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Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz , (Naturally Vitamins)
Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz , (Naturally Vitamins)
Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz , (Naturally Vitamins)
Product Code:WZ0075
类别: 益生菌

Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz, (Naturally Vitamins)

A proprietary blend of inulins isolated from Jerusalem artichoke, called inuflora, has been formulated that not only improves digestive health but also restores floral balance in the intestine. Inuline is a soluble fiber that cannot be digested by the human body. It is absorbed intact and travels to the colon as fibrous material, where it serves as a selective food source for beneficial bacteria not harmful bacteria. 
These beneficial bacteria are our first line of immune defense. Beneficial bacteria displace and fight off harmful bacteria and internal fungi that can set the stage for both adult and childhood illness. They also increase the body's level of interferon, a mighty immune-boosting hormone, help assimilate nutrients and produce key vitamins. 
High dosages and long-term use of antibiotics destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria that reside in the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Without the reforestation of beneficial bacteria, the harmful bacteria propagate and become the majority. We will not only be prone to infectious disease but our bodies will produce toxic, carcinogenic substances. 
Most viable cultures of friendly bacteria in probiotic formulas have a difficult time taking hold and flourishing in the GI. Inuflora does a great job of feeding or fertilizing the remaining colonies of native friendly bacteria already residing within the GI. 
Prebiotics - The natural way to promote intestinal health and mineral absorption. 
Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that are the energy source for the beneficial bacteria in the colon. By feeding the beneficial bacteria, we keep our bodies in balance. Inulin from the Jerusalem artichoke plant is the prebiotic used in Inuflora products. Using a unique, organic manufacturing process, Inuflora is derived from the root of the Jerusalem artichoke plant.  
The process creates a beneficial mix of short-chain, medium-chain and long-chain inulin molecules, giving Inuflora a unique health benefit. Inuflora strengthens the immune system by producing essential vitamins as it enhances digestive health. 
Inuflora is:
  • An excellent source of soluble fiber.
  • Helps ease symptoms associated with antibiotic use, such as diarrhea.
  • Does not affect blood sugar levels.
For discomfort associated with antibiotics; promotes growth of good bacteria to enhance intestinal health. When antibiotics attack infections, they also destroy the good bacteria the body needs, resulting in diarrhea, indigestion and fatigue. Inuflora contains prebiotic fiber that feeds and promotes the re-growth of good bacteria in the intestine. Good bacteria enhance intestinal health, force out harmful microbes, support digestion and spur the production of immune cells. 
Another way to help naturally boost the immune system is by supplementation. There are dozens of products on the market claiming they can boost the immune system. Perhaps the best way is by adding a fiber product to your diet that directly feeds the beneficial bacteria in the colon. Such products are called prebiotics.  
Prebiotics travel to the large intestine where they trigger multiplication of beneficial bacteria already resident in the colon. Dietary fiber is the most efficient food and energy source for the friendly bacteria native to the colon; however, not all dietary fibers can do this. Inulin is the most efficient food and energy source for beneficial bacteria in the intestine. 
Inulin is a soluble fiber that cannot be digested by the human body. That means it is absorbed intact and travels to the colon as fibrous material where it serves as the food source for our beneficial bacteria. To begin their growth and multiplication, the beneficial bacteria require short-chain inulin. The beginning of their growth alone, however, is not enough for the body to reap health benefits.  
The friendly bacteria must also produce other beneficial chemicals for absorption. That's why the continuation of bacteria growth also requires medium and long-chain inulins. But, not all inulins are created equal. 
Naturally Vitamins has created a proprietary blend of inulins taken from the root of the Jerusalem artichoke plant. Called Inuflora, it has been formulated not only to improve digestive health but to also restore the floral balance in the intestine. Since stress and sleeplessness are known causes of stomach upset, Inuflora may also offer relief for those woes.  
Thanks to a specialized manufacturing process that allows recovery of short, medium and long-chain inulins that deliver maximum short and long-term benefits. This structural property of the inulins in Inuflora distinguish it from other inulins. 
Inuflora has a sweet taste yet since inulins cannot be digested, there is no affect on the glycemic index. This means that Inuflora does not change the insulin levels in the body. Therefore, it is safe for diabetics. The unique inulins from the Jerusalem artichoke plant are also perfect for children's chewable nutritional supplements because they don't contribute to cavities, yet still provide a superior taste.  
Children can also use this product to offset the effects of antibiotics and even decrease the incidence of adult-type diabetes due to excess sugar. 
Inuflora is not just for children. Adults are just as much in need of a natural alternative to maintain floral ecology. This unique mix of inulins found in Inuflora makes for a natural prebiotic that allows the body to use its own resources to restore floral balance and strengthen the immune system. 
Inuflora comes in tablets, individual packets and fat-free mint-chocolate wafers.
Mixing Influra powder with drinks or cereals is a sweet delicious, low-calorie way to add fiber to the diet. The soluble fiber in inflora offers the same health advantages as other forms of fiber, and also acts as a prebiotic to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $7.99
Other Spec:
Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz, (Naturally Vitamins)

Serving Size: 2 scoops  
Calories 8, Total Carbohydrate 3.6 g, Dietary fiber 3.2 g, Sugar 0.5 g, Protein 0.5 g, Potassium 135 mg, Inulin powder (root) 5 g. 
Inulin: is a soluble, non-digestable dietary fiber. It is derived from the root of the Jerusalem artichoke plant. As a prebiotic, it helps the body's own bacteria, including Bifidus, grow to support healthy fermentation in the colon.
Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz, (Naturally Vitamins)

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Inuflora 1000gm Powder - 32 oz, (Naturally Vitamins)

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