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Life Source - 180 vegicaps , (Harmonic Innerprizes)
Life Source - 180 vegicaps , (Harmonic Innerprizes)
Life Source - 180 vegicaps , (Harmonic Innerprizes)
Life Source -
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Antioxidant

Life Source - 180 vegicaps, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

LifeSource SuperSprouts is a State-of-the-Art SuperFood dietary supplement. It was created to please the most ardent disciples of SuperFood benefits and the connoisseurs of right livelihood. It provides a blend of Organic Sprouts that include; Amaranth, Spelt, Broccoli, and Millet in a SuperFood base of soft cell Chlorella, Organic Spirulina, Wildcrafted Hydrilla, Organic Barley Juice Concentrate 40:1, Phasophyta green kelp, Rhodophyta Red kelp, Monatomic mineral complex, and Stevia.
SuperFooddescribes a food that is naturally concentrated to provide all the nutritional elements necessary for optimal health.* Many of these foods are found in the first link of the food chain, i.e., the plankton which is made purely from sunlight and water, and grasses which are made from soil and sunlight. Since they are so nutrient dense, very little is required to achieve significant nutritional benefit. LifeSource SuperSprouts is a health and wellness product.*

These SuperFoods also contain phytochemicals that scientists believe protecs the body and promotes cellular wellness. The planktons, SpirulinaandChlorella are rich in pigments that science has identified as having powerful antioxidant properties. These pigments include chlorophyll, beta-carotene, phycocyanin and allophycocyanin. Chlorella has a fascinating ingredient called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) which consists primarily of nucleic acids. These nucleic acids appear to enhance RNA/DNA functions responsible for the production of proteins, enzymes and energy fuels at the cellular level. RNA/DNA production diminishes with age. As a result, many anti-aging researchers recommend a diet rich in nucleic acids.*

The organic sprout complex consists of Amaranth,Spelt,Broccoli, and Millet . Our sprouts are freeze dried so that their temperature sensitive constituents are maintained to the highest possible degree. They also provide easily assimilated organic minerals. Broccoli Sprouts are the richest source of sulphoraphane, a natural chemical researched at John Hopkins University for its ability to promote normal cellular functions. “Three day old broccoli sprouts consistently contain 20 to 50 times the protective compounds as found in mature broccoli, and may offer a simple dietary means of reducing health risks.” Paul Talalay, MD., JJ Abel Distinguished Service Professor, John Hopkins University .

Hydrilla is a fresh water seaweed and is highly concentrated in calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, vitamin C and vitamin E. Like the planktons, Hydrilla has an abundant source of beta-carotene and chlorophyll. Beta-carotene and Chlorophyll both act as potent detoxifiers and antioxidants in the body. Chlorophyll has a molecular structure very similar to the molecular structure of the human red blood cell, and it is known to be an excellent natural blood builder.

Barley Juice Concentrate is of the highest quality. It is an approximate 40:1 concentration and is processed under low heat without any carrier. It has the highest source of chlorophyll of any barley grass we have ever assayed. Barley grass is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Green barley juice contains 11 times the calcium in cows' milk, nearly 5 times the iron in spinach, 7 times the vitamin C in oranges, and 80 mg of vitamin B12 per hundred grams. Barley also contains a -glucan, a fiber reported to help the body maintain healthy cholesterol levels.*
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $34.95
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Life Source - 180 vegicaps, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

Life Source - 180 vegicaps, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Thank You!
I want to thank you for helping our family. My son Brandon has severe Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Mental Retardation, and Autism. We have used Etherium Gold on him and got some great results, his attention, hyperactivity, and verbalizing is a lot better. My daughter Brittany has Severe Type 1 Diabetes and a learning disability. We are using Ethrium Black with her and have gotten great results as well. Her numbers were as high as 652 and as low as 60. Normal numbers are 80 to 120. Her numbers now are between 90 to 150.I am personally taking Life Source the greens product and have noticed a great difference in my energy, recovery time on my workouts, better focus/ concentration, and higher immune system and lastly my hair, skin, and nails seem healthier. 
I can't thank you enough for bring back my families health. My Education background is Herbology, Naturopathic, Exercise Physiology, and Personal Training with minor studies in Business Administration/ Finance, Marketing, Management, and Computers. 
I owned ten Nutrition stores for over ten years and seen most of the products on the market and have chosen Harmonic Innerprizes products as the products for me and my family and will recommend them to anybody. 
Gift of Humanity  
I have always felt the earth would gift humanity with a substance that would assist us with the process of realization into a new paradigm. Etherium Gold has helped me maintain states of more joy, abundance, and the ability to witness the patterns of energy that I create. I recommend it to any individual who wants to make a shift in their life. 
Best Money Spent 
I have been using your products for about a month. I use the Women's daily, Chamae Rose, Superfood, the Homeopathic sprays, and the Higher Vibration & Abundance bath salts. I was speaking with angelic guidance one day about my lack of energy and general decline in vitality.The angels guided me to take your products (my mother introduced me years ago but I didn't pay much attention).  
Since taking these products I am experiencing a dramatic increase in vitality, creativity, groundedness, and peace. I feel like my body, mind, and spirit are in sync, working harmoniously together. I am enveloped in a constant state of soft, nurturing energy and easily connect with others from a space of love and compassion. I have a vastly increased spiritual awareness while still being well-grounded. My self-confidence and gentleness towards self has also greatly improved. My body feels strong and centered. Before taking these products I would fall into bed completly exhausted and have trouble waking up in the morning even after a full night's sleep. Last night, I had such a surge of creativity I stayed up until 3am redecorating my apartment and woke up 7 hours later revitalized, energetic, and ready for the day. Spiritual principles that I use to understand just at an intellectual level, I am now able to experience first-hand. My sex life has also greatly improved. When I am making love, I am literally experiencing higher states of consiousness and merging with the truth of my being. It stays with me long after.I am also more receptive to connecting on a soul level with my partner and communicating from a compassionate, open-hearted space. 
I also do massage therapy and since taking these products no longer feel drained after my sessions. I also literally see light beings around me. Before I knew they were there but could not see them. Thank you so much for the work you are doing. Buying your products was some of the best money I've ever spent. 
Prodfound Impact 
Etherium Gold and Chamae Rose have had a profound impact on all areas of my life. I feel more mental focus and clarity. I’ve moved more in my inner growth and have had some major emotional clearings of long term deep issues. My intuition is flowing through me and I’m knowing what is going on with people who seek my help almost immediately. 
I'm a first year Chi Kung student, and I've been using your homeopathic sprays for about two weeks now. Tonight I had my first for sure telekinetic experience, and I have to acknowledge your products for bolstering my energy. I have more mental clarity and focus, and I'm also better equipped to process emotions more readily. This stuff couldn't come at a better time, and I'm eager to try some of your other supplements. 
My Surprise 
I discovered how good Aulterra is for damage from high-energy radiation. Two years ago, I had a Barium x-ray study performed on me (which exposes you to the equivalent of several hundred chest x-rays). I had Dr. Orlowski investigate what kind of long-term damage that did to my body, and to my surprise, we found that most of it had already been repaired - by the Aulterra.

Life Source - 180 vegicaps, (Harmonic Innerprizes)

Life Source is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.