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AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack , (American BioSciences)
AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack , (American BioSciences)
AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack , (American BioSciences)
Product Code:discontinued
类别: 免疫系统

AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack, (American BioSciences)

Introducing Ave, the dietary supplement containing Avemar, a uniquely beneficial natural compound that has been the subject of more than 20 peer-reviewed publications describing in vitro, in vivo and human clinical trials, with such dramatic results, its hard to believe that it is all natural. 
Ave is an instant drink mix that comes in pre-measured, individual use packets that combine 8.5 grams of Avemar pulvis (powder), the daily usage level used in most human clinical trials, with fructose natural orange flavoring, and sodium chloride (table salt). The total weight per package is 17 grams. 
Once daily use is shown to support healthy immune system modulation and the regulation of cell metabolism, supporting the processes of cell differentiation and repair.
  • Supports cell metabolic regulation
  • Promotes immune system modulation
  • Maintains healthy cellular & humoral (Th1/Th2) immune balance
  • Promotes optimal NK cells targeting ability and the coordinated response of macrophanges, B-cells and T-cells

As a dietary supplement for adults, use 1 Avé packet per day. Add Avé packet to 8 oz. of cold water, mix or shake thoroughly and drink within 30 minutes. Do not store after mixing. Avé can also be mixed with other beverages, but only those providing less than 10mg of vitamin C per 8 oz. serving. 
To maximize absorption, consume Avé one hour before or after a meal and 2 hours before or after taking any drugs or other dietary supplements. 
Helpful Tips
  • Tip #1: It is recommended that Ave is taken in the morning, before breakfast. Mix Ave with cold water, until powder is completely dissolved. Using a "shaker cup" works best.
  • Tip#2: If stomach upsets occurs, try drinking Ave after breakfast or later in the day, possibly in divided doses.
  • Tip #3: Since Ave must be kept at room temperature or below, keep Ave in your refrigerator to ensure freshness.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $199.99
Other Spec:
AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack, (American BioSciences)

Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 320mcg 
Vitamin B6 120mcg 
Calcium 24mg 
Iron 1125mcg 
Phosphorus 135mg 
Magnesium 45mg 
Zinc 1170mcg 
Copper 41mcg 
Manganese 2250mcg 
Chromium 5mcg 
Molybdenum 13mcg 
Sodium 24mg 
Potassium 153mg 
Bioquinones, polyphenols 464mg 
Flavonoids 500mcg
AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack, (American BioSciences)

Editor's rating: 8.2 out of 10
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AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack, (American BioSciences)

How It Works

1. Ave Supports Cell Metabolic Regulation 
2. Ave Promotes Immune System Regulation
  • Enhance the ability of T-cells to responde to antigen presentation, and B-cells to respond to activation and produce appropriate antibodies
  • Normalize balane of cellular and humoral (Th1/Th2) immune function
  • Enhance Macrophange functioning.
3. Ave Enhances NK Cells Targeting 
Avemar helps the immune system identify invaders for attack. Immune system enemy invaders try to hide from the immune system's Natural killer (NK) cells by displaying a surface molecule called MHC-1. 
MHC-1 tells NK cells, "don't attack me, I'm one of the good guys,...but research shows Avemar suppresses the invading cell's "mask" (MHC-1) resulting in increased NK cells targeting and immune system clearing.

What is Ave made of? 
Scientists inspired by the research of Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi Ave developed and patented a process to concentrate DMBQ from wheat germ (Triticum vulgaris), through fermentation with baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). 
The liquid that results from fermentation is drawn off, filtered and dried in low temperature with food grade maltodextrin and colloidal dioxide to prevent caking. The results has a standard concentration of DMBQ and a stable shelf life making it suitable for research and human consumption and goes by the trade name Avemar, and which in research is sometimes referred to by the code name "MSC." 
Who should not consume Ave? 
Women who are pregnant or nursing should not consume Ave. It should not be consumed by people who have had an organ or tissue transplant, for those suffering from bleeding GI ulcers, malabsorption syndrom, gluten sensitive enterophaties (celiac sprue), fructose interolance or who have hypersensitivity to gluten, wheat germ or any of the components or ingredients of this product. 
It is recommended to discontinue Ave usage 2 days before barium X-ray contrast examinations and resume 2 days after the completion of the examination. 
Allergen Statement: Ave contains wheat ingredients. Although the process of making the product removes all gluten, the principle allergen in wheat, the products comes in contact with gluten containing wheat, and the possbility of contamination exists. 
Are there any side-effects associated with using Ave? 
Ave is well tolerated by most people. No serious side effects have been reported in extensive human testing. Occasionally burping, bloating or soft stools may occurs when first starting with Ave, but these symptoms usually improve with continued used. If diarrhea occurs, try dividing the daily usage amount into two halves, and taking seperately, one morning, one late afternoon. 
How long does someone have to take Ave before they notice a difference? 
People often report improvements in appetite, energy and daily activity within 3 weeks of beginning to take Ave daily. Objective measures of improvement typically occur within 3 months. 
How long should someone continue to take Ave? 
For long-term results, one should use Ave for at least 6 months. People in fragile states of health, need more help staying healthy than those in more robust good health. Human clinical trials involving hundreds of subjects taking Ave daily over a period of severaly years have proven it safe and beneficial for long-term use. Since Ave supports the basic mechanisms that the body utilizes to respond to stress and the daily challenges to health, it may make sense to use it continuosly. 
Determining how long to use Ave comes down to a personal judgment of when one is "healthy enough." Consulting with a physician can help in evaluating the factors of whether to continue or stop using the product. People using Ave can stop at anytime without experiencing side-effects or a withdrawal. It is non-addictive and non-habit forming. 
Is there a recommendation for using AVe at a lower "maintenance level" of use? 
Since research has shown very dramatic and unique benefits from using Ave at the suggested level of use, and since this level of use is entirely safe and non-toxic, research has not considered the use of Ave at lower levels. Consultation with a physician may help determine whether a lower "maintenance level" of Ave use is appropriate. 
How does it compare to other wheat germ supplements? 
There is no really comparison. Pure wheat germ, wheat germ oil, and wheat germ extract powder (often found as an ingredient in "green drinks") may have generally beneficial properties, but research on these products has not shown the effects that Ave has demonstrated on helping to maintain normal, health cellular metabolism and immune regulation. 
Can Ave be used with other dietary supplements? 
There are many dietary supplements, and special diets that may benefit people who may wish to use Ave. None of them will interfere with Ave, and Ave will not interfere with them, as long as other supplements are consumed two hours before, or two hours after taking Ave. Consult with a health care professional that specializes in natural and nutritional medicine for a comprehensive protocol of diet, exercise and dietary supplements. 
Can Ave be used with the American BioSciences supplement ImmPower? 
Yes, as long as ImmPower is consumed two hours before or after taking Ave. They work in very complementary manner, but through different mechanisms. 
ImmPower is a pure form of the dietary supplement AHCC which has been shown to help support peak Natural Killer (NK) cell function and other benefits. Ave has been shown to enhance NK cell targeting ability. Peak NK cell function is associated with appropriate regulation of macrophange, B-cell and T-cell activity. Ave has been shown to maintain the proper balance of Th1 and Th2 cytokines (chemical messengers of the immune system) that support the coordinated interaction of NK cells, macrophages, B-cells and T-cells. 
Can Ave be used in along with the American BioSciences supplement HP8? 
Yes, as long as HP8 is consumed two hours before or after taking Ave. They work in a very complementary manner, but through different mechanisms. HP8's effects are targeted specifically to aspects of prostate health. Ave provides beneficial effects for all cell types in the body, and for overall immune function that can be particular important for men with concerns about prostate health. 
Can Ave be used in along with prescription medications? 
The primary ingredient in Ave, Avemar, has been subjected to hundreds of studies resulting in more than 20 peer-reviewed publications, including studies that look at potential drug interactions. An answer as to whether Ave will interact with a specific drug is obtained with a pharmacist or physician. 
How do I store Ave? 
Ave can be stored at room temperature, but it should not be stored at temperatures above 80 Fahrenheit. Eac packet is sealed, so humidity should not be a problem.
AVE is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
AVE - Supports cell metabolic regulation, 30 pack, (American BioSciences)