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Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg , (New Chapter)
Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg , (New Chapter)
Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg , (New Chapter)
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Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg, (New Chapter)

Healthy inflammation response.
  • Promotes a healthy inflammation response.
  • Promotes healthy joint function.
  • Promotes normal cell growth.
  • Contains organic herbal anti-aging constituents that inactivate free-radicals.
New Chapter has extensively researched the herbal pharmacopoeia and international medical databases and discovered that the following time-tested herbs, properly extracted and blended in the correct proportions, contain at least 8 phytonutrients that may safely and significantly inhibit COX-2. 
Zyflamend PM 
Clinically Tested and Doctor Recommended  
Available in 60 hexane-free softgel capsules  
  • Gentle and safe experience of deep ans satisfying sleep
  • Normal cardiovascular and joint function
A Supercritical New Chapter in Inflammation Modulation 
New Chapter's patented Zyflamend PM formulation represents a scientific breakthrough in promoting a healthy inflammation response. Recent research studies suggest this may be an effective strategy to promote healthy joint function and normal cell growth. 
New Chapter has extensively researched the herbal pharmacopoeia and international medical databases and discovered that the following time-tested herbs, properly extracted and blended in the correct proportions, contain at least 8 phytonutrients that may safely and significantly promote a healthy inflammation response and gently and safely promote the experience of deep and satisfying sleep.

A Supercritical New Chapter in inflammation reduction New Chapter's patented Zyflamend formulation represents a scientific breakthrough in herbal COX-2 inhibition and inflammation reduction. Recent scientific studies suggest that inhibiting an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) may be an effective way to reduce inflammation without the side effects associated with irreversible COX-1 inhibition.  
In addition, recent scientific studies also suggest that COX-2 inhibition may serve an important function in promoting normal cell growth in the colon, pancreas, breast tissue, and other organ systems. 
1: Nutr Cancer. 2005;52(2):202-12. 
Zyflamend®, a Unique Herbal Preparation With Nonselective COX Inhibitory Activity, Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer Cells That Lack COX-2 Expression. 
Bemis DL , Capodice JL , Anastasiadis AG , Katz AE , Buttyan R. 
Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors have suppressive effects on several types of cancer cells including prostate cancer. In this study, we considered the potential COX-inhibitory activity of a unique anti-inflammatory herbal preparation (Zyflamend® New Chapter, Inc., Brattleboro, VT) and analyzed its effects on the human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. COX inhibitory activity of Zyflamend was determined by a spectrophotometric-based assay using purified ovine COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. Effects of Zyflamend on LNCaP cell growth and apoptosis in vitro were assessed by cell counting, Western blot detection of poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) cleavage, and measurement of caspase-3 activity in treated and control cell extracts. Western blotting techniques were conducted to determine the effects of this herbal preparation on the expression of the cell signaling proteins, p21, androgen receptor (AR), phospho-protein kinase C (pPKC)(/), and phospho (p)Stat3. The phospohorylation status of several signal transduction phosphoproteins was profiled using a high-throughput phosphoprotein screening assay in treated cells and compared to controls. Zyflamend dramatically decreased COX-1 and COX-2 enzymatic activity. Elevated p21 expression coincided with attenuated cell growth following treatment of LNCaP cells with Zyflamend. PARP cleavage fragments were evident, and caspase-3 activity was upregulated over the control indicating the ability of Zyflamend to induce apoptosis of these cells. Androgen receptor expression levels declined by 40%, and decreases were observed in the active forms of Stat3 and PKC(/) in Zyflamend-treated LNCaP cells. Zyflamend inhibited both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymatic activities, suppressed cell growth, and induced apoptosis in LNCaP cells. However, our data suggests that the effects are likely due to COX-independent mechanisms potentially involving enhanced expression of p21 and reduced expression of AR, pStat3, and pPKC(/). 

HOPS Supercritical extract marked for humulones, potent inflammation modulators that also significantly promote structural health. 
CHAMOMILE Dual extracts Potency Assured to include modulator apigenin. Traditionally used to support a natural state of deep restfulness. 
HOLY BASIL (Ocimum sanctum) Contains the inflammation modulator ursolic acid, which significantly enhances detoxification and promotes a healthy inflammation response. 
MELISSA Contains 11 inflammation modulating compounds according to the USDA database. German Commission E, a leading authority on herbal medicine prescribes Melissa for optimal sleep quality. 
VALERIAN Source of 14 inflammation modulating compounds according to the USDA database. The Journal of Pharmacopsychiatry concludes valerian offers multiple “improvements in sleep structure.” 
BAIKAL SKULLCAP Contains inflammation modulator baicalein, traditionally recognized for its calming influence. 
GINGER Supercritical extract modulates both eiscosanoid cascades and offers numerous anti-aging constituents. 
TURMERIC Unique curcumin photonutrient complex, synergistic with green tea, significantly multiplying each herb's ability to promote healthy eicosanoid balance. 
New Chapter's Supercritical Herbal Extracts 
means Super Purity, Super Potency, Broad Spectrum, and No Chemical Solvents. We take nature's finest herbs and then extract and hightly concentrate (as high as 250 to 1) their precious, full spectrum ingredients. We do not isolate single ingredients or spike our extracts with synthesized additives. We deliver the wisdom of nature with the complexity and nuances of the natural herb preserved for you. In fact, the supercritical process is the gentlest way to extract these delicate plant compounds in a manner to optimally preserve their potency and stability. And when you take New Chapter's supercritical extracts, neither you, nor the environment, have to contend with chemical solvents.

One softgel two times daily. Take in the middle of a larger meal with an 8 oz. glass of water. 
Zyflamend PM 
Two softgels in the middle of dinner with an 8 oz glass of water.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $64.90
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Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg, (New Chapter)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Softgels
Servings Per Container: 30

Six softgel EasyCaps contain

Rosemary (leaf) 100mg supercritical extract and 50mg extract (23% total phenolic antioxidants [TPA] – 34.5mg) 150 mg *
Turmeric (rhizome) 10mg supercritical extract (45% turmerones – 4.5mg) and 100mg ethanolic extract (7% curcuminoids – 7mg) 110 mg *
Ginger (rhizome) 54mg supercritical extract (30% pungent compounds – 16.2mg, 8% zingiberene – 4.3mg) and 46mg ethanolic extract (3% pungent compounds – 1.4mg) 100 mg *
Holy Basil (leaf) extract (2% ursolic acid – 2mg) 100 mg *
Green Tea (leaf) extract (45% polyphenols – 45mg) 100 mg *
Hu Zhang (Polygonum cuspidatum) (root and rhizome) extract (8% resveratrols – 6.4mg) 80 mg *
Chinese Goldthread (root) extract 96% berberine – 2.4mg) 40 mg *
Barberry (root) extract (6% berberine – 2.4mg) 40 mg *
Oregano (leaf) supercritical extract (4% TPA – 1.6mg) 40 mg *
Baikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) (root) hydroethanolic extract (17–26% baicalein complex including baicalein and baicalin – 3.4-5.2mg, and 0.4-0.9% wogonin – 0.08-0.18mg) 20 mg *
*Daily Value no established.
Other ingredients: Olive oil- extra virgin, maltodextrin, silica, and yellow beeswax. 
Capsule: Gelatin, vegetable glycerine, purified water, and carob. 
Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) Contains the powerful COX-2 inhibitor ursolic acid, which significantly enhances detoxification and reduces inflammation. 
Turmeric Unique curcumin phytonutrient complex, naturally inhibits inflammatory COX-2, synergistic with green tea, significantly multiplying anti-inflammatory effect of green tea polyphenols. 
Ginger Supercritical extract inhibits both inflammatory COX and 5-LO and offers numerous anti-aging constituents. 
Green tea Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report green tea polyphenols markedly reduce COX-2. Major university database notes green tea contains 51 anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. 
Rosemary Dual extracts offer highly concentrated, full spectrum, COX-2 inhibition and support detoxification. 
Hu zhang (Polygonum cuspidatum) Richest known resveratrol source, shown scientifically to inhibit inflammatory COX-2. 
Chinese goldthread and barberry Unique berberine phytonutrient complex, naturally inhibits inflammatory COX-2. 
Oregano Source of large number of anti-inflammatory compounds (31) according to USDA database. 
Scutellaria Unique baicalin phytonutrient complex, naturally inhibits inflammatory COX-2. 
Zyflamend PM 
Holy Basil (leaf) extract (2% ursolic acid-3 mg) 150 mg 
Turmeric (rhizome) 25 mg supercritical extract (45% tumerones-11.25 mg) and 75 mg ethanolic extract (7% curcuminoids-5.25 mg) 100 mg 
Baikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) (root) ethanolic extract (17-26% baicalein complex including baicalein and baicalin -17-26 mg, and 0.4-0.9 % wogonin -0.4-0.9 mg) 100 mg 
Melissa (leaf) supercritical extract (1% essential oil-0.85mg) (including neral and geranial) 85 mg 
Ginger (rhizome) 13.5 mg supercritical extract (30% pungent compounds-4 mg, 8% zingiberene-1 mg) and 61.5 mg ethanolic extract (3% pungent compounds-1-8 mg) 75 mg 
Chamomile (flower) 50 mg supercritical extract (min. 2% alpha-bisabolol-1 mg) and 25 mg ethanolic extract (3% apigenin glycosides-0.75 mg) 75 mg 
Hops (strobiles) 50 mg supercritical extract (35% humulones-17 mg, 12% lupulones-6 mg) and 25 mg ethanolic extract (1% xanthohumol-0.37 mg) 75 mg 
Valerian (Valerian officinalis and Valeriana mexicanus) (root) supercritical extract (0.4% valerenic acid -80 mcg) 20 mg 
Other ingredients: Olive oil-extra virgin, maltodextrin, silica, yellow beeswax, and palm kernel oil. 
Capsule: Gelatin, vegetable glycerine, water, and carob. 
Our premium softgel capsules are prepared without any chemical solvents and are prion-free 
New Chapter sells Zyflamend only as a dietary supplement, not as a drug product. Zyflamend is not promoted by New Chapter as a product for the prevention, treatment, mitigation, or cure of breast cancer, prostate cancer, or any other specific disease or class of diseases. 
Caution: As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using this product
Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg, (New Chapter)

Editor's rating: 8.2 out of 10
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"Supercritical" means super purity, super potency, broad spectrum, and no chemical solvents. We take nature's finest herbs and then extract and highly concentrate (as high as 250 to 1) their precious ingredients. We do not isolate single ingredients or spike our extracts with synthesized additives. We deliver the wisdom of nature, with the complexity and organic nuances of the natural herb preserved for you.  
In fact, the supercritical process extracts more beneficial organic antioxidants and other compounds than any other extraction processes. And when you take New Chapter's supercritical extracts, neither you, nor the environment, have to contend with chemical solvents.

Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo - Cox 2 inhibition for reducing inflammation & Nightime inflammation response, 2x60 sg, (New Chapter)

Zyflamend & Zyflamend PM Combo is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.