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Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz , (Harmonic Innerprizes)
Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz , (Harmonic Innerprizes)
Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz , (Harmonic Innerprizes)
Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations -
Product Code:discontinued

Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

There are many mineral-rich hot springs located around the globe known for their healing properties. For centuries people with knowledge have traveled hundreds of miles to these spas to bathe, often finding relief for many degenerative ailments. Health experts believe that the warm water of these springs opens the pores of the skin to absorb the health giving microorganisms and the organic minerals contained in these waters. 
For over five years, Harmonic Innerprizes has studied the electromagnetic dynamics of rare mineral deposits from around the world. The energy fields that are created by these rare deposits can have a very beneficial effect on the mental and emotional bodies. Transformational Bath Salts were created to provide the health benefits that are derived from nature's most healing spas into your bath. They are formulated to promote mental relaxation and emotional release, while they nourish and nurture the skin and muscles of the body.
  • Opening To Abundance 
    Having all our needs met is a birthright. Relax your mind and body to become aware of your powers of magnetic attraction.
  • Celestial Dreams 
    Lay back, relax and indulge yourself into a luxurious spa experience. Know your dreams as real and later as you sleep, they are nurtured.
  • Heart Resonance 
    Promotes feelings of love and appreciation. Seduce your senses, pamper your body and treat your lover to a night of tranquil bliss.
  • High Vibrations 
    Enjoy the revitalizing sensation of soothing minerals and essential oils that rejuvenate your entire being; mind, body and spirit. Great way to start the day!
  • Goddess Activation 
    Enlivens and awakens feminine energies fostering compassion and kindness. Moistens and soothes senses as well as skin. Not just for ladies. Men... experience the power of feminine energy.
The foundation of our Transformational Baths is the world class, mineral rich, Celtic Sea Salt from Brittany. Common salt lacks the vital trace minerals your body needs for healthy skin and electrolyte balance. Naturally trapped in pristine ponds that form the rocky coastline, sunlight and wind evaporate the ocean water leaving the purest salt possible caked on the rocks. Within hours after drying, it is hand-gathered by experienced craftsmen, whose families have harvested this salt for generations. Their time-tested traditions are rooted in preserving the purity of the salt and optimizing its health giving benefits.  
Harmonic Innerprizes combines this salt with other trace elements, Star Flower Essences, Peruvian Pink Sea Salt, and aromatic Essential Oils, that creates harmony and coherence within the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. The energy fields created throughout and around the body produce a nice uplifting of spirit, leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
Do a Transformational Bath every night, or every other night. Up to 2 tbsp in a warm bath. Enjoy!
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Retail Price: $13.95
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Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

Celtic Sea Salt, Star Flower Essences, Peruvian Pink Sea Salt, aromatic Essential Oil
Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Thank You!
I want to thank you for helping our family. My son Brandon has severe Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Mental Retardation, and Autism. We have used Etherium Gold on him and got some great results, his attention, hyperactivity, and verbalizing is a lot better. My daughter Brittany has Severe Type 1 Diabetes and a learning disability. We are using Ethrium Black with her and have gotten great results as well. Her numbers were as high as 652 and as low as 60. Normal numbers are 80 to 120. Her numbers now are between 90 to 150.I am personally taking Life Source the greens product and have noticed a great difference in my energy, recovery time on my workouts, better focus/ concentration, and higher immune system and lastly my hair, skin, and nails seem healthier. 
I can't thank you enough for bring back my families health. My Education background is Herbology, Naturopathic, Exercise Physiology, and Personal Training with minor studies in Business Administration/ Finance, Marketing, Management, and Computers. 
I owned ten Nutrition stores for over ten years and seen most of the products on the market and have chosen Harmonic Innerprizes products as the products for me and my family and will recommend them to anybody. 
Gift of Humanity  
I have always felt the earth would gift humanity with a substance that would assist us with the process of realization into a new paradigm. Etherium Gold has helped me maintain states of more joy, abundance, and the ability to witness the patterns of energy that I create. I recommend it to any individual who wants to make a shift in their life. 
Best Money Spent 
I have been using your products for about a month. I use the Women's daily, Chamae Rose, Superfood, the Homeopathic sprays, and the Higher Vibration & Abundance bath salts. I was speaking with angelic guidance one day about my lack of energy and general decline in vitality.The angels guided me to take your products (my mother introduced me years ago but I didn't pay much attention).  
Since taking these products I am experiencing a dramatic increase in vitality, creativity, groundedness, and peace. I feel like my body, mind, and spirit are in sync, working harmoniously together. I am enveloped in a constant state of soft, nurturing energy and easily connect with others from a space of love and compassion. I have a vastly increased spiritual awareness while still being well-grounded. My self-confidence and gentleness towards self has also greatly improved. My body feels strong and centered. Before taking these products I would fall into bed completly exhausted and have trouble waking up in the morning even after a full night's sleep. Last night, I had such a surge of creativity I stayed up until 3am redecorating my apartment and woke up 7 hours later revitalized, energetic, and ready for the day. Spiritual principles that I use to understand just at an intellectual level, I am now able to experience first-hand. My sex life has also greatly improved. When I am making love, I am literally experiencing higher states of consiousness and merging with the truth of my being. It stays with me long after.I am also more receptive to connecting on a soul level with my partner and communicating from a compassionate, open-hearted space. 
I also do massage therapy and since taking these products no longer feel drained after my sessions. I also literally see light beings around me. Before I knew they were there but could not see them. Thank you so much for the work you are doing. Buying your products was some of the best money I've ever spent. 
Prodfound Impact 
Etherium Gold and Chamae Rose have had a profound impact on all areas of my life. I feel more mental focus and clarity. I’ve moved more in my inner growth and have had some major emotional clearings of long term deep issues. My intuition is flowing through me and I’m knowing what is going on with people who seek my help almost immediately. 
I'm a first year Chi Kung student, and I've been using your homeopathic sprays for about two weeks now. Tonight I had my first for sure telekinetic experience, and I have to acknowledge your products for bolstering my energy. I have more mental clarity and focus, and I'm also better equipped to process emotions more readily. This stuff couldn't come at a better time, and I'm eager to try some of your other supplements. 
My Surprise 
I discovered how good Aulterra is for damage from high-energy radiation. Two years ago, I had a Barium x-ray study performed on me (which exposes you to the equivalent of several hundred chest x-rays). I had Dr. Orlowski investigate what kind of long-term damage that did to my body, and to my surprise, we found that most of it had already been repaired - by the Aulterra.

Transformational Bath Salts High Vibrations - 10 oz, (Harmonic Innerprizes)


I have used your colloidal products in the past and was wondering if colloidal silver is safe to use during pregnancy. Also, would it be safe to give colloidal silver to a 2 year old?  
Harmonic Innerprizes’s colloidal products are 100% safe during pregnancy and for children of any age. Unlike most colloidal products which contain high levels of silver (100ppm - 500ppm), Harmonic Innerprizes’s Colloidal Silver, Silica & Gold contains the most effective level, only 10ppm (more is not better). The electrostatic mineral particles are positively charged and therefore do not enter into the blood and are not absorbed by the body.  
Unlike other products on the market, Harmonic Innerprizes’s Colloidal Silver, Silica & Gold works through electromagnetic frequencies that encourage the immune system to produce T-cells, the body’s natural line of defense against most microorganisms.  
Colloidal Silver, Silica & Gold is extremely effective as a preventative, requiring only Ä dropper once at bedtime (1/4 teaspoon), or 1 dropper full (1/2 teaspoon) 2 - 3 times daily for acute conditions. It has been used successfully for ear aches, infections, burns, gum disease, sore throats and many other conditions. Also effective against streptococcus bacteria and Candida albicans as observed under dark field microscopy. 
Is Harmonic Innerprizes Gold safe to take during pregnancy and nursing? How about for children? From what age? 
Harmonic Innerprizes Gold is probably safe to take intermittently during pregnancy in small amounts, consuming no more that 1/16 teaspoon, or 1/2 of a 300mg capsule per day. However, during pregnancy, a mother’s energy is naturally focused inward to the developing fetus. We do not recommend taking any substance that diverts energy from this natural process. 
A better consideration would be Aulterra. It is not stimulating and it balances and harmonizes the energy fields of the body. This can be extremely beneficial during pregnancy. Aulterra is also an excellent source of dietary silica which is the most abundant mineral in the tissue of both the fetus and placenta at the time of birth. 
In general, we do not recommend Harmonic Innerprizes Gold or any of the other powders except Aulterra for children under the age of twelve. However, it is interesting to watch certain children whose intuition strongly urges them to occasionally take small amounts of Harmonic Innerprizes Gold, or Chamae Rose Tea. Harmonic Innerprizes Black may also be used on occasion in minuscule amounts to remove toxins from the body. 
Are there any problems with heavy metals in the Harmonic Innerprizes powders?  
We have done extensive testing and research into this question and have found that the consumption of HarmoniInnerprizes powders, even at dosages considerably higher than HarmoniInnerprizes' recommendations, is completely safe from any heavy metal toxicity. 
There are numerous considerations when evaluating a substance for potential heavy metal toxicity. The first is understanding the correct proportions. For example, the heavy metal concentration of the powders varies between 9ppm and 17ppm. In contrast, heavy metal concentration of one serving of vegetables will vary between 1ppm - 3ppm. The recommended daily dosage is 300mg. - 600mg. a day. The daily recommended consumption of vegetables is 5 - 6 servings per day. If you consume 4 ounces of vegetables per serving, and if we take the maximum variables for each substance, you will have consumed approximately 200 times more heavy metals from your daily vegetable intake than from the recommended daily consumption of any HarmoniInnerprizes mineral powder. 
A second consideration is the polarity of the metals involved. Are the metals positively charged or negatively charged? Minerals from organic matter are easily absorbed because they carry a negative charge. Because they are readily absorbed, most dietitians recommend good vegetables for mineral and other phytochemical requirements.  
On the other hand, if minerals are positively charged, they are not easily absorbed into the body. In naturally occurring mineral deposits such as HarmoniInnerprizes’, a the major portion of the minerals are positively charged. This means that they are not readily absorbed by the body. They simply pass through. 
To provide assurance that heavy metals from HarmoniInnerprizes powders are not absorbed into the body, we conducted hair analysis on people who had consumed the Gold every day for over six months. Out of all the people tested, none showed any heavy metal accumulation attributable to their consumption of Harmonic Innerprizes Gold. Curiously, two of the people tested were consuming over 50 times the recommended dosage, not only did they not show any build-up of heavy metals from Harmonic Innerprizes Gold, one of them had the least amount of total heavy metals than any one in the study. 
The beneficial effects of the HarmoniInnerprizes powders are 95% electromagnetic. That is why consumption of so little is required to receive the desired results. The Harmonic Innerprizes powders are not recommended or intended to be used as simple dietary mineral supplements. The little amounts consumed would not amount to any significant biological utilization of the minerals for health maintenance. Since they are predominately positively charged, they are not absorbed by the body anyway. A similar question occasionally arises wondering if Harmonic Innerprizes Gold is radioactive. We conducted gross alpha, beta and gamma scans and the independent laboratory conducting the test(s) concluded that Harmonic Innerprizes Gold had no more radiation than what would be found in normal foodstuff.
Transformational Bath Salts is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.