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Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz , (Brain Toniq)
Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz , (Brain Toniq)
Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz , (Brain Toniq)
Brain Toniq -
Product Code:044224-4 (24)
类别: Brain Health

Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz, (Brain Toniq)

A functional tonic that helps you focus 
Brain Toniq is the world's first organic, kosher, botanical-based, non-caffeinated think tonic specifically designed for those who need more mental focus and clarity. Formulaized out of special plant extracts and natural ingredients, they have proven history for their effects on increasing brain power and cognition. With no specially added chemical preservatives, no caffeine, no white sugar or anything. Just fuel for the cranium. 
Brain Toniq is not a gimmick. With 5 to 36 times the amount of active herbal ingredients of any functional tonic on the market, Brain Toniq is as real as it gets with natural drinks. It provides simple access to the world's most powerful brain-enhancing botanicals. Think coffee without the gut-ripping side effects of caffeine. Mixed together with gentle organic agave syrup and natural citrus extracts, you get a delicious nootropic drink that not only works, it's actually good for you. 
Given your goals, are you drinking what's needed? 
People live in a time when an increasing number of us are in livelihoods that depend on our ability to concentrate and to use our brain power to it's maximum potential. We need the skills of concentrating, gathering, innovation and brainstorming. All of this requires a mentally focused mind. 
Brain Toniq was built for people in all fields, from students to medical researchers, or for whatever your need it. But as you'll experience, Brain Toniq works just as well for anyone outside of the geek world that need to be clear and concise in thier concentrations. These include teachers, parents, artists and —because there are no harmful sweeteners or caffeine—students of all ages. If you have a dream, Brain Toniq helps you get there. 
The smart antidote to head fog 
Most people will tell you that there is a lack of cognitive or thinking power during some parts of their day. They know that adding more caffeine is not the answer; but that's probably a recipe for disaster, as well as major fatigue. Instead, they'd like a healthy way to get their mental capacities back in line. They are not going to choose steamed kale and brown rice, but they are smart enough to know that a Snickers bar is not the answer. 
Ask herbalists or scientific drink formulators about most functional beverages, and they'll roll their eyes. Because they know that the amounts of active ingredients in most drinks are so far below effective levels as to be little more than window dressing, placed there to fool the public. Brain Toniq is the real deal, stuffed with over 1800mg of active ingredients, each having an effect profile that helps humans clarify their objectives and get things done. 
Stop drinking junk 
If you have a long-range vision for your life and career, you can no longer afford to daily drink beverages that are bad for you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that adding more and more caffeine and processed sugar—or worse, chemical "diet" sweeteners—to your blood stream are not a recipe for longevity or better brain function. Brain Toniq was made by and for people who understand the role that health plays in accomplishing ones dreams. If you have a vision for your life, Brain Toniq can help you get there. You get a formula made from effective doses of Rhodiola root, Choline and DMAE (two natural compounds), Eleuthero root (also known as Siberian Ginseng) and wild-harvested Blue Green Algae. We add a mix of natural citrus extracts, use only organic agave nectar for sweetness, and add a light carbonation. It's a delicious flavor, one that even kids enjoy. No caffeine. No fake sugar. Just fuel for intelligent decision making. 
To learn more about these brain-enhancing botanicals and to understand why we chose them, see our ingredients page. 
Brain Toniq. Get Thinking Again.
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Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz, (Brain Toniq)

Eleuthero Root extract 
Also known as Siberian Ginseng, eleuthero (eleutherococcus senticosus) is a classic adaptogen (any plant that helps normalize body functions) that has been shown to help with adrenal fatigue and improve oxygenation to the brain, with reported enhancement to vision and hearing. Soviet cosmonauts and athletes have used it to boost stamina. 
Rhodiola root powder 
Used in traditional medicine for centuries, rhodiola rosea root is one of the best herbs for enhancing mitochondrial energy production. Studied extensively by Russian researchers, rhodiola has shown to improve the capacity to perform mentally demanding tasks under conditions of extreme stress and fatigue. It is recommended as an energy booster and treatment for depression, chronic fatigue, and anxiety. 
Choline is an organic compound classified as an essential nutrient and usually grouped with the B Vitamin complex. Choline is considered one of the true 'smart drugs' or nootropics, because it is a chemical precursor needed to produce the main memory neurotransmitter of our brains, called acetylcholine (ace'•ah•ti•koleen). Memory, intelligence and mood are mediated by acetylcholine metabolism. The boost of choline and release of acetylcholine as a result of Brain Toniq's Alpha-Glyceryl Phophoryl Choline can dramatically stimulate cognitive functioning, which includes memory, learning, concentration, and focus. 
Wild-crafted Blue Green Algae extract 
Harvested from a mountain lake in Oregon, this wild algae (aphanizomenon flos-aquae) is rich in a vast array of easily assimilated essential fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, protein, and phytonutrients. This single-cell plant is a powerful anti-depressant, as well as a cognition booster. 
DMAE is a natural-occurring substance produced by the human brain through two cholesterol enzymes, and works primarily by speeding the production of acetylcholine, that crucial neurotransmitter responsible for carrying messages between brain cells. In the past few years DMAE increasingly has been favored by medical scientists for its role in boosting short-term as well as long-term memory, concentration, and reduction of anxiety. Dr. Perricone, author of many books on brain health and the diet/disease connection, shows that DMAE has significant impact on both the brain and the skin. It has also shown positive results in a variety of cognitive disorders, including improved memory, the ability to think clearer, greater problem solving ability, and issues with attention deficit (ADD and ADHD). As with all ingredients in Brain Toniq, our DMAE is from plant sources, making Brain Toniq a vegan-safe drink. More references on DMAE here. 
Organic Agave nectar 
Carefully harvested from the same plant that is used for tequila, organic agave is the Lexus of all natural syrups. The only sweetener ever given the "diabetic friendly" status, agave is also the most expensive—six times the cost of organic cane sugar—which is why no one normally uses it in their drinks. But as a slow-absorbing carbohydrate, it doesn't spike-and-crash like corn syrup, sucrose, and cane sugar, and it certainly doesn't have the mind-numbing chemical toxicity of sucralose, Aspartame, and other fake sugars found in so many misnamed "diet" drinks. For those who want to avoid putting junk into their brain and wide fluctuations in their blood sugar, nothing beats organic agave nectar.  
We've received numerous inquiries lately about the value of agave, mainly due to misinformed anti-agave articles recently circulating around the Internet. We've responded here.  
Natural Citrus Extracts 
We add extracts from lemons, limes, orange, passion fruit and grapefruit. That's it. One of the most common compliments we get is how delicious Brain Toniq is. 
Choline, Eleutherococcus Extract (Root), Rhodiola Rosea Extract (Root), DMAE (as Dimethylaminoethanol), Blue Green Algae (Alphanizomenon flos-aqua). 
Other Ingredients: Carbonated Water, Organic Agave Nectar, Natural Citrus Extracts, Citric Acid. 
Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz, (Brain Toniq)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%

Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz, (Brain Toniq)

What's in Brain Toniq? 
Brain Toniq is the world's first true botanical-based non-caffeinated organic "think drink" in the market place. It is unique, and distinguishes itself in the beverage crowd by being the first tonic specifically designed for those who need more mental focus and clarity. Its formulation is based on kosher-certified organic botanical extracts that have a long and known history for their effects on brain power and cognitive enhancement.  
Brain Toniq is an effective and natural functional tonic, designed to increase concentration and focus. It is the only product on the market that does not use caffeine (of any sort) to create its effect. It works by combining three powerful nootropic plant extracts—Rhodiola root, Eleuthero, and wild-crafted Blue Green Algae—as well as two organic compounds—Choline and DMAE. We then add a very body-friendly sweetener, organic agave syrup, and flavor it with natural citrus extracts pulled from lemons, limes, passion fruit and grapefruit. To learn more about each ingredient, please see the ingredients page. 
The need 
We live in a time frame when an increasingly larger segment of the population needs to make its living by being "knowledge workers"—those whose livelihoods are based almost solely on their ability to focus and maximize the use of their brain power. Every day, they are required to come up with new ideas; they need to be experts at multitasking, rapid refocusing on multiple horizons and depths of attention. They need the skills of analyzing, organizing, and brainstorming. All of these require intense mental focus.  
In 2006, over 580,000 businesses were started in the U.S. alone. Every one of them was started by a knowledge worker. These include software engineers, information technologists, programmers, designers, artists, systems analysts, technical writers, academic professionals, and researchers. And there are many outside of the geek world that daily feel the need to increase their ability to focus, such as parents, lawyers, teachers, scientists, and students of all kinds. These knowledge workers are looking for an easy, healthy way to get their blood sugar and mental capacities back on line. They've already done their caffeine, and they intuitively know that adding more caffeine isn't the answer. 
Brain Toniq is an antidote to that fog. A delicious drink that provides a simple, elegant access to some of the world's most powerful brain enhancing plants, all in one can that is actually good for you. Brain Toniq: You have a dream. We can help you get there. 
If there's no caffeine, how does Brain Toniq work?  
Caffeine has never been the only alkaloid that affects cognitive function; it's just the most overused. In Brain Toniq, each of its ingredients' profile includes an effect on cognitive function. Some increase oxygen, others stimulate brain neurotransmitter growth. These are not simply anecdotal herbal ideas. European clinics, for instance, are currently using Rhodiola with stroke and Alzheimer's patients. Russian researchers are using extracts of Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) to maintain sight, hearing, memory and thinking. The choline we use was available only in Europe in prescription form up until 1999.  
What makes it different than energy drinks, or Water with Vitamins? 
1. the huge amount of ingredients we use. 
2. the effectiveness—Brain Toniq is the real deal, and people generally feel the effect within a few minutes. 
3. We use no cane sugar, corn syrup, or powdered 100% fructose.  
4. We use no toxic "diet" artificial sweeteners, such as Nutrasweet, aspartame, Splenda, or any other fake ingredient. 
5. Our formulation cost.  
So why does Brain Toniq cost more than most drinks? 
We use 5 to 36 times more active ingredients than any of the 20 top-selling functional tonics, which often contain only 50 or 100 milligrams. In Brain Toniq, there are over 1,850 milligrams. Organic agave syrup is 3-18 times as expensive as other sweeteners (yes, even organic cane sugar).  
Why did you use organic agave syrup? 
One of the biggest health concerns in modern cultures is diabetes, which can stem from the over-consumption of simple monosachrides such as corn syrup. Agave is the only plant-based sweetener that has been given the "Friendly to Diabetics" seal of approval. It's extremely low in the Glycemic Index, which means it slowly trickles glucose into the system, preventing adrenal burnout and insulin problems. We also believe that customers are equally concerned about their sugar consumption, and are willing to pay a little more for a functional drink that is actually good for you. 
We've received numerous inquiries lately about the value of agave, mainly due to misinformed anti-agave articles recently circulating around the Internet. We've responded here.  
Are you Kosher? 
Yes. In fact, we are currently the only US-based drink of its kind to be kosher-certified. We use EarthKosher, an international kosher certification agency that specializes in the Kosher certification of natural, organic and neutraceutical companies. All of Brain Toniq's ingredients are Kosher-Pareve. For more information about the EarthKosher Kosher Certification Agency click here. Our certification can be found here.  
Are there any animal products in Brain Toniq? 
No. Brain Toniq is completely vegan, containing only herbs and plant compounds. We are also gluten free. 
Your can states that you have "Natural Citrus Extracts." What does that mean? 
Our citrus extracts come from a blend of passion fruit, lemon, lime, and grapefruit. The extract is from the oils and concentrate of these fruits. 
With citrus extracts, is Brain Toniq safe for those who use statin/cholesterol-loweringdrugs?  
Yes. We've asked a number of health professionals, and all have stated that the tiny amounts of grapefruit used in the citrus extracts of Brain Toniq are not enough to negatively affect statin-type pharmaceuticals.  
Why did you choose an aluminum can? 
There were three main reasons. The first was the protection offered by the manufacture's process. We flew out to Ball Corporation's aluminum beverage can plant in New York and watched their can-coating process that they use on the inside of every can. It means that at no time does Brain Toniq touch any aluminum, ever. It's similar to the high-end frying pans that have aluminum on the bottom (to spread heat), but stainless steel on the inside—just as food never touches the aluminum, Brain Toniq doesn't either. The second reason was recycling. Ball offers cans that are up to 45% pre-recycled aluminum. Also, consumers are more prone to recycling cans than bottles or plastic, so we knew that most would not end up in the landfill. Our third reason was for shipping; we knew that Brain Toniq would be extremely popular with those that use and order from the Internet a lot, and we needed a container that could withstand shipping without a lot of costs to the customer. 
In 2009, Americans recycled nearly 55.5 billion aluminum cans last year, increasing the recycling rate to 57.4 percent - its highest level since 2000. Many of us are now recognizing the value of infinitely recyclable aluminum cans – choosing a tonic in an aluminum can and then recycling it is one of the easiest ways tonic companies and consumers can help reduce their environmental footprint. Consider: 
• Cans have the highest recycling rate of any beverage container in the U.S., far higher than glass and plastic. 
• The average aluminum can is made from 68 percent total recycled content, the highest of any beverage container. 
• Cans go from the recycling bin to store shelves within 60 days. 
• Making cans from recycled metal takes 95 percent less energy and 95 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than using new metal. 
Who is Brain Toniq for? 
The short answer: anyone that realizes that their ability to get things done is directly tied to their ability to focus. The longer answer: Students, teachers, writers, artists, kids, single parents, entrepreneurs with something to create, and anyone who's brain isn't operating at the capacity it used to. Folks who are mentally overloaded but can't afford to be. Researchers, programmers, system analysts. People who are smart enough to realize that the standard soft drink—filled with sugar, caffeine and chemicals—is not only bad for productivity, but as technologically obsolete as vinyl records. 
What does Brain Toniq taste like? 
It's delicious. Its main flavor is a natural passion fruit/lemon-lime extract that we blend in. Combined with the heavenly taste of organic agave nectar, it is a drink that everyone likes, from adults to children. 
How do I get the full benefit? 
The way to get the most out of Brain Toniq is to be sure you get at everything in the can. Meaning: we put so much active ingredient into each 8-ounce serving that basic physics won't allow it to all stay in suspension. So, to get at any sediment that occurs (and you want it for full efficacy), gently turn the can up a few times before opening. Or, after it's been opened and while there is still some Brain Toniq left in the can, just stir the can in the air in a circular motion (this can be done fast or slow) before pouring or drinking the rest.  
We are a nutrition-driven company, more than a marketing-driven one. We'd rather have to teach people on how to get at all of the efficacious herbs and compounds than to make a weak drink.  
Why would I switch to Brain Toniq? 
The first reason is that it's time to stop drinking things that are bad for you. If you're reading this site, chances are good that you value the goals and dreams you have for your life and future. Take a look at what is in most sodas and energy-type drinks. Start adding up how much sugar and caffeine is being consumed: it's a pile each month. Brain Toniq is designed for people who see the crucial link between staying healthy and accomplishing their goals. 
The second reason is the specific Brain Toniq effect. It's a nice feeling when you're in the zone, and all brain cylinders are firing.  
Who invented Brain Toniq?  
Brain Toniq was designed by author Scott Ohlgren, who'd been writing books on the diet-health connection for the past 14 years. With a longtime fascination with personal productivity (and a fan of David Allen's Getting Things Done book and concept), Scott started looking for non-caffeinated ways of keeping the brain focused for those times when clarity and concentration were needed. While writing the finishing chapters of his last book, he began experimenting with cognitive-enhancing plant extracts and alkaloids, and noticed how much easier it was to get into that zone where words flowed easily, concepts were clear, recall and focus were easy. Since no healthy drink was out there that did this, he decided to create his own and formed TrueToniqs® (dba Brain Toniq) in 2006. After 2 years of R&D, Brain Toniq was debuted at MacWorld Expo 2008. 
How often can I drink Brain Toniq?  
For those who require focus and concentration during their work or study, try 1 or 2 cans per day. None of the plant extracts used in Brain Toniq have the effects that too much caffeine can have, so there aren't any contraindications to drinking more.  
Will Brain Toniq help me study, focus, and think better?  
We can't make promises as to what the Brain Toniq effect will do for each person. Like most other things, botanicals have different effects on each of us. We suggest a two-week trial period: use Brain Toniq every day, right before that time of day when you need your mental faculties the most. 
Is Brain Toniq carbonated? 
Yes, slightly. Carbonation has long been known to increase vasodilation and blood flow to the brain, so it is one of the best and fastest methods for transmitting efficacious herbs into the blood stream and brain.  
Does carbonation leach minerals from our bones? 
No, carbonated water does not leach minerals from our bones. Two short articles that talk about this issue: here and here. Here's another from Dr. Andrew Weil, MD.  
Is carbonated water somehow worse for humans than plain water? 
The short answer is no.  
Periodically, the question of "Is carbonation ok for me?" comes up. The question stems from two concerns that have been floating around the Internet:  
1. Does carbonated water weaken bones or leach minerals?  
2. Does carbonated water have too much sodium?  
On bones: there isn't a shread of scientific evidence that points to carbonated water having any effect, at all, on bones. Nor is there any conceivable means by which it could. Carbonation is simply carbon dioxide—CO2—which is a natural and extremely important part of human biology; it is our main way of balancing internal pH.  
It is believed that the original fear around bone loss and fizzy drinks came from an ingredient used in some sodas, called phosphorous. Phosphorous may in fact leach calcium from the body. But Brain Toniq doesn't contain a speck of it.  
On excess sodium: again, there's no correlation at all with carbonated water and sodium. There is zero sodium in Brain Toniq.  
How many calories are in each can?  
There are 80 calories in each container. 
Where is your water from?  
The water used in brewing Brain Toniq comes from one of the purest sources of water in North America. The upper Minnesota spring bubbles up from an underground prehistoric glacial lake filtered through granite over hundreds of years, and was used by early settlers to replenish their water supplies. It is also the same source of water that local micro-breweries in the area have used for over 150 years. We then put it through a reverse osmosis filtration system. It is extraordinarily clean water, which is one of the reasons Brain Toniq tastes so good. 
Will you ever make a sugar-free version? 
Most people's concern with "sugar" (more on that word in a second) is because of the obvious association it now has with health problems such as diabetes and obesity. It's an extremely important and valid concern, but it needs two points of clarification.  
1. In the context of beverages, being "sugar free" means that the owners of those drinks chose to add artificial sweeteners to their formula. The current 5 most popular and well-known fake sweeteners in the US are saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, and neotame (all better known as Splenda™, Equal™, Sweet One™, Sunett™, etc.). In our view, this is a far worse choice in terms of human health. Because the marketing dollars behind these fake sweetener manufacturers (which include Monsanto) is on par with pharmaceutical companies, the negative health impact that they have on human cells and tissue is known, but not well disseminated. But there's a reason why no major health-food chain in the US and Canada will allow products containing these fake sweeteners into their stores. Symptoms associated with the intake of these so-called "diet" sweeteners range from irritability, anxiety, personality changes, itching, abdominal pain, skin problems, and symptoms normally associated with chronic fatique, weight gain, Fibromyalgia, and Lupus.  
Some good reading on the whole topic of fake sweeteners is Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, and the eye-opening DVD, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World (available on Netflix or Amazon). Also, Dr. Janet Starr Hill has a great site about the side-effects of aspartame and other chemical sugars.  
2. In the US, the word "sugar" has been given a bad name. And rightfully so: we live in a culture where the average citizen now consumes over 155 pounds of white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup each year, two of the main culprits behind the obesity, diabetes, and skin problems running rampant. 
However, the word sugar has lost its meaning. When people see it on the side of a can like Brain Toniq, there's no way for them—or us as the manufacturer—to make any distinction between what kind of sugar it is.  
And there are, in fact, many distinctions in types of sweeteners. They're not all bad for us. On the contrary, some quick-energy sources are quite good. One example is fruit, which is very healthy for humans. Yet if you only look at "sugar content", one single apple has 12-15 grams of this "sugar." A banana has 20-25. Just one average size fig has 73 grams (the equivalent of three and a half Brain Toniqs). And yet each of these fruits are well-known for their health benefits. Not only because of their phytonutrients which act as powerful antioxidants, protecting the body from harmful free radicals and helping to protect against certain chronic diseases such as cancer, but also because of their easily digested source of fuel. And that fuel is found in the sugar of the fruit. Cultures that have eaten these fruits for centuries have longer-living citizens that ours in the US.  
With only the word "sugar" as the descriptive, there is no room for distinction between white cubed sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, brown-rice syrup, barley malt, blue agave nectar and others. But there is a very large health impact difference between them. Honey's been known for centuries for its curative powers. Agave nectar (which is what Brain Toniq uses) is a sweetener with the lowest glycemic index of any other sweetener. Here's a list of the index:  
Organic Agave Nectar 27 
Fructose 32 
Lactose 65 
Honey 83 
High fructose corn syrup 89 
Sucrose 92 
Glucose 137 
Glucose tablets 146 
Maltodextrin 150 
Maltose 150 
We believe in the growing literature that points to organic agave as a health-producing food. According to Dr. Ray Sahelian, MD, author of Mind Boosters, agave nectar contains Inulin and saponins. Sahelian describes how saponins have anti-inflammatory and immune system-boosting properties, including antimicrobial capability. He also states that inulin is a type of fructan or fiber that has many health benefits. Inulin studies suggest that it can be effective in weight loss because of its low impact on blood sugar and its ability to increase satiety and decrease appetite. Inulin is also associated with lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of certain cancers, and increasing the absorption of nutrients, such as isoflavones, calcium and magnesium. 
Why didn't you include vitamins, amino acids, and isolated proteins?  
To some people, artificial vitamins and isolated amino acids are healthy things to add to foods and drinks. To ourselves, they are a weak substitute for the plant extract.
Brain Toniq is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Brain Toniq - All natural drink to improve memory and mental concentration, 8.4 oz, (Brain Toniq)

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