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Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs , (Modern Products)
Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs , (Modern Products)
Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs , (Modern Products)
Swiss Kriss Laxative -
Product Code:074640-4
类别: Laxative

Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs, (Modern Products)

The gentle laxative effect of senna with the digestive benefits of papaya leaves and centaury herbs, the anti-spasmodic benefits of calendula and caraway, the anti-gas benefits of peppermint leaves, parsley and anise, the tonic benefit of lemon verbena, the mild diuretic benefit of dandelion leaves, the relaxing benefit of peach tree leaves and the natural flavoring of hibiscus flowers.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $15.99
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Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs, (Modern Products)

Active: Finely powdered sun-dried leaves of senna. Also contains the following natural herbs: finely powdered strawberry leaves, peach leaves, anise seed, caraway seed, hibiscus and calendula flowers for their flavoring and carminative principles.
Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs, (Modern Products)

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Swiss Kriss Laxative - 250 tabs, (Modern Products)

- Why does my SPIKE seasoning cake?
All of the ingredients in SPIKE are natural and natural ingredients tend to cake if exposed to any kind of humidity. This does not alter the product’s taste or potency.

- Is BREWERS YEAST organic?

- Which of your PRODUCTS are gluten-free?

- Which of your PRODUCTS are NOT gluten free?
SPIKE, VEGIT, VEGE-SAL, ONION MAGIC, SPICE GARDEN POULTRY SEASONING, HAUSER VEGETABLE BROTH and SWISS FORMULA BROTH. If you are Celiac Sprue you should not use these products. If, however, you are simply allergic to wheat, it should be O.K. to use them. Check with your doctor to be sure.- Are SOYA GRANULES and SOYA POWDER non-GMO?
Yes, they are.

- Can I use VEGE-SAL seasoning if I have Celiac Sprue?
If you are a Person with Celiac Sprue, we do not recommend you use VEGE-SAL seasoning. However, if you are just allergic to wheat, it should be O.K. to use. Check with your doctor first to be sure. - Are the Hydrolized Vegetable Protein and Soy Sauce used in VEGE-SAL made from 100% soy?
The Hydrolized Vegetable Protein and Soy Sauce (both ingredients in VEGE-SAL) are made from soy, but there is always a remote (1%) chance that another grain could have been used. - What types of salt are used in VEGE-SAL?
For VEGE-SAL we use a combination of earth salt and sea salt. Both the iodine content and the taste are greater in sea salt. VEGE-SAL is a vegetable coated salt product.- How long have you been in business?
Our PRODUCTS have been on the market for more than 60 years.- Is Gayelord Hauser still living?
No. Dr. Hauser passed away in December of 1984, at the age of 89.

- Are your products irradiated?
No. We do not irradiate (treat with radioactive Cesium-137, an approved method of preserving foods) our products and we never will.

- Are any of the SPICE GARDEN SPICES and HERBS products involved in the sulfating process?
No. None of our SPICE GARDEN SPICES and HERBS are involved in the sulfating process. They are all-natural, contain no fillers, preservatives or artificial colorings and all of them are non- irradiated.

- What is the main active ingredient in SWISS KRISS?
The main and active ingredient in SWISS KRISS is senna.- Is SWISS KRISS dependency-forming?
As stated on the bottle, “frequent or prolonged use of laxatives may result in a dependence on laxatives.” If you are experiencing chronic or prolonged constipation problems, you should consult your physician immediately.- Does SWISS KRISS contain mint?
Yes. SWISS KRISS tablets are made with peppermint oil; SWISS KRISS flake form is made with peppermint Leaves.

- What is the potassium/sodium content of your low sodium/low potassium seasonings (VEGIT, SALT-FREE SPIKE, ONION MAGIC, HERBAL BOUQUET and SANTAY GARLIC MAGIC)?
VEGIT contains less than 5% sodium and less than 5% potassium. SALT-FREE SPIKE contains less than 2% potassium and 0% sodium. ONION MAGIC contains 1.3% potassium and 2.1% sodium. Neither HERBAL BOUQUET not SANTAY garlic magic have any potassium or sodium to speak of: HERBAL BOUQUET is 100% herbs; SANTAY is 100% granular garlic.

- Are SPICE GARDEN SPICES and HERBS oven-dried or air-dried?
SPICE GARDEN SPICES and HERBS are air dried, which retains their potency. .