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Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Reset-A.D. -
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Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

You spend twelve stressful hours a day at work, you bust your ass in the gym each and every night, you've got a wife that constantly gives you a hard time and you never seem to sleep enough. Face it, you're flat worn out from all the stress, and the only thing that keeps you going are the energy drinks and the fat burners that you're constantly throwing down. Like millions of others around you, you are suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, a chronic condition brought about by long periods of intense exposure to stress, sleep deprivation and overuse of stimulants. What you've probably also noticed is that the stimulants that you've been throwing down, just don't have the same kick anymore. All those preworkout powders and fatburners and energy drinks you take just to get you pumped for your workout, and they just don't seem to be cutting it anymore. You even wonder if the formula of your favorite product has been changed without you knowing. The formula hasn't been changed in most cases, you've just become DESENSITIZED to the effects of stimulants because of poor adrenal function.  
RE-Stim your Stimulant 
If you're ready to begin resensitizing yourself to stimulants, while also improving the health of your adrenal system, then you are ready. If you are desperate to put that charge back into your favorite stimulant, then you're ready to experience Reset-A.D 
Introducing Reset-A.D., the first of its kind supplement, designed specifically to resensitize your adrenal system to stimulants while helping to improve overall adrenal function and aid in the alleviation of fatigue, weight gain and muscle weakness brought about due to the over-exertion of our adrenal system. Reset-A.D. has been formulated to offer needed support to the over-taxed adrenal gland and provide your body with many of the missing adrenal hormones that are no longer being adequately produced.  
Reset-A.D. is NOT a stimulant, and has NOT been designed to replace any of the stimulant products in your arsenal. It has been specifically formulated to work in close concert with your preworkout and fatburning products as a stimulant facilator in order to give you the maximum perfomance boost in your workouts and throughout the rest of your day.  
In our fitness crazed society, we supplement our bodies for nearly every condition. We take products to improve joint health, products to reduce cholestrol, build muscle and speed metabolism in order to burn fat. We use liver detoxifiers and anti-estrogen products after prohormone use and we even take supplements to improve our sexual function. Through all this supplementation though, we are completely ignoring the critical health and function of our adrenal system. Without a fully functioning adrenal system, we no longer have an adequate ability to respond to stress. Energy production drops dramatically, fatigue and slugglishness sets in, fat storage increases and weight gain ensues. Adrenal Fatigue is not a condition that solves itself. In our fast paced, 16 hour day, stressed out lives, Adrenal Fatigue is a self propagating condition that can't simply be ignored or masked by massive doses of stimulant products alone, i.e. fatburners and energy drinks. Now there is a revolutionary new supplement from Palo Alto Labs designed to specificially address the condition of adrenal fatigue and the overall health of your adrenal system - Reset-A.D. 
Give up my fat burner and coffee? Not on your Life!! 
Normal treatment of Adrenal Fatigue requires giving up stimulants and other stress factors in our lives. We all know that this is never going to happen. We all have extremely active lives and are hooked on stimulants in order to survive. According to a recent study conducted by Johns Hopkins University, caffeine is the most commonly used mood altering substance in the United States. More than 90% of Americans, including children, habitually consume caffeine and other stimulants. It is very unlikely, especially for those of us that are extremely fitness conscious and spend long hours in the gym, to ever give up our stimulants, or "slow down" our lives. Reset-A.D. was formulated with the stimulant addict in mind. Reset-A.D. has been designed to be used in close coordination with fat burners and energy drinks in order to help blunt the negative impact that these stimulants have on your adrenal system, while working to resensitize the adrenals to the beneficial energy boost generally associated with these same stimulants. Through proper use of Reset-A.D., you can help over time to improve adrenal health and reduce the slugishness caused by Adrenal Fatigue. 
Reset-A.D. has been designed to provide the bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast with the following benefits:
  • Re-energize the effects & sensitivity towards stimulants
  • Eliminates fatigue & stress caused by poor adrenal function
  • Provides support for improved adrenal system function without removal from one's daily stressful environment.
  • Works effectively with PreWorkout and Energy Supplements.
Until now, athletes, bodybuilders and supplement companies alike have almost completely ignored the health of our adrenal system.  
Not Anymore.... If you feel constantly fatigued, are gaining weight or simply not seeing those strength gains anymore despite hours at the gym, then more than likely, you are suffering from moderate Adrenal Fatigue. Now is the time to stop masking your stress and fatigue by simply overdosing on stimulants. Resensitize your body to stimulants by taking control of your of adrenal health with Reset-A.D. and eliminate the root cause of your fatigue.  
Recharge your stimulants with Reset-A.D. and put the explosiveness back into your workouts.
As a dietary supplement take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the afternoon. 
For extreme adrenal fatigue, take a maximum of 1 capsule 3 times a day. 
Reset-A.D. has been designed to be used in conjunction with stimulant products. In order to achieve best results, continue using Reset-A.D. for a minimum of 60 to 90 days.
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Retail Price: $30.29
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Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

Serving Size: 1 Capsule 
Serving's Per Container: 60  
Reset-A.D. Proprietary Blend: 850mg  
Pantothenic acid 500mg  
Bovine Adrenal Tissue 175mg  
Schizandra 100mg  
Licorice root 50mg  
Pregnenolone 25mg 
Bovine Adrenal Tissue: This is desiccated bovine adrenal gland. Adrenal tissue is particularly important in the initial phases of adrenal repair since it provides raw materials to support adrenal function. It also contains some important adrenal hormones. By including Adrenal Tissue it relieves the adrenal glands' burden and allows the following to occur:
  • Relief from the symptoms of poorly functioning adrenals much sooner than waiting for the adrenals to become healthy again – a process that can take weeks or months.
  • Significantly faster adrenal recovery
Licorice Root: Licorice helps to reduce the amount of hydrocortisone broken down by the liver, thereby reducing the workload of the adrenal glands. Licorice quickly tones the adrenals by relaxing and strengthening them to continue pumping out adrenaline but in more calculated amounts. Licorice has been found to have a very beneficial and nourishing effect on the adrenal glands as long as some portion of the gland is healthy. Addison's disease, which decreases adrenal cortex secretions, has been treated with success with licorice extracts. Licorice is known to stimulate the production of the cortin hormone which is useful when the body is under mental and emotional stress and helps with the coping process. 
Pantothenic Acid: Pantothenic acid is one of the key components in helping promote adrenal health. Once inside the body, pantothenic acid forms a substance called pantethine, which is further converted into an enzyme called “Co-enzyme A.” Co-enzyme A is an extremely important compound and is essential in the metabolism of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. It is also the starting point for the body's production of adrenal steroids, cholesterol, bile, and haemoglobin. Pantethine allows the adrenal glands to generate more cortisone which is an anti-stress hormone. With more cortisone produced, the body's inflammatory response is reduced. The increased production of cortisone and other adrenal hormones stimulated by Pantothenic acid helps counteract stress and enhance metabolism.  
Pregnenolone: Pregnenolone is the building block of all the adrenal hormones and exerts a powerful effect on the brain, enhance memory and brings about feelings of well-being while significantly improving your ability to deal with stress. Pregnenolone serves as a precursor in your body to other hormones, including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and progesterone. 
It has been suggested that Pregnenolone may play a role in the neuroendocrine response to stress. During periods of stress, the output of adrenal steroids increases. The increased output of these steroids has been associated with increased fatigue in army pilots resulting in poor performance. In a study of pilots under stress, pregnenolone therapy (25 mg, twice daily) improved performance with no adverse side effects. 
In another experiment, 25-75 mg of pregnenolone were given daily to 8 leather cutters, 12 lathe operators, and 77 optical workers. While there was little benefit compared to placebo when the workers were not “under pressure,” productivity rose when the level of work-related stress was higher. Once again, the effect outlasted the length of the study. The subjects also felt that they tired less easily and were better able to cope with the demands of their jobs. No side effects were reported in any of these studies. 
The inhibition of GABA release is also thought to enhance mood by preventing the brain from becoming too sluggish and lethargic. Pregnenolone's ability to control GABA levels strongly suggests that this hormone may be a valuable addition to the arsenal of antidepressant medications, especially considering its lack of side effects. By its very nature, pregnenolone works with your body to achieve optimal health and longevity. Pregnenolone's many functions underscore its role as one of the most important hormones in the human body. Pregnenolone reduces fatigue and increases endurance. It also provides the brain with the hormonal and neurotransmitter support it needs to retard memory loss, thus helping to improve concentration and focus.  
Schizandra: Schizandra is a recognized "adaptogen," capable of increasing the body's ability to resist both disease and stress. Scientific studies demonstrate Schizandra's ability to increase work capacity, exercise capacity, mental capacity, and adaptability to darkness and other environmental stresses in both animal and human studies. While alleviating stress and fighting fatigue, schizandra has been shown to help improve the overall health of the adrenals.
Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

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Reset-A.D. - Adrenal Support & Stimulant Facilitator, 60 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

How It Works
Palo Alto Labs understands that no one is ever going to radically change their active lifestyle soley because of fatigue. For this reason we have chosen to completely ignore the traditional method of treating adrenal fatigue, in which one isolates oneself from all stress factors (including stimulants), in order to provide you with an effective real world solution. Reset-A.D. has been formulated to offer needed support to the over-taxed adrenal gland and provide your body with many of the missing adrenal hormones that are no longer being adequately produced due to overexposure to stress factors. The ingredients found in Reset-A.D. have not only been shown in studies to help take some of the workload off the adrenal system so it can repair itself naturally, but also have been found to promote the increased production of energy regulating hormones. Reducing the burden on the adrenal system, and providing it with ingredients needed to facilitate production of stress reducing hormones, enables the adrenal glands to recover to near full functional capacity. Poorly functioning adrenal glands, for the most part don't respond well to the effects of stimulants. Over time, Reset-A.D. enables the adrenal glands to more adequately respond to stimulants through the increased production of energy regulating hormones. This translates to a much greater energetic kick from the fat burners and energy drinks that we use on a daily basis.

What is Reset-A.D? 
Reset-A.D. is the first supplement designed to actively address adrenal fatigue in bodybuilders and athletes through the resensitizing of the adrenal glands to stimulant products.  
Reset-A.D. Function:
  • Re-energize the effects & sensitivity towards stimulantse
  • Eliminates fatigue & stress caused by poor adrenal function
  • Provides support for improved adrenal system function without removal from one's daily stressful environment.
  • Works effectively with PreWorkout and Energy Supplements.
What factors cause Adrenal Fatigue? 
Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands become overworked due to the cumulative effects of stress factors. As the human body senses stress, whether it be psychological, physical, or emotional, the adrenal glands react by producing adrenaline and norepinepherine in response. The cumulative effect of non-stop stressors, including stimulant products causes a compounding effect on the adrenal glands. At a certain point, the adrenal glands "give up" and stop functioning at full capacity. This can lead to depression, weight gain, fatigue and many other side effects. 
How Does Reset-A.D. work to address Adrenal Fatigue? 
Reset-A.D. has been formulated to offer needed support to the over-taxed adrenal gland and provide your body with many of the missing adrenal hormones that are no longer being adequately produced due to overexposure to stress factors. The ingredients found in Reset-A.D. have not only been shown in studies to help take some of the workload off the adrenal system so it can repair itself naturally, but also have been found to promote the increased production of energy regulating hormones. Reducing the burden on the adrenal system, and providing it with ingredients needed to facilitate production of stress reducing hormones, enables the adrenal glands to recover to near full functional capacity. 
What is Adrenal Fatigue? 
Adrenal Fatigue is the result of the declining function of the adrenal glands and the ability to no longer adequately meet the demands of stress. Unbeknownst to most, the adrenal glands provide a very important, and often overlooked function. They are fully responsible for responding to every form of stress, whether it is psychological, emotional or physical, through complex hormones that regulate energy production & storage, muscle tone and heart rate. When our adrenal glands become weakened, their response to stress becomes inadequate and adrenal fatigue begins to set in. The result often manifests itself as a deep fatigue, loss of strength & endurance, weight gain or mild depression. In order to continue on in our daily lives, we compensate for our fatigue by overdosing on stimulants. What very few of us realizes is that overexposure to stimulants found in energy drinks, coffee and fat burners exacerbates the weakening function of the adrenal glands. Overuse of stimulants puts additional stress on the adrenal system, and is the equivalent of giving way too much gas and flooding out the engine of your car. As adrenal fatigue worsens, the positive "lifting" affect of stimulant products lessens until they really don't seem to work anymore. In an Ideal world, one that none of us actually live in, treatment of Adrenal Fatigue requires 9 to 12 months of minimal stress, sleeping late, taking naps multiple times per day and taking negative people out of our lives. Yeah right, fat chance of that.  
What are the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:
  • Morning Fatigue. Not seeming to "wake up" until 10am even though you've been up for 3 hours.
  • Middle of the Afternoon "Low". Sluggishness and clouded thinking in the middle of the day.
  • Burst of Energy around 6pm
  • Sleepiness around 9pm, but a "Second Energy Burst" around 11pm till 1am.
  • Mild Depression, Decreased Sex Drive and Lack of Energy
  • Muscular Weakness and declining endurance
  • Weight gain, with extreme difficulty in losing it
  • Unrelaxing or Unfulfilling Sleep
Reset-A.D. is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.