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Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags , (Long Life Teas)
Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags , (Long Life Teas)
Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags , (Long Life Teas)
Organic Peppermint Tea -
Product Code:discontinued

Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags, (Long Life Teas)

Organic Peppermint Tea is a cooling; refreshing tea that soothes and tones the digestive system; strengthens the bowels; helps relieve intestinal cramping and gas; and may be beneficial for indigestion; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); headaches; and for relieving colds and chills in children. 
Organic Peppermint Cool and Refreshing Uplifts The Spirit. Unlike other teas Long Life Herbal Teas are not simply measured and mixed but rather are handcrafted. Handcrafting requires extraordinary care. Each time a new crop is harvested; the entire formula must be adjusted to guarantee its effect; unique taste; consistency and flavor.  
Each crop of herbs vary due to seasonal conditions and length of growing season. Handcrafting ensures a precise blending which promotes health and harmony. Each blend is prepared using the Standard of Old World herbalists; passed down from generation to generation ensuring it's goodness and effectiveness.  
Long Life Herbal Tea was developed over 400 years ago by the Royal Physicians at the request of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The Emperor was very specific - his tea must provide pleasure and health; have an attractive appearance and a pleasant aroma. The Emperor instructed that these four characteristics must be met. Today all Long Life Teas follow these same principles.  
Each Long Life blend follows the philosophy of Chinese Herbal Medicine bringing balance and harmony. We proudly present 400 years of heritage in every cup of Long Life Tea. All Long Life packaging is biodegradable.  
Our Long Life boxes are made of recycled board. Our envelopes and tea tags use non-bleached; dioxin free paper. The strings are 100% unbleached cotton with no aluminum staples.
For Herbal and black teas, bring fresh cold spring water to a rolling boil. For green tea, heat just until steam develops but not to a boil. Pour 1 cup water over each tea bag and allow to steep 3 to 5 minutes. The longer it steeps the better it tastes. Relax, enjoy the developing aroma and color, anticipate the pleasure of a perfect cup of tea. 
Customize your tea - because herbs extract at different rates you can increase sweetness or intensity simply by steeping longer. 
Decaffeinate your green and black tea naturally! Pour hot water over tea and allow to steep for 30 seconds. Discard this water, add more hot water to complete the brewing process - steeping an additional 3 -4 minutes. This will reduce the caffeine by 80%.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $4.19
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Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags, (Long Life Teas)

Organic Peppermint Leaf.
Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags, (Long Life Teas)

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Organic Peppermint Tea - 20 bags, (Long Life Teas)


What is tea?  
All teas, including green, black and oolong, are from one evergreen shrub Camellia sinensis. Herbal teas are in fact not true teas at all, but rather infusions of various herbs. The common usage of the term "tea" for herbals probably arose due to the fact that infusions are also steeped in boiling water.  
When was tea first used as a beverage?  
Nearly 4,000 years ago - a Chinese Emperor 'discovered' this wonderful beverage in the year 2737 BC.  
What's the 'shelf life' for tea?  
While tea doesn't really spoil like fresh vegetables might, it is better when it's fresher. It's best to brew tea within two years. After that, the flavor can fade.  
How are green and black teas different?  
The difference between green, black and oolong teas is in the manufacturing process. Black teas are fermented, oolong teas are semi-fermented and green teas are not fermented at all.  
How much caffeine is in green tea?  
Caffeine content of a cup of tea varies based upon total time steeped, the quality of the tea and even from crop year to crop year. Generally speaking, the following numbers represent averages to demonstrate the relationship between various teas and coffee per 8 oz. serving.  
Black Tea 35-150 mg 
Green Tea 11-31 mg 
Decaffeinated Green Tea 9-15 mg 
Coffee 185 mg+ 
Does decaffeination affect the polyphenols in green tea?  
Long Life uses a natural water process to decaffeinate our tea. Absolutely no chemicals, including CO2, are used on our tea. This protective process is very gentle and does not significantly affect the amount of polyphenols in the tea.  
Is the water I use important when making tea?  
Yes. We suggest filtered or distilled water. If you use tap water, let it run so it's cold, fresh, and aerated. Then, bring the water to a full boil before steeping for 3-5 minutes.  
What are some long-term health benefits in tea?  
Studies show tea can help keep your arteries clear, thanks to antioxidants called catechins. Other studies suggest tea can inhibit cancer growth, due to a compound called TF-2. Still other studies are showing that tea can help prevent cavities, slow cataracts, block the loss of brain cells.  
Are there some short-term health benefits, too?  
Research suggests tea can deactivate some viruses, boost immunity, and neutralize germs.  
What about fitness benefits?  
Besides the fact that tea is low in calories, antioxidants in teas help the body burn calories faster.
Organic Peppermint Tea is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.