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Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs , (Holistic Horizons)
Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs , (Holistic Horizons)
Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs , (Holistic Horizons)
Product Code:HH0002
类别: Colon Cleanse

Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs, (Holistic Horizons)

Intestinal Cleansing Formula is the key cleansing product in our program. It is a tableted formulation of premium quality herbs developed specifically to loosen and soften stagnant mucoid plaque in the intestines. It is taken orally one to four times per day along with one of our Bulking Agent products.
Read instruction leaflet entitled Holistic Horizons presents the Robert Gray Intestinal Cleansing Program before using this product. To ingest, place tablet and some liquid in the mouth, tilt head clear back, be sure tablet rests at the far rear of the mouth, then swallow.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $38.95
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Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs, (Holistic Horizons)

Chickweed, Irish Moss, Cloves Plantain, Rosemary, Bayberry Bark, and Corn Silk Extract.
Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs, (Holistic Horizons)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
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Review By Gray
Robert Gray was a nationally known nutrition counselor, the Director of the Food for Health Institute, and a professional member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants and the American Herb Association. His work has been highlighted by the development of numerous contributions to the fields of nutrition counseling and herbology. The success of these contributions has made him known as a healer who helped many achieve gratifying health improvements through the proper use of food and herbs. 
Robert Gray found that in spite of the benefits traditional intestinal cleansing programs had to offer, they did not address the problem of lactobacteria depletion. Additionally, he found that few people would persist at such programs long enough to completely cleanse their intestinal tract. He further understood that when seeking professional assistance, an individual needs not only a ready source of knowledge, but also streamlined methods for the practical application of that knowledge. To be effective, these methods must take a minimal amount of time and be easy to perform. Accordingly, he set out to develop an intestinal cleansing program which would:
  • Encourage health-enhancing beneficial bacteria to multiply faster than the intestinal cleansing process removes them;
  • Avoid the use of fasting, enemas, or other difficult procedures;
  • Require only a few minutes per day;
  • Be suitable for use under diverse dietary situations;
  • And be easily performed on a day-by-day basis until the colon is completely cleansed.
The result has been the emergence of a program that took nine years to develop. Meeting all of the criteria set forth, the program is a comprehensive, gentle, effective method which can be followed easily with minimal effort. The Robert Gray Intestinal Cleansing Program is a giant step forward in the long history of intestinal cleansing. There are three simple parts to the Robert Gray Intestinal Cleansing Program:  
1. An Intestinal Cleansing Formula in tablet form that softens and loosens the the hardened mucoid plaque lining the intestines.  
2. A Bulking Agent in powder form that absorbs and lubricates the loosened mucoid material and sweeps it from the intestinal tract while promoting growth of implanted lactobacteria.  
3. About four to five minutes of full body skin brushing a day to purge the lymph system.  
A distinct advantage of this program is that everything is taken by mouth, so not only the lower bowel is cleansed, but also the stomach and the entire intestinal tract as well. Now the intestines can be cleansed while promoting a healthy population of beneficial bacteria at the same time. The Holistic Horizons brand Intestinal Cleansing Formula and Bulking Agents are the only products marketed that use the special formulations developed and approved by Robert Gray to achieve this effect.

Intestinal Cleansing Formula - 250 tabs, (Holistic Horizons)


I'm having constipation on this program. Why? What should I do? 
Any vitamins with succinate, fish liver oil, antibiotics, or aloe vera taken internally will all nullify the effects of our products and may result in constipation. You may either stop taking these products and see if your condition improves or wait until you are off of these products before you begin our cleansing program. 
Another possibility is that you are having a cleansing reaction. Constipation is one of the most common symptoms of a cleansing reaction. You should go back to the previous level and stay there twice as many days as you did the first time at that level. If you go back to the previous level a 3rd time, stay on it 3 times as many days as you did the first time at that level. If you are having constipation at the Initial Test, then you need to stop for 3 days, and then start at level A. 
I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Can I use this program?  
Yes. Most people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome can minimize their symptoms while on the cleanse by doing it over the 5 month long period, which is described in our literature. Please note that IBS is sometimes used for Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, which is a different condition. Persons with Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome must not use our product until that condition has been completely cleared up. 
What kind of diet should I eat while on this program?  
What ever feels safe and comfortable for you. Fasting does not help and is not a requirement to do this cleanse. You do not have to give up meat in order to do this program. 
I'm pregnant, can I do this program?  
NO. Please wait till you have given birth AND finished breast feeding. We do not know the effects of the program on the unborn and the unweaned. 
I have been taking your products for a while, and my stomach (abdomen) is swelling up. What's happening?  
Psyllium husk has a tendency to cause this bloating because it helps soften the mucoid matter with water and causes it to swell up. As you complete the program this swelling will go down. If you are having some discomfort or pain with this swelling you will note that this too will pass as you near completing the program. You may wish to proceed with the program a little slower, giving your body time to expand with the swelling. Sometimes going back to a previous level and staying there twice as long before going to the next level is helpful. Of course if you do not feel safe and comfortable, contact your physician and stop the program if desired. 
I'm having a lot of gas. What should I do?  
Annoying burping or flatulence is usually due to a "die-off reaction"caused by toxins breaking down faster than body can eliminate them. You may choose to stay at your current level, or try going back a level and stay there twice as long before going to the next level. Doing this may help decrease the gas problem. If you are experiencing painful burping or flatulence, go back to the previous level and stay there twice as long before proceeding in the program. You could be experiencing a severe die-off reaction. If the problem doesn't get better in 48 hours, you may want to stop the program at this time, for the sake of comfort. 
Painful gas is not a typical cleansing reaction, and you may want to consult your physician to see if you have an allergy. 
What is the difference between IBA-II and SFBA?  
The IBA-II has onion powder and spirulina, which feeds the lactobacteria a little better and lends a slightly more aggressive cleansing effect. If you are not allergic to onions or spirulina and do not have Candida, this is the bulking agent most people use. 
On the table for Recommended Dosage, the Minimum Days for Level I is not stated. How many days am I supposed to stay on Level I?  
We suggest that you stay on Level I for a minimum of 21 days. If at the end of that time you are still passing ropey mucoid strands, you may stay longer at this level provided that the total amount of time on the program does not exceed 5 months or, if you have completed the program within the previous 36 months, then the total amount of time on the program should not exceed 3 months. 
Do I have to use fluid in order to take the bulking agent (or LF)? Can I just sprinkle it on a salad?  
No. Failure to take sufficient liguid with the products may result in intestinal blockage of constipation. Psyllium is a primary component of our products and absorbs a great deal of fluid. If you do not ingest a sufficient amount of fluid, the moisture from your system will be absorbed by the psyllium causing severe problems. This is one of the prime reasons we do not distribute our products in capsule form. 
I don't have time to take the program 4 times a day. Can I take double the dosage twice a day?  
In most cases the answer is no. You may wish to try that approach, but you may wind up with a cleansing reaction, like constipation, which would require you to go back and repeat a level and stay there twice as long. Since the program was designed at that point to be taken 4 times a day, that's what should be done. 
If I have to stop the program, can I restart where I left off?  
If no more than 3 days have passed, then you may restart at the previous level. For example, if you are at G and must stop, then you go back to level F for the minimum number of days. If you are off of the program more than six days, you must to go back and start at the Initial Test Level.
Intestinal Cleansing Formula is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.