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Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs , (Perfecta Products)
Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs , (Perfecta Products)
Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs , (Perfecta Products)
Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative -
Product Code:PJ0006
类别: Laxative

Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs, (Perfecta Products)

Agape Health Product's laxative tablets are a safe, natural way to encourage elimination. They are an aid in the relief of occasional constipation and associated symptoms. Gentle and effective, generally produces comfortable elimination within 8 hours or overnight.
For adults and children at least 12 years of age. Take 1 to 2 tablets daily, preferably at night. It is important to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water. Take at least ½ hour before eating or 2 hours after eating. Use for 2 to 3 days for optimum benefit. Not recommended for children under 12. Not recommended for long-term use.
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Retail Price: $24.95
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Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs, (Perfecta Products)

Excellent colon cleanser cleans out compacted bowels thereby making bowel movements easier for people with colitis and hemorrhoids. Creates bulk. Relieves autointoxication.

The major constituents of Buckthorn are anthraquinone glycosides, which are mildly laxative in nature. The anthraquinones reflexively stimulate peristalsis and mucous secretion in the intestine, and thereby contribute a certain measure toward ridding the body of accumulations of toxic waste. (The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine) .

Cascara Sagrada
The laxative in any detoxification blend is meant to aid in the removal of consolidated, bacteria-laden waste matter that accumulates in the large intestine.Cascara eases the passage of such material by exercising without producing griping, cramping, diarrhea or constipative rebound. (The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine) .

Very high in vitamin and mineral content thus nourishes the entire system. Excellent for pregnant women and nursing mothers, good for pituitary gland. It alkalizes the body rapidly and helps detoxify the liver. Helps rebuild decayed teeth and relieve arthritic and rheumatic pain. Also aids in the assimilation of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Alfalfa is known as an appetite stimulant and vitality augmenter. The idea of humans eating something generally grown for animals has never really caught on in a big way with the general public, yet it is perfectly accepted by persons interested in natural health. As a spring tonic, alfalfa has no equal. It is one of the best sources for protein. In addition, it is very high in vitamins A, D, E, B-6 & K, calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, phosphorus, iron, potassium, trace minerals and several digestive enzymes. We know it to contain many important substances, including several saponins, many sterols, flavinoids, coumarone, alkaloids, acids, vitamins, amino acids sugars, proteins (25% by weight), minerals, trace minerals and other nutrients. Alfalfa’s saponins inhibit increases in blood cholesterol levels by 25% when high cholesterol diets are fed to monkeys, rats, and rabbits. Other components of alfalfa probably enhance the action of the saponins by binding bile acids that are necessary for cholesterol absorption. Vitamin K is found in high concentrations in alfalfa. Dietary vitamin K can remedy bleeding disorders, which occur when the delivery of bile to the bowel is hindered, as for example in obstructive jaundice or biliary fistula. It is important to realize that alfalfa is also fiber. As such it has been shown, along with bran and pectin to bind and neutralize various types of agents carcinogenic to the colon. Finally some work suggests that alfalfa induces activity in a complex cellular system that inactivates dietary chemical carcinogens in the liver and small intestine before they have a chance to do the body harm. .

Rose Hips
An extremely high source of Vitamin C, thus effective with colds, diarrhea, coughs, consumption, dysentery and scurvy. .

Lactobacillus Bifidus Powder
Pro biotic (Friendly bacteria) .

Bentonite Clay
Used to absorb and draw toxins from the colon and digestive tract when used internally. Have negative ions, which draw the positive ions off the intestinal walls. .

Cayenne (Capsicum) is used as a catalyst in herbal formulas; best known to correct unnecessary flutters of the heart rhythm. Helps equalize the circulation, stimulate the heart and helps heal the ulcers of the stomach and colon. It has been known to stop bleeding internally and externally. Combined with Lobelia, it is excellent for the erves.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic, stimulates activity of the digestive organs, and therefore relieves problems associated with poor digestion. It is used to emulsify the cholesterol and loosen it from the arterial walls. Proven useful in asthma and whooping cough. Valuable in intestinal infections and effective in reducing high blood pressure. .

Golden Seal
For all problems of the mucous membranes. Relieves nausea. The infusion makes a good vaginal douche. Warning: Do not use in large amounts during pregnancy. When used over a long period will reduce vitamin B absorption. Golden Seal is also a natural antibiotic herb used with all infections. A powerful agent used in treating ulcers, diphtheria, tonsillitis, and spinal meningitis. One of the best substitutes for quinine.
Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs, (Perfecta Products)

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Perfect 7 Herbal Laxative - Natural Laxative, 200 tabs, (Perfecta Products)

How It Works
This product contains Senna Read and follow directions carefully. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain because Senna may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.