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Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps , (Muscletech)
Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps , (Muscletech)
Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps , (Muscletech)
Product Code:discontinued

Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps, (Muscletech)

When the goal is to get completely diced, everybody can use a little help. This is where Hydroxycut Hardcore America's hardcore fat burner plays a starring role. Team MuscleTech researchers definitely went the distance when formulating Hydroxycut Hardcore. This amazing product is backed by more than 10 years of research and has been scientifically engineered to get you hardcore results! Hydroxycut Hardcore stands head and shoulders above any other so-called "fat burners" on the market!
As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules with an 8-oz. glass of water 2 times daily, approximately 30 to 60 minutes before meals. On days of your workout, take 1 of these servings before the workout. Consume ten 8-oz. glasses of water per day. Read the entire label before use and follow directions. Do not exceed 3 capsules in a 4-hour period and/or 6 capsules in a 24-hour period. Do not take within 5 hours of bedtime. To assess individual tolerance, follow the chart. For best results, combine Hydroxycut Hardcore with an intense exercise and nutrition program.

Day 1 to Day 3 1 capsule, 2x daily
Day 4 to Day 7 2 capsule, 2x daily
Day 8 & beyond 3 capsule, 2x daily
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $59.99
Other Spec:
Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps, (Muscletech)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 3 LiquiTech™ Capsules
Serving Per size: 40
Amount per serving
Pyroxyclene™ Fat Loss Blend 912 mg **
Green Tea Extract(as Camellia Sinensis)(Leaf)   **
      (Standardized For 90% Polyphenold, 75% Catechins, 45% Epigallocatechin Gallate).   **
Caffeine Anhydrous   **
      (Supplying 300mg Of Caffeine)   **
Cissus Quadrangularis Extract   **
White Willow Extract(as Salix Alba)(Bark)   **
     (Standardized For 25% Salicin).    **
Aspidosperma Quebracho-Blanco Extract(Bark)   **
     (Standardized For 0.3% Alkaloids).   **
Norepidrol™ Intensity Focus Blend 171 mg **
Deanol Bitartrate   **
Xanthinol Nicotinate   **
Evodia Rutaecarpa Extract(as Tetradium Ruticarpum)(Fruit)   **
    (Standardized For 10% Evodiamine).   **
Inula Racemosa Extract(Root)   **
    (Standardized For 2% Alantolactone).   **
Codonopsis Pilosula Extract(Root)   **
Lasidrate™ Delivery Blend 55 mg **
Troxerutin(as Sophora Japonica)   **
  (Standardized For 97% Trihydroxyethylrutoside)   **
Inositol Hexaphosphate   **
Cnidium Monnieri Extract(Seed)   **
    (Standardized For 20% Osthole)   **
Black Pepper Extract(Piper Nigrum L.)(Fruit)   **
    (Standardized For 95% Piperine).   **
Yohimbacore™ Blend 4.5 mg **
Methyl 17 Alpha-Hydroxy-Yohimban-16 Alpha-Carboxylate Hydrochloride   **
other ingredients: Sesame Oil, Gelatin, FD&C Red #3, FD&C Red #40, Caramel Color (May Include Sulfites And Wheat), Silica, Ink (Shellac, Isopropyl Alcohol, Butyl Alcohol, Dehydrated Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Hydroxide, Povidone, Titanium Dioxide, FD&C Yellow #5 )
**Daily Value not yet established.
Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps, (Muscletech)

Editor's rating: 8.2 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps, (Muscletech)

What is Hydroxycut Hardcore?
Hydroxycut® Hardcore is America’s #1 hardcore fat burner! It is backed by more than 10 years of real, scientific research, including clinical studies on key components with actual human subjects. Team MuscleTech invests heavily into clinical studies in order to create supplements that are unmatched in the industry. That is why Hydroxycut Hardcore is trusted by top pros such as Jay Cutler, Darrem Charles, Gustavo Badell, David Henry, Johnnie Jackson, and many more.

What's in Hydroxycut Hardcore that makes it unique from other fat burners?
Hydroxycut® Hardcore contains a one-of-a-kind blend of superior ingredients, engineered to quickly and effectively burn bodyfat. Each serving contains Proxyclene™ Fat-Loss Blend – which includes green tea leaf extract – Lasidrate™ Delivery Blend, Norepidrol™ Intensity Focus Blend, and Yohimbacore™ Blend. Through Team MuscleTech’s unwavering commitment to science, these four blends found in Hydroxycut Hardcore work together to create the most powerful hardcore fat-burning supplement available! Hydroxycut Hardcore also utilizes an exclusive liquid Micro-Dispersion Technology to deliver fat-burning components to the body immediately.

Does Hydroxycut Hardcore contain ephedra?
No. Hydroxycut® Hardcore does not contain ephedra.

Are there any studies on the ingredients in Hydroxycut Hardcore?
Yes! Here are some for your reference:

One study on the components of Hydroxycut® Hardcore was conducted at the University of Laval, and the results were absolutely shocking. A double-blind placebo-controlled study was conducted where subjects took either the active component or a placebo and the researchers measured each person’s metabolic rate. When the subjects took the key components in Hydroxycut Hardcore they increased their calorie burning over a 24-hour period!

In another clinical study, researchers set out to measure the actual changes in bodyfat. A key component in Hydroxycut Hardcore was proven to decrease bodyfat by an astounding average of 7.9 percent compared to a control group! That decrease was calculated by using the highly trusted technology of computed tomographic scanning better known in the scientific community as CT scanning. In fact, subjects using the key compounds in Hydroxycut Hardcore decreased their total fat area by 26.7 cm2 while the control group only decreased it by 6.7 cm2.

In an additional scientific study, subjects using a key compound in Hydroxycut Hardcore lost an average of 10.56 pounds in only six weeks. That is with just one powerful ingredient, and Hydroxycut Hardcore’s scientifically advanced formula is packed with more than 12 additional ingredients for truly dramatic results!

Another clinical study found that the key components in Hydroxycut Hardcore were proven to increase the body’s primary fat-burning hormone, norepinephrine (NE), by an incredible average of 40 percent!

How does Hydroxycut Hardcore burn fat?
Hydroxycut® Hardcore works through a five-stage process that works to create the optimal fat-burning environment. As soon as you take a serving of Hydroxycut Hardcore, the assault on your fat stores begins.

The first stage elevates your body's #1 fat-burning hormone, norepinephrine, by an average of 40 percent to effectively ignite the fat-breakdown process. When norepinephrine binds to beta-receptors on your fat cells, cell signals are sent down to activate fat-burning signalling cascades.

In order to keep the signals going within the cell, a component in Hydroxycut Hardcore inhibits enzymes called phosphodiesterases (PDE's) and that is the second stage. PDE's can deactivate cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and high cAMP levels are essential for the fat-burning process because they act as a second chemical messenger to drive fat burning.

The third stage involves the alpha receptors found on fat cells. Another key component in Hydroxycut Hardcore blocks the alpha receptors because these receptors shut down the fat-burning process. When these receptors are blocked it allows the beta receptors to keep fat-burning signals redlined.

The fourth stage also deals with blocking a fat-burning enemy. A key component in Hydroxycut Hardcore blocks a norepinephrine-degrading enzyme called catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT), and by doing so, the 40 percent increase in norepinephrine can continue doing its job to burn fat.

To complete the entire process, broken-down fat stores are sent to the mitochondria of cells, where they are burned off as heat by uncoupling proteins, through a process called thermogenesis – the fifth and final stage.

The Science of Hydroxycut Hardcore - 5 Stage Process

How does Hydroxycut Hardcore increase norepinephrine (NE) by up to 40 percent?
Hydroxycut® Hardcore elevates levels of norepinephrine, a key fat-burning hormone, by stimulating its release, and it ensures that norepinephrine levels remain elevated by blocking the enzyme responsible for its destruction (COMT). Hydroxycut Hardcore also blocks the alpha-2 receptor, prolonging the fat-burning signal and reducing the negative feedback effect on norepinephrine release.

How is increasing norepinephrine beneficial for fat burning?
Norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline, is a neurohormone in the sympathetic nervous system (the fight-or-flight system that prepares the body for action) and in some parts of the central nervous system. It is a chemical means of transmission in the body that binds to various receptors. One of its signals is called norepinephrine-induced thermogenesis. By increasing norepinephrine in the body, you amplify its effect on the various receptors responsible for thermogenesis.

How should I begin using Hydroxycut Hardcore? When should I take it?

As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules with an 8-oz. glass of water twice daily, approximately 30 to 60 minutes before meals. On days you workout, take one of these servings before the workout. Consume ten 8-oz. glasses of water per day. Read the entire label before use and follow directions. Do not exceed 3 capsules in a 4-hour period and/or 6 caplets in a 24-hour period. Do not take within 5 hours of bedtime. To assess individual tolerance, follow the chart. For best results, combine Hydroxycut® Hardcore with an intense exercise and nutrition program.
Day 1 to Day 3 1 capsule, 2x daily
Day 4 to Day 7 2 capsule, 2x daily
Day 8 &beyond 3 capsule, 2x daily

If I miss a serving of Hydroxycut Hardcore, should I double my next serving?
No! You should never take a double serving of Hydroxycut® Hardcore! In the event that you do miss a serving, simply take a regular serving at your next scheduled time. Again, never take a double serving of Hydroxycut Hardcore, and always carefully read the label in its entirety before taking it or any other dietary product.

Can I increase the serving size for faster results?

The simple answer is no! The key ingredients in Hydroxycut Hardcore have been scientifically researched and combined to work optimally as indicated on the label. Hydroxycut Hardcore contains the latest ingredients in precise amounts to help you get sredded with a hardcore bodybuilding program. For these reasons, you should only consume Hydroxycut Hardcore in accordance with label directions. You should always carefully read the label in its entirety before using a dietary supplement and always follow the directions.

Can I use Hydroxycut Hardcore with other products containing caffeine?
Hydroxycut® Hardcore should not be used with products containing caffeine. Read the entire label before use and follow the directions.

Where can I buy Hydroxycut Hardcore?
lease visit our where to buy page to find a selection of fine retailers that carry MuscleTech® products. Please note that product availability may vary from location to location.
Hydroxycut Hardcore is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Hydroxycut Hardcore - 120 liqcaps, (Muscletech)