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No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit , (Sonne's)
No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit , (Sonne's)
No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit , (Sonne's)
Product Code:065620-7

No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit, (Sonne's)

Research has proven repeatedly that reducing an organism´s caloric intake by 30% can increase significantly life span, and reduce the onset and severity of chronic and genetically-predisposed diseases. The Sonne´s 7 Day Cleansing Program is designed to reduce your food intake, while providing the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body needs. This kit can be used as a Daily Maintenance Program to derive the benefits of nutritional supplementation and calorie restriction. Or, it can be used in a 7 Day Cleansing Program, as an integrated system of self-purification that combines the benefits of fasting, fibrous intestinal cleansers, nutritional supplements and daily colon irrigation. It is a complete program of detoxification that helps rejuvenate every organ, gland, tissue and cell in the body. You will be amazed at the beneficial results of this program, and you can be assured of the best products Nature has to offer!
Over 50 years of experience with fasts and cleansing have convinced us that each year the colon of the average American becomes more clogged and distorted. We firmly believe that unless all fecal matter is removed, no amount of drugs, operations, vitamins or food supplements (including ours) will rid the body of all chronic ailments. Therefore, the most important procedure directed toward regaining your health is the complete and thorough cleansing of the colon, no matter what or how long it takes. We recommend that our customers first clean out the colon through the use of an enema, colonic, or our Herbal Supplement before starting the use of our nutritional products. This will afford better nutrient absorption to achieve better results.
A 7 day fast should be a must for everyone 2 to 4 times per year. Moderate fasting should be routine for everyone. As daily maintenance, take each product at least once daily as directed on the respective bottles.
For complete instructions, see "The Sonne´s 7 Day Cleansing Program Instructions." Briefly, consume no food for 7 days. Upon rising the first day, take a Cleansing Drink consisting of Detoxificant and Intestinal Cleanser in juice. One hour and a half later, take the food supplements: GreenLife® , Wheat Germ Oil, Natural Source Vitamin C, and Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets (with the Deluxe Kit). Alternate taking the drink and pills 1.5 hours apart, throughout the day. Take 2 tablets of Herbal Supplement with the last Cleansing Drink before retiring. For best results, use daily colonic irrigation during the cleanse.
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Retail Price: $195.79
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No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit, (Sonne's)

Supplement Facts
Serving Per size: Kit
Amount per serving
#3 Wheat Germ Oil **
#7 Detoxificant **
#9 Intestinal Cleanser **
#9A Herbal Supplement **
#10 GreenLife **
#17 Natural Source Vitamin C **
#18 Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets **
**Daily Value not yet established.
No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit, (Sonne's)

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No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit, (Sonne's)

How It Works
Victor Earl Irons (Sonne´s Founder) was the very first to introduce a colon cleansing program to the public (in the 1930´s), even before it became popular. Great care and expense have gone into maintaining the "Life" in each product, where applicable. When you carry Sonne´s products, you are selling the original and the best!
The basic kit contains all five items necessary for the Sonne´s 7 Day Cleansing Program or the Daily Maintenance Program in a special package with instructions. Also enclosed is a sample bottle of #9A Herbal Supplements. You may choose to purchase our #18 Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets separately to complement this program, as they provide nutrients to support normal blood and liver functions.

Contents: This product is available in two (2) types:

The Basic Kit includes Wheat Germ Oil, Detoxificant, Intestinal Cleanser, Herbal Supplement (sample size), GreenLife® , and Natural Source Vitamin C.The Deluxe Kit contains the above 6 items, plus Whole Beet Plant Juice Tablets.
Q. What is the 7 Day Cleansing Program?

A. The 7 Day Cleansing Program is a cleansing fast that works in harmony with Nature to enhance the body's healing process. The body can heal itself Naturally if given the proper conditions: proper nutrition and proper elimination of poisons from the bloodstream. When the blood is clean and healthy, the body can ward off degenerative diseases and fight infections from bacteria, viruses, and "bugs"; and keep the body in a state of good health.

The program consists of fasting for 7 days. That may sound severe, but you will be taking a cleansing drink and nutritional supplements every hour-and-a-half , so your stomach will constantly be full. This allows the body to shut down the digestive system so all that energy that is usually used to digest food can go toward healing the body.

During this cleansing program the body will be in a healing mode and toxins may be stirred up. That is why we recommend colonic irrigation to help remove and flush out these poisons before they are reabsorbed by the bloodstream. Colonic irrigation is also very effective at loosening and removing the impacted mucous and feces that becomes hardened in the colon and is very difficult to expel.

Q. What do you mean by "colonic irrigation?"

A. Colonic irrigation is a process which introduces water into the large intestine, or colon. Procedures which accomplish this are enemas and high colonics. In these procedures a small tip is inserted 2 inches into the rectum and water is introduced into the colon. The water is taken in, and massaging is done to move the water back-and-forth around the walls of the colon to loosen the impacted fecal matter and plaque - and also to flush the stirred-up poisons from the body. Whatever type of colonic irrigation is used, massaging is the key to success.

An enema consists of using an enema bulb or an enema bag. An enema is usually administered on the floor of the bathroom while on your hands and knees. About 1 cup to 1 pint of water or solution is taken into the colon. When the need to expel arises, the person gets off the floor and sits on the toilet to evacuate. Then, the person gets back on the floor to administer more water. The procedure is duplicated as many times as needed or desired. Enemas affect only the descending colon and, at times, part of the transverse colon.

High colonics are a very simple procedure that uses one position for the entire treatment. In his procedure, a person lays on their back on a table or board. A small tip - no larger than a pencil - is inserted into the rectum no more than 2 inches. Water or a colonic solution is introduced into the tip via a tube and is either fed by gravity flow or by pressure. The water or solution in taken into the colon and, since both hands are free, the person can massage the abdomen, or relax and read a book, etc. When the need to expel arises, the person can evacuate freely and all elimination goes into the toilet or down the drain - hence, the person lies on their back for the whole procedure. The colonic procedure lasts for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Colonics are administered by professional colon hydrotherapists for a fee of $35-65 per session.

Q. Why 7 days?

A. Nature works in units of 7. There are 7 days in a week. The moon's cycle is in units of 7. Women menstruate in units of 7. Chickens and ducks hatch in units of 7. In the body, it takes 7 days to clean the bloodstream. So, by the end of our 7 Day Cleansing Program, you can have a clean, fresh bloodstream - which can do wonders for healing the body.

Q. I don't think I can go 7 days without eating. Can I still go on the cleanse?

A. Many people think that they cannot live without eating for 7 days, but you will not die if you do not eat for that time. In fact, all throughout the history of mankind, food has been a fairly scarce commodity - so that man lived in a state of either feast or famine. Compare that to what has happened in only the last 100 years when food has become so abundant. People eat three meals a day and snack in between meals. So it has only been in the last century that we have had such a plentiful supply of food. With some willpower and discipline, you can succeed! And, you´ll feel so much better about yourself for what you have accomplished.

If you truly feel that you cannot possibly last the full 7 days, you can start out slowly. Try a 3-Day Cleanse. Then when you feel comfortable that you can go without food for 3 days, you can try for 5 days, or maybe even the full 7 Day Cleanse.

Q. Will this Program get rid of parasites?
A. While this program is not specifically designed as a parasite cleanse, many people experience the removal of parasites from their bodies. Parasites are the CONSEQUENCE of a toxic bowel, NOT THE CAUSE.

They are the scavengers that Nature will send to clean up the body´s environment. "Flies do not cause garbage" but, rather flies are drawn to garbage to assist in cleaning up the environment or terrain. When you remove the garbage, you remove the flies, or parasites in this case.

Q. Can I still drink coffee, soft drinks, or smoke on the cleanse?

A. You should not. These types of things are what is causing many of your ailments and health problems. This cleanse is a process of detoxification, and the body cannot effectively detoxify if you are continuing to take in toxins such as these.

In fact, many people who want to quit such habits as smoking or alcoholic drinks find the Cleansing Program eases their withdrawal symptoms and makes it easier for them to quit.

You may substitute with some herbal tea (not black tea, such as Lipton's – a registered trademark) once or twice a day.

Q. Can I substitute my Vitamin C, or Vitamin E, etc., for your product when I'm on your 7 Day Cleansing Program or Daily Maintenance Program?

A. The 7 Day Cleansing Program works with the specific assortment of the products we provide. Any substitutions may limit your results.

You should be especially aware of the fact that all the supplied products are from natural food sources - nothing is synthetic or man-made. 90% of all vitamin supplements are synthetic - and they do not work in the body to nutritionally build the bloodstream - like natural food supplements do.

(If your product says 250 mg or 500 mg of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) then it is synthetic. If your product says 5,000 IU or 10,000 IU of vitamin E (acetate or succinate) then it is synthetic.) Return to top Q. I'm on the 7 Day Cleanse and I'm experiencing fatigue, weakness, a cloudy mind, cold-like symptoms, a lack of concentration, etc. What do you suggest? A. Since your body is in a cleansing mode, you are stirring up poisons in the body. If these poisons are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, they can create any number of conditions of ill health. Increasing your intake of Detoxificant should support the natural elimination of these toxins. This is why colonic irrigation is so important when you are on a Cleansing Program. This procedure uses water to flush these poisons out of the body before they are reabsorbed by the bloodstream. If you are feeling weak, you can increase the amount of GreenLife® that you are taking. GreenLife® has every nutrient you need (except vitamin D), including the electrolyte, potassium. The point of the 7 Day Cleansing Program is to shut down the digestive system for the 7 days so that the body can concentrate on the healing process.

If you still need some help, try including fresh vegetable juice or a vegetable broth (liquid only). Q. When do I know I'm completely cleaned out?

A. Remember, it took you years to build up all the toxins, mucous, and debris in your body. You can't expect one or two weeks to get you completely cleaned out.

For most people we recommend doing a 7 Day Cleansing Program every 7 weeks in the first year - again working in units of 7, as Nature does. That means that you can do between 5 and 7 Cleanses the first year. This is sufficient for most people. However, degenerative cases may need a more intense regimen (i.e. one Cleansing Program a month), and they may need as many as 10 to 20 Cleanses to get truly cleaned out.

There are certain plateau points that are reached in your results. So you may eliminate a lot of material for a few days during the Cleanse and not eliminate any more for the remaining few days. This is normal, because most people will clean out the colon in stages. Once one blockage is passed, it may take time to loosen and expel the next blockage.

You will know when you are truly cleaned out, because you will have boundless energy; you will be free of all aches, pains, allergies, and other ailments; your skin will be a young, healthy color; and you will feel young again. In a clean body and a properly cleaned and nourished bloodstream, these types of symptoms do not present themselves. Also, you may go on 2 or 3 successive Cleansing Programs and pass no ore of the mucous and plaque.

But, be aware that the mucous is constantly created when we eat foods such as: refined flours and sugars, processed foods, foods that contain natural toxins, and bad food combinations (i.e. mixing starches and proteins at the same meal).

Q. Why do your products cost so much compared to other vitamin supplements? Why is your Cleansing Kit so expensive? A. Our products are not merely vitamins, they are natural food concentrates. It is a very easy and cheap process to tablet and sell synthetic vitamins as food supplements. But, they are not truly food supplements, and they cannot truly support Life.

We take great care to preserve all of the original vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from our original food source, so that the product we bring to the consumer is Alive. For example:

1. We dry our products through special processes so that the temperature does not rise above body temperature. This preserves the enzymes.

2. We bottle our products in dark glass bottles. This preserves the vitamins and enzymes from degradation by light. The glass also prevents interaction between the product and the plastic that is used to bottle most food supplements.

3. We replace the air in our bottles with Nitrogen gas to preserve the nutrients, because the Oxygen in the air can destroy many vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

So you see that we take many steps to ensure that we provide the consumer with a product that is Alive, with all of the nutrients at their peak Natural levels. That is why it may cost more, but you are getting a product that is as close to its natural state as possible.
No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
No 20 Seven Day Cleansing Kit - 1 kit, (Sonne's)