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Cortistat PS - 64 caps , (Champion Nutrition)
Cortistat PS - 64 caps , (Champion Nutrition)
Cortistat PS - 64 caps , (Champion Nutrition)
Cortistat PS -
Product Code:CH0058

Cortistat PS - 64 caps, (Champion Nutrition)

If you are a serious athlete, one of your greatest concerns should be exercise-induced catabolism. Whenever you train hard, your body secretes cortisol. Cortisol has many functions, but many of them can work against you. 
Catabolisim: The dark side of cortisol 
When you train hard, your body secretes cortisol. One of the reasons this happens is to make the body selectively access and break down muscle tissue for protein and energy to protect the vital organs from starvation. Of course, for a properly nourished, high performing athlete, this is counter-productive. Cortisol also lowers immune response, making it easier to get sick. When cortisol levels get too high, you get weaker, sick, or over-trained. Sometimes even all three at once!!! One good thing that cortisol does is help your body control inflammation. In fact, high cortisol levels actually make you feel good. But don't let too-high cortisol levels erode your hard won progress. 
A Solution 
CORTISTAT-PS, is a designed to prevent excess cortisol secretion while helping to keep you joints and muscles from getting to sore. The active ingredient, phosphatidylserine, has been shown in laboratory studies to significantly blunt the body's secretion of cortisol in response to intense exercise. 
Another double-blin study (both test athletes and control athletes not aware of whether they got phosphatidylserine or a placebo [nothing]) found that test athletes given phosphatidylserine recovered faster, got stronger, and stayed healthier than athletes in control groups who were given placebos. If you are serious about your sport and maintaining your progress, discover how much better you can be when you keep your cortisol levels under control.
  • Helps control cortisol
  • Helps reduce EIC
  • Helps recovery
  • muscle recovery

Take as directed.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $29.95
Other Spec:
Cortistat PS - 64 caps, (Champion Nutrition)

Phosphatidylserine (soy phospholipid), Phoshatidylcholine (soy phospholipid), Phosphatidylethanolamine (soy phospholipid), Phosphatidylinositol (soy phospholipid), Arginine-aspartate 
Other Ingredients: Cellulose, potassium succinate, quercetin, feverfew, stearic acid, silicon dioxide.
Cortistat PS - 64 caps, (Champion Nutrition)

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Cortistat PS - 64 caps, (Champion Nutrition)

What is phospahtidylserine? 
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a life-essential membrane nutrient found as a normal constituent of soy lecithin. PS has been shown to be effective at directly reducting the amount of cortisol released by the adrenal glands. 
What is cortisol and why is it so important to my training? 
ACortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands as a direct result of stress (physical, emotional, mental). Its purpose is to serve as a anti-inflammatory agent. Unfortunately a side effect of its anti-inflammatory capacity is that it catabolizes skeletal muscle, which is what most people aspire to improve through intense physical training in order to look and feel good. 
The irony is that the more intense the stress level, the more cortisol is released, which allows recovery and eats away at the hard work you may have invested in training.
Cortistat PS is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.