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MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs , (Natural 3)
MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs , (Natural 3)
MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs , (Natural 3)
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MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs, (Natural 3)

Use MenoSerene to Fight Your Menopause Symptoms:
  • Hot Flashes and Palpitations.
  • Mood Swings
  • Insomnia
  • Vaginal Dryness
9 Natural Fruits in MenoSerene: 
Find an escape from menopause without the side effects. Natural 3 introduces MenoSerene a 100% natural formula used for menopause relief. Made from all natural herbs, MenoSerene does not contain any hormones. It is the natural alternative to hormone therapy. Discover your natural way of life with MenoSerene.
MenoSerene is a botanical formulation that contains natural herbal extracts developed to ease the discomfort and irritated symptoms of peri-menopause. Menopause occurs naturally with age, and therefore many do not consider it an illness.  
Many women never experience any obvious symptoms during this transitional period of time. They might enjoy the relief of no monthly menstruation period, and freedom from worry about unplanned pregnancy. But many others, because of the decline of sex hormone level in their bodies, experience some or all so-called peri-menopausal symptoms. The discomfort might be as light as irregular periods, soreness of breast, vaginal dryness, body cramps, and mood swings or as severe as insomnia, depression, hot flashes, palpitation, bone fragility, or heart problems. Hot flashes are the most common symptom linked to menopause and are associated with low sex hormone levels.  
In menopausal women the estrogen levels are only about 10% of their previous levels. It is suggested that about 75% of menopausal women are affected at one time or another by hot flashes, and 15% of them suffer serious disturbance. In the US, there are at least 5 million women who are suffering and searching for a way to get relief from this horrible discomfort. For the past several decades, medical practitioners have treated hot flashes and other perimenopausal discomforts with estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But many women don’t want to take the potential risk of cancer of sexual organs associated with estrogen use (ERT), or they dislike the cyclic bleeding and significant side effects often caused by HRT which combines estrogen with a synthetic progesterone. Therefore, many are seriously searching for an alternative method to resolve this problem. Natural herbs have been used to ease the perimenopausal symptoms in Asia, Europe, and South America.  
Most of the herbs used for relieving the symptoms in the transitional period contain phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are biochemical substances which have structures similar to estrogen that may allow them to act as a precursor of estrogen or as a weak estrogen. Thus far there is not definite evidence to suggest they might are associated with the risk of cancer.  
MenoSerene is not a hormonal product but has been developed as a natural alternative support product. It is formulated with the best-known combination of high-potency botanicals which have a long empirical history of easing the transition into menopause, and supporting the body's changes to relieve many of the associated symptoms.  
The major ingredients of MenoSerene are Chinese herbs that have shown effectiveness in women suffering perimenopausal symptoms. Each herb in MenoSerene has a particular property and complements other herbs to provide a solution to the troublesome discomfort in the menopausal state. Herbs in MenoSerene have phytoestrogenic properties which benefit the body with low estrogen levels. Furthermore, many of the ingredients of MenoSerene also benefit the body’s health in the stage of post-menopause.

It is suggested to take one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening after meals. 
This dietary supplement is composed with natural herbs which had been used for a long time for different aliments or conditions. It has the properties of phytoestrogens, astringent, cooling, and calming, can benefit the peri-menopausal women who is suffering various symptoms.  
Not to Use: it is used only for female adult. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. As any herbal supplements, for the safe reason, when you have any health condition, or if taking prescription medicines or other dietary supplements, you should consult with a health care provider prior to use.
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Retail Price: $45.00
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MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs, (Natural 3)

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 2 Tablets

Amount Per Serving

% of Daily Value
Proprietary Blend 2400 mg
Dong Qui (Root) ?
Dogwood (Fruit) ?
Dioscorea (Root) ?
Epimedium (Leave) ?
Mexican Wild Yam (Root) ?
Oyster Shell (Shell) ?
Paeonia Suffruticosa (Bark) ?
Phellodendron Amurense (Bark) ?
Poria Cocoa (Sclerotium) ?
Pueraica Mirifica (Root) ?
Rehmannia Glutinosa (Root) ?
? Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, Microcrystalline cellulose, Stearic acid, Silicone dioxide, Magnesium stearate, Sodium starch glycolate 
Rehmannia can be used in two forms, one is raw and another is processed, with different actions. Rehemannia is a “longevity? herb and has a marked tonic action on the liver and kidney. The raw root cools the heat in the body (anti-inflammatory, and detoxify) and Yin tonic (strengthen the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, and produce essential fluid). In Chinese Medicine it frequent prescribed in a formula for heat in the body or weakness caused by sickness. Modern research has confirmed its traditional use, showing that it protects the liver and is useful for liver problems. Rehemannia smooth the symptoms of hot flashes in peri-menopause.  
Angelica Sinensis, also known as Dong Quai, is one of the most popular herbs used today for treating female conditions, both in China and America. In traditional Chinese medicine, Dong Quai is often referred to as the "female ginseng." Dong Quai is high in natural plant estrogens called phytosterols and helps to reduce the symptoms of estrogen deficiency. Dong Quai is beneficial for promoting blood flow to the reproductive organs, relieving menstrual cramps, regulating uterine contractions, and alleviating symptoms related to menopause. Dong Quai helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby helping to support calmer moods. Other uses for Dong Quai are to increase the absorption of oxygen by the liver and purify the blood, therefore nourishing the brain, heart, and digestive system. Dong Quai may also be used to boost metabolism, reduce cholesterol, aid digestion, and relieve pain caused by arthritis. 
Wild Yam 
Wild yam, Dioscarea villosa, is a powerful estrogenic herb used by women around the world. The progestogenic properties of the Wild yam help to reduce the symptoms of menopause. It also has a good anti-inflammatory action and gives relief from menopausal arthritis.  
Epimedium, named horny goat weed in the west, is a pungent ornamental herb in Asia and the Mediterranean region. The plant hormonal properties of testosterone made the principle use of Epimedium as an aphrodisiac Animal studies have shown that epimedium function as an adaptogen by increasing levels of energy-promoting neurotransmitters when they are low, but reducing the level of stress hormone when they are elevated. This action contributes to the management of menopause on the mood swing, depression, and libido.  
Pueraria Mirifica 
Pueraria mirifica is a vine plant of the Leguminosae family. It’s underground tuber rich in phytoestrogens comprising isoflavone. The characteristic structures of these phytoestrogens are Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol which possess highest estrogenic activity due to structural similarity to estradiol, the human estrogen. It also contains isoflavone and coumestrol that are usually found in soybeans but with higher potency.  
Cornus Officinalis 
The taste of the fruit of Cornus is sour and use as a herb of astringent. The action of astringent applies to treat excessive sweating, heavy menstrual bleeding, spermatorrhea, and premature ejaculation.  
Poria Cocoa 
Poria is used as a diuretic and tonic in Chinese herbal medicine, being classified as an herb that drains dampness. It can eliminate excessive fluid in the body by tonifying the excretory system. Poria has a soothing and tranquilizing effect on the nervous system, and can be helpful in treating tension, anxiety and insomnia.  
Phellodendron Amurense 
Phellodendron contains isoquinoline alkaloid and plant sterols. It is used to reduce heat caused by deficiency of vital essence (hormone) or infection. 
Ostrea Gigas 
Ostrea gigas, oyster shell, is used in Chinese herbal medicine as a sedative and tranquilizer. It contains many minerals including calcium (CaCO3, CaPO4, CaSO4), Magesium, potassium and alumin. It can help the symptoms of insomnia, anxiety and mood swing in perimenopausal stage. It also can supply calcium for the bone health.
MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs, (Natural 3)

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MenoSerene - Fight Your Menopause Symptoms, 60 tabs, (Natural 3)

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