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Myostim - 120 caplets , (Champion Nutrition)
Myostim - 120 caplets , (Champion Nutrition)
Myostim - 120 caplets , (Champion Nutrition)
Myostim -
Product Code:0050095
类别: Muscle Growth

Myostim - 120 caplets, (Champion Nutrition)

Your Genetics Are Powerless to Stop Us. 
For as long as you’ve been lifting weights you’ve probably been told that your genetics will ultimately determine how strong, how big, and how lean you can get. You were also told that muscle cells don’t divide and the one’s you have will grow only so much. You learned that, short of resorting to risky alternatives, you’d eventually reach a point where your improvement would slow to a crawl or stop altogether. 
Worst of all, this logic was more or less correct. 
Everything is about to change! 
Today, we are standing at the forefront of the greatest discovery for athletes in the last fifty years. Recently researchers have discovered the primary gene for the control of muscle. This gene makes a peptide that prevents muscle growth and increases fat storage. They call it myostatin. 
If you want to get lean and gain muscle or strength, myostatin is your worst enemy. It is the one peptide in your body whose only mission is to stop you from getting in better shape!
Everyone makes myostatin, and it is the primary reason why it is almost impossible to make dramatic increases in muscle size and performance naturally. That’s because every time you do something that stimulates improvement, your body stops it with a burst of myostatin. 
Suppress myostatin and muscles begin to grow naturally 
In the past few years, scientists have discovered that suppressing myostatin production enabled animals to achieve staggering levels of muscularity! In some cases, the genetically altered mice that produced no myostatin had as much as 300% more muscle than normal mice. 
Also, the animals that have been subject to genetic myostatin control are fantastically lean in spite of their impressive muscularity. 
Most exciting of all, when researchers block the creation of myostatin, muscle cells begin to divide and grow… naturally! For fifty years, we’ve been told this wasn’t possible! 
Short of genetic splicing – how can myostatin be controlled? 
After extensive research, Champion Nutrition found a scientist that had isolated a naturally occurring fraction of a sea algae. This compound binds strongly to myostatin, thereby deactivating it. This discovery made it possible for Champion Nutrition to begin work on the first product ever specifically designed to bind myostatin in humans. 
MyoStim™ – the first generation of the new age 
Once we had found a compound that bound myostatin we had to develop a delivery system to get it into muscle. At the same time we wanted to make sure that all of the synergistic pathways of muscle synthesis were properly supported. After all, muscle development requires that many things come together at once. 
Unlike other supplements, which may work fast, but with results that taper off over time, the action of myostatin control is gradual but consistent. In fact, research studies have shown that as long as myostatin is under positive control, animals NEVER PLATEAU! 
Research also indicates that it doesn’t require the huge amounts of food to gain lots of mass once myostatin is under control. Animals under myostatin control, gained extraordinary amounts of muscle on similar food but were actually much leaner than normal animals! They also had much lower cholesterol levels. Myostatin inhibition may prove to be the fat loss secret of the future. 
It appears that, for the first time, you may be able to improve even when you’ve blown it by missing a workout or missing a meal. 
Even things like being stressed out (which would normally stop your gains dead in their tracks) won’t affect your growth the same way when you have myostatin under control. In fact, research indicates that controlling myostatin may make it easier for you to experience the following:
  • Constat steady growth/Never Plateau
  • Ability to continue to grow even in sub-optimal conditions such as missing meals, or workout, or when under stress
  • Make it possible to grow more efficiently (i.e. don't need to eat exagerated amounts of food)
  • Inhibition of myostatin results not just in bigger muscle fibers but an actual increase in the number of muscle fiber
In addition, only Champion Nutrition’s MyoStim™ is enteric coated. Unless enteric coated, up to 99% of the myostatin binder may be destroyed during digestion. 
The eternal question: Do muscle cells divide or just get bigger? 
Just before this went on the web we got hold of a study that answered the question that has been nagging muscle researchers for 30 years: Under the right influences can you force muscle cells to divide? This new research shows that by controlling myostatin you can actually do something even better!! When you suppress myostatin prior to training three things happen: 
Satellite cells begin dividing rapidly - when myostatin is suppressed. Satellite cells used to be thought of as just embryonic cells that played little role in the adult. Now they are know to be the key to muscle growth!
  • Satellite cells convert to Myoblast cells. Myoblasts become very active - when myostatin is suppressed
  • Myoblasts bind to muscle cells and add new nuclei to the muscle cell - this is what allows a mature muscle cell to grow bigger (the size of a muscle cell is directly related to the number of nuclei it has).
  • Myoblasts begin producing microtubules that form the membranes of brand new muscle cells! Myoblasts add nuclei to these microtubules and a new muscle cell is born

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Retail Price: $59.95
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Myostim - 120 caplets, (Champion Nutrition)

Active ingredients: Cystoseira canariensis Fraction-C extract (> 90% sulfo-polysaccharide), sodium lactate, potassium lactate, rhodiola rosea (standardized to 5% rosavin), rhaponticum carthamoides, piperin (piper nigrum). 
Other ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, blue #1, yellow #5.
Myostim - 120 caplets, (Champion Nutrition)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
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Myostim - 120 caplets, (Champion Nutrition)


Is "FRACTION-C™" the same as MYOZAP™ or CSP3™? 
FRACTION-C™, MYOZAP™ and CSP3™ are all trade names for the myostatin-binding extract obtained from cystoseira canariensis, the brown sea algae which has been shown in laboratory experiments to have myostatin-binding capabilities. 
What is myostatin? 
It is a peptide naturally produced in the body that is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass, which means that it limits or prevents muscle from growing. Myostatin levels vary amongst individuals and appears to be genetically pre-determined, which is why some individuals are able to attain and maintain more muscle mass than others. Myostatin levels have been shown to be higher in individuals experiencing some form of muscle-wasting syndrome, such as AIDS, and in elderly individuals. 
Where is myostatin found? 
Myostatin is found in blood but its receptors or binding sites are in skeletal muscle (the type of muscle that gives your body its definition). That is where myostatin carries out its muscle-growth-inhibiting task. 
What does myostatin do? 
In essence it controls how much muscularity an individual can achieve. 
Recent animal studies indicate that myostatin control may also have a role in muscle regeneration, which means the creation of new muscle fibers. A process once thought to be impossible. 
Myostatin levels have also been shown to have a direct relationship with the amount of body fat produced. It appears that the absence or control of myostatin could potentially control fat synthesis. 
Why is myostatin control important? 
Controlling the effects of myostatin could enable the individual to increase muscle mass while at the same time reduce body fat. 
What is MyoStim™? 
It is a first generation myostatin binder. Derived from a specific type of sea algae (cystoseria canariensis) native to the Canary Islands. The extract of this plant has shown a unique property: myostatin-binding capabilities. 
How does MyoStim™ work? 
In order for myostatin to perform its function of limiting muscle growth it must first get to the muscle. The active component in MyoStim binds to the myostatin peptide preventing it from getting to the muscle. With myostatin disabled so are the limits of your muscle growth. 
The ingredients in MyoStim are designed to help you take control of your muscle growth in the following ways:
  • Disable myostatin at the point of attack
  • Improving power output yield from the conversion of creatine to creatine phosphate, the high energy compoum responsible for increased strength
  • Helping to reduce exercise-induced cortisol
  • Enhancing the anabolic environment for additional muscle gains, by improving the rate of protein synthesis
In addition, the enhanced deliver system allows for better absorption of the active ingredients by preventing breakdown in the stomach while improving nutrient transport in the intestine. 
How long will it take to work? 
The mice were under myostatin control for a period of a year or so! We believe myostatin binding is something you should start using as soon as possible in your bodybuilding life to gain an edge. Keep in mind that myostatin control takes time and that myostatin suppression doesn't make you grow, it removes the roadblock to growth - and then the natural tendency of muscle is to grow constantly. 
If my muscles won't bulge right away what will I notice?
  • You will notice that you feel tighter and more pumped when you wake up in the morning.
  • You'll notice less soreness and inflammation in the muscles (because the myoblasts should be covering micro-tears and reducing white blood cell involvement).
  • You'll notice you seem to recover faster.
  • You should begin to look more lean and defined
Within a month you should be able to measure growth. 
How do I take it? 
Take two caplets twice a day on an empty stomach and don't eat anything for 30 minutes. Take 12 hours apart. 
Do not over-train. In fact you might be better off reducing your training intensity (don't do forced reps) and reduce the sets and reps by about 30% and see if you grow better after a couple weeks. This is all just a guess. We'll know more once we start getting feedback. 
If you become part of our research project you must (I repeat), you must fill out our questionnaire. This is vital. Information that you share will help us all in determining the ideal weight-to-dosage ratio. Keep track of your body fat if you can. Weigh yourself. Measure. 
Will the body acclimate to myostatin binders? 
No, it doesn't appear that you will acclimate to myostatin Binders. One of the most recent studies on myostatin informally established this fact. He induced high levels of a peptide that inhibits myostatin binding with the myostatin receptor site in hamsters. Over the life of the hamsters they continued to grow just as if they had been genetically altered to be incapable of making myostatin. So, although more research is needed it doesn't look like up-regulation of myostatin will occur. In other words the body does not appear to acclimate to myostatin. 
If I stop taking myostatin binders will my muscles disappear? 
We believe muscle size will not go away when you stop taking myostatin binders. When an athlete stops taking steroids, muscles shrivel. But steroids do not work like myostatin binders. It appears that reducing myostatin activity, even in mature animals, results in new muscle cells being formed! Consequently, it should be relatively easy to keep your muscle if you ever stop taking myostatin Binders. But why would you want to stop? The real benefit comes with staying on them throughout your bodybuilding career. I think the part of the muscle gains that come from making new muscle cells will stay permanently. This may be more than 50% of the muscle you gain! 
Will it cause heart muscle or smooth muscle to grow the same as it does for skeletal muscle? 
No. Myostatin is quite specific for skeletal muscle. Even on animals who have 100% inhibition of myostatin there are minimal direct effects seen on the heart or on smooth muscle. This was one of the first things we were concerned about. It does appear to improve strength and recovery of cardiac tissue just a little, but it certainly doesn't cause the kind of massive hypertrophy seen in skeletal muscle or else the little hamster's chests would have exploded half-way through the experiment! 
How about other side-effects? 
Because myostatin is so specific, it only stimulates one enzyme and that enzyme is specific for the inhibition of one muscle protein, it has no other known effects in the body. Because it is natural, coming from sea vegetables, it is the ultimate solution for vegetarians and principled people who want to grow naturally.
Myostim is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.