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Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct , (Organic Essentials)
Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct , (Organic Essentials)
Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct , (Organic Essentials)
Cotton Swabs Travel Pack -
Product Code:discontinued

Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct, (Organic Essentials)

Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct., (Organic Essentials)
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Retail Price: $3.99
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Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct, (Organic Essentials)

Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct, (Organic Essentials)

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Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct, (Organic Essentials)

How It Works
Organic cotton tips on a biodegradable paper stick.
Q: What is a "Digital" Tampon?
A: A digital tampon is simply the tampon (pledget) and withdrawal cord. It is inserted into the body by using a "digit" or finger---hence the name "digital tampon". It is interesting to note that over 97% of European women prefer digital tampons, and in the United States only 3 to 4% of women use digital tampons.
Q: What is an "Applicator" Tampon?
A: An applicator tampon uses a device to aid in the insertion of the tampon. Although the applicator is bio-degradable, we recommend that the cardboard tube be thrown in the waste container and not flushed into the water system.
Q: Explain about GMO'S and your company position.
A: Sorting Fact from Fiction
What are GMOs/GEOs? The technology of genetic engineering is the practice of altering or disrupting the genetic blueprints of living organisms such as plants, fish, animals and microorganisms. The Organic Trade Association defines the term GMO as “an organism that has been modified by the insertion of DNA by human intention”. This DNA can come from a foreign organism, from the same organism or it may be synthesized in a laboratory. None of these changes are possible under natural conditions or processes. Supporters of this technology, both scientists and commercial enterprises, purport that GMOs and GEOs will create sustainable agriculture, eliminate world hunger, cure disease and improve public health. It has also been suggested that biotechnology corporations may be intending to use GE to monopolize the global market for seeds, foods, fiber and medical products by patenting these “new blueprints” and then selling the resulting gene-foods, seeds, etc for their own profit.
Is genetic engineering dangerous? Currently, there is evidence to suggest that it is dangerous. In either case, given that this technology is in its experimental stage, there are few or no regulatory restraints including no labeling requirements or pre-market safety testing required in this country. GE products have already come under fire for potential toxicity and health hazard for humans as well as numerous environmental concerns.
An increasing number of scientists are taking an opposing position to GMOS by speaking out against these gene-splicing techniques saying they are crude, inexact and unpredictable. For example, the Union of Concerned Scientists conducted a research study to determine if genetic engineering might unintentionally contaminate the seed supply for traditional or non-genetically engineered varieties of crops. The conclusion of the study confirmed that seeds of traditional varieties of corn, soybeans and canola are pervasively contaminated with low levels of DNA sequences derived from transgenic varieties likely resulting from generally porous seed production and distribution systems.
Did they find this significant? Extremely so and recommended that the USDA take immediate action by sponsoring a full-scale investigation of the contamination and that USDA should implement regulations for bioengineered crops, establish a reservoir of non-engineered varieties of major food and feed crops free of transgenically derived sequences, make efforts to preserve pure seeds for use in organic agriculture and increase public disclosure about commercial seed as well as other mandates.
This unregulated and “not totally understood” technology presents us with enormous potential environmental hazards and socio-economic challenges not to mention personal health effects. GE crops have been shown to increase the levels of natural plant toxins or allergens in foods in unexpected ways by switching on genes that produce poisons. Effects have been toxic to both humans and animals. In addition, engineering plants to become disease resistant has yielded results of some concern. Researchers have warned that antibiotic resistance marker genes from genetically engineered plants might unexpectedly recombine with disease-causing bacteria or microbes in the environment or in the guts of animals or peoples who eat GE food. These new combinations may contribute to a public health danger of antibiotic resistant infections that do not respond to traditional cures. When German researchers found antibiotic resistant bacteria in the guts of bees feeding on gene-altered canola plants, EU authorities decided to consider a ban on all GE foods containing antibiotic resistant marker genes. As more and more research is done, there is little to support the “dream” of GE technology to solve the world’s health and food problems. Instead, it is suggesting a potential GE nightmare of huge global proportions.
Does buying organic ensure that GM seeds were not used? The National Organic Standards Board recommends that the use of genetically modified organisms and their derivatives be prohibited in organic production and handling systems. The Organic Trade Association supports this position. Just as “certified organic” is not a “pesticide free” claim, neither is it a “GMO free” claim. Unfortunately, it is not the nature of transgenes, the genetic material biologists insert into engineered organisms, to stay contained. They travel on the wind, insect’s feet or through simple human error, infiltrate from mislabeled seed packages to contamination in silos or shipping containers. The crux of the problem is that there is no fail-safe way to guarantee their absence. Even if all food and fiber were tested, some products of GE would escape detention. Genetic engineering has the potential, if left unchecked, to break down the high standards that currently exist for organically produced food and other products. The organic industry continues to wrestle with defining the “allowable percentage” of GMO contamination. For this reason, the OTA has rejected adopting a zero-tolerance policy, on the grounds that obtaining a zero level of GMOs may not be possible in the US due to widespread contamination.
What can be done? As a farmer owned company and producers of organic products, we are gravely concerned about this problem. We highly suggest that all consumers quickly get educated and politically active. There are numerous organizations that are against genetic engineering that can provide this type of support. For up-to-date information, log on to www.organicconsumers.org or www.ota.com. Organize forums, protests and news-making events. Pressure elected officials and candidates to implement an immediate moratorium on GE food and fiber for the purpose of further research, immediate labeling of GMO products as well as pre-market safety testing procedures. And finally support organic companies with your dollars – buy organically grown food and fiber.
Cotton Swabs Travel Pack - 30 ct, (Organic Essentials)