infested person. 
What are the symptoms of head lice? Persistent itching or scratching at the back of the head or around the ears, along with scratch marks that may look like a rash are one of the first signs of head lice. A tickling feeling of something moving in the hair and sores on the scalp, usually caused by scratching. Check the hair shafts for head lice or their nits (eggs). Lice are hard to see. With good light or a magnifying glass you can see them. They hold on to hair with hook-like claws found at the end of each of their six legs. To the eye, the nits look like dandruff, and can't be removed easily. Nits are cemented to the hair shafts, and can be moved up and down along the hair but usually need to be removed with special combs.  
How long is a person considered "contagious" with head lice? As long as lice or nits are present on person or their clothing, they can spread it to others. Until live lice and viable nits (eggs) are properly removed, infested persons should not return to school or work. You can acquire head lice repeatedly if the process is not followed. 
How do I treat head lice and keep our family free of them at home? Treat with HairClean 1-2-3 and follow the instructions in the box. Be sure to follow up with a meticulous combing through the hair. Everyone in the household needs to be checked for lice and nits, with a careful combing. Of course, combing out may take time-especially with long hair-but it's very important! Better to do it now than risk re-infestation later. If you find lice or nits on any member of the family, treat each person with HairClean 1 2 3. Retreat those infested again in 7 days, to be certain all nits and lice have been completely removed. Don't worry, your pets cannot get head lice!  
Machine-wash all bedding, clothing, (including the clothing they are wearing), and towels. Then dry in hot dryer for at least 20 minutes. 
Put all stuffed animals, pillows, dolls, hats, comforters and any other non-washable personal items in a plastic garbage bag and seal for 14 days. After 14 days, open the bag outdoors and shake items vigorously.  
Soak all brushes, combs and hair accessories in rubbing alcohol or scrub in hot soapy water. 
Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum! Be sure to thoroughly vacuum all carpets and furniture, then carefully remove the vacuum cleaner bag and throw it out immediately.
1. Spray the HairClean head lice treatment approximately 6 inches from the head, toward the scalp.  
2. Work HairClean through the hair with your hands. Entire head of hair should be moistened enough to glisten and feel slick.  
3. Wait 15 minutes.  
4. Wash it out with any shampoo.  
5. De-tangle the hair as usual with a regular brush.  
6. Comb through and remove dead lice and nits with the head lice treatment comb provided in the package. 
Important: This head lice treatment must be repeated seven days after initial treatment. The essential oils in HairClean help to loosen the nits, allowing them to be more easily removed with the HairClean comb.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $16.99
Other Spec:
HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz, (Quantum)

Coconut Oil, Anise Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil, Isopropyl Alcohol.
HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz, (Quantum)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Kenneth Hawkins, NY Attendance Teachers Ass  
We use a natural treatment called HairClean 1-2-3 Lice Remover. The science behind it is excellent and it works better than anything else out there. I've made several home visits this school year, including one to a single mom with four young children, each of whom missed 40 days of school last year with lice. This year, HairClean got them back to school the very next day. The product simply does a better job than any other head lice treatment I've tried and I especially like that it is made from natural ingredients.

Donald Palmer, M.D  
HairClean 1-2-3 has worked wonderfully for our pediatric patients who have head lice. Thank you for having a product available that seems to be safe and very effective.

Regina Washabaugh, RN. School Health Coordinator  
Gulf County's public schools have had great success with Hair Clean 1-2-3 Lice Remover. We have reduced our head lice rate from 5.5% to less than 2% in a very short amount of time.

Bonnie Green, RN, Healthy Start Coordinator  
A parent recently shared with me the story of how they battled head lice with their daughter, for over a year at great cost both financially and in lost school days. They continually treated her with Rid, Nix and even Lindane, that was provided by the health department. Finally, they took their daughter to a doctor in Mexico who claimed he could cure her. God knows what chemicals she was subjected to, only to find re-infestation a couple of weeks later. Then we gave her family a sample of a HairClean 1-2-3 Lice Remover. For the first time in over a year, the family says their daughter has remained lice free.
HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit - 1 oz, (Quantum)


I’ve tried drug store brands and they didn’t work. Why?  
Studies from Harvard and other Universities show lice have become resistant to those brands.  
How many treatments come in each bottle?  
HairClean 1-2-3 comes in a 1oz and a 2oz size. A full treatment comprises two applications, one week apart. For boys or girls with short hair, the 1oz will provide 2 full treatments (4 applications), the 2oz four full treatments. Children with long and thick hair may get fewer treatments per bottle.  
Is it safe?  
Yes. HairClean 1-2-3 is made from essential oils.  
What makes HairClean better than the other natural remedies?  
There are 10 University studies that prove HairClean 1-2-3 works. No other natural product can make that claim.  
How do I use HairClean 1-2-3?  
HairClean 1-2-3 Lice Remover is easy to use. Just apply it, leave it on for 15 minutes, and wash out with shampoo. Then use the included comb to remove the dead lice and nits (eggs). Repeat the treatment 7 to 9 days later. The directions are in both English and Spanish. Yes. HairClean 1-2-3 is made from essential oils.  
Can I use HairClean 1-2-3 if I just used Nix a day or two ago?  
If a pyrethroid product didn’t work, the lice may be resistant. HairClean works on a completely different principle, and it is safe3 and natural. So you can use it with confidence.  
If I’ve used HairClean 1-2-3 as directed, how can I tell if it worked? I still see nits (lice eggs) in the hair.  
You should try to comb the nits out of the hair. HairClean1-2-3 kills the live lice, but it does not kill 100% of the nits. That’s why you must treat again, one week after the first treatment. The second treatment should eliminate any lice that hatch after the first treatment
Case Studies
The Effectiveness of HairClean Compared to OTC/prescription chemicals with 129 Children 
HairClean 1-2-3, a non-pesticide spray based on natural active ingredients, was applied to the hair of infested children three times at intervals of 5 days. During each treatment spray was left on the hair for 15 min. The efficacy of HairClean was compared to an anti-louse spray sold in Israel and containing the most powerful over-the-counter and prescription chemicals currently available; 0.5% permethrin, 0.25% malathion, 2% piperonyl butoxide and 47.25% isododecane. A total of 940 children, 6-14 years old, from 6 schools in were examined for head louse infestation. 199 (21.2%) of the children were infested with lice and eggs, while 164 (17.4%) were infested only with nits (dead louse eggs or empty egg shells). 143 children were included in the study out of which 129 complied with the instructions for use. Children were randomly treated either with HairClean or the control pediculicide. Sixty children (92.3%) were successfully treated with HairClean and 59 children (92.2%) with the control pediculicide. No clinically detectable side-effects were seen in any of the children. In conclusion HairClean is a very effective pediculicides with no serious side-effects.  
Researchers agree that lice have become resistant to many pediculicdes, particularly permethrin and pyrethrins. However, in the group using the study's control pediculicide, 59 out of 64 children (92.2 percent) were successfully treated. This raises the question -- if lice are resistant to these substances, why did the control product perform as well as it did? Both Mumcuoglu and Meinking believe that its effectiveness may be due to the ingredient malathion, which has only recently been reintroduced against lice in the United States and Israel. Malathion is a prescription-only product in the U.S. because of its potential toxicity. 
Overall Results: More effective than most popular OTC and prescription chemicals  
Treatment Program With School Children Using HairClean 1-2-3 
Research Assistant Professor Terri Meinking of the Field Epidemiology Survey Team of the University of Miami School of Medicine was called in by the Monroe County Public Health Department (Key West) to develop a strategy to address a two year excessive head lice problem. The health department had been recommending treatment with margarine as a last resort method. Meinking, who is considered one of the worldís leading experts had been experimenting with HairClean 1-2-3 and suggested a field study using the product. Treatment was performed in the school to keep children from missing class. The schoolís 520 students were screened by professionals (Lice Source Services-Boca Raton, FL) and nursing students from the local Florida Keys Community College Nursing Program. Only those students identified with live lice or viable nits (lice eggs) were eligible to be included in the program. Thirty-seven students were eligible for the program. Participants were treated with HairClean 1-2-3 for 15 minutes, rinsed off, and shampooed with a baby shampoo. At the one-week follow-up, 8 had nymphs (baby lice from newly hatched eggs). One week later at the final evaluation, all students who followed the program were 100% lice-free.  
HairClean 1-2-3 applied for 15 minutes to dry hair demonstrated 93.8% pediculicidal activity. At the one week follow up, eight of 32 individuals in the program had nymphs hatched out from eggs that survived treatment. Two individuals with lice at all stages were found to have infested siblings or parents that had not been treated. Infested siblings and/or parents that were not treated were contacted and were either treated or given products to be applied at home. At two weeks 29 of the 30 remaining volunteers, 96.7% were lice free (*one individual was most likely reinfested from other family members or friends).  
Overall Results: 100% Effective  
Comparison of HairClean 1-2-3 VS Nix and Olive Oil and Mayonnaise on School Children 
The purpose of the study was to (a)assess the efficacy of several treatments including home remedies, Nix, and HairClean 1-2-3 in killing head lice, and (b) test the feasibility of a school/community based head lice eradication program. Over 1,000 students and adults in Key Largo and Homestead were screened and 53 were eligible. Each participant was treated with mayonnaise, olive oil, Nix or HairClean and shampooed with a baby shampoo after the indicated time. The children assigned to the mayonnaise and olive oil groups were first treated overnight under a shower cap. They came to school the next day with hair still covered with shower caps. The hair was washed and rinsed and adult lice were found to be still active. These home remedies slow down the lice but require repeated overnight treatments and are difficult to work with. These children were switched to Nix or HairClean after the first overnight treatment.  
HairClean was applied for 15 minutes as per the directions and Nix was applied on damp hair for 15 minutes which is in excess of the directions. This was done because children had shown resistance to the directed treatment. The process was repeated a week later. HairClean was 98% effective, Nix 89%. 
Overall Results: HairClean was significantly more effective than the other treatments.
HairClean 1 2 3 Lice Remover Kit is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.