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Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz , (Lewis Lab)
Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz , (Lewis Lab)
Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz , (Lewis Lab)
Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor -
Product Code:071681-1
类别: Coenzyme Q10

Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

Is this a hopeless dream or a realistic possibility? With the accelerating rate of scientific progress into the causes of aging, a much-extended healthy middle life is certainly realistic. We are already much further down the road to this happy objective than most people realize. In fact, current bio-nutritional knowledge, properly applied, could already enable us to maintain vigor and vitality for many more years. The great strides we have made in the past in treating the symptoms and maladies of old age after they have occurred certainly extend longevity but cannot restore the qualities of life that have already been stolen by infirmities.

This is not the direction the new generation of bio-nutritionists is taking. They want to discover why age-associated maladies develop and how they can be blocked before they happen. This new science wants to find out what changes occur in the body as we grow older, what make these problems develop and how we can strengthen our bodies to fight them off before they become major health problems.

It is the great progress being made on this scientific front that leads us to our optimistic expectation. We believe the present scientific thrust will not just tack a few years on the end of life but also extend significantly its prime years of healthy maturity.

A major breakthrough in this scientific quest was the discovery of types of molecules circulating in the blood known as free radicals. They are believed to be the cause of, or at least a contributor to, a number of serious health problems.

Free radicals are a class of highly corrosive oxidizing molecules that are fragmented and unstable. They have unattached electrons which cause them to attack cells in order to complete themselves. They react with essential biochemicals in the cells, rendering them useless or they modify the DNA in our cells which contain the program of cell reproduction. They can cause damage to collagen (the stuff which holds the body together) and to the elastin of the skin, thereby speeding its aging. Free radicals have been identified as a contributing factor in arthritis and are suspected of being the mechanism by which dormant abnormal cells can become activated. A well-functioning immune system appears to have a pivotal role in controlling free radicals along with its myriad of other defensive capacities.

The immune system is controlled by the thymus gland. The enzymes it produces govern the production of white blood cells known as "T" cells - the real fighters of the defense system. Unfortunately, the thymus is the first gland in the body to atrophy. It weighs 200-250 grams at birth, begins to shrink at puberty and has shriveled to only three grams by the sixth decade of life, having lost as much as 90% of its effectiveness. As our immune system weakens, the danger to our cells posed by free radicals increases.

Fortunately, soon after the identification of free radicals and their destructive role in human health, it was discovered that a class of nutrients now known as antioxidants could attract and destroy free radicals. These originally included Vitamin A, beta-carotene, C, E and B complex, zinc, selenium and a few others. They have the potential of taking up the slack or backing up the apparent role of the immune system as its effectiveness decreases with age. The study of antioxidants is a major part of this new thrust by bio-nutritionists.

Just a few years ago, no one had even heard of free radicals or antioxidants and nothing was known of their widespread impact on the human body. At that time, Lewis Laboratories introduced OVER40. The objective was to slow and limit damage of age-associated degeneration.

We were among the first to recognize the significance of the free radical/antioxidant connection and described OVER40 as a free radical scavenger. We were also among the first to educate the public on this important discovery. From the few antioxidants then recognized (Vitamins E, C, beta carotene and selenium), the list of substances known to have antioxidant properties has grown to hundreds, many of which have antioxidant properties effective in relation to specific organs of the body. Many of these specialized antioxidants were discovered in herbs and herb extracts.

The free radical/antioxidant discoveries, with all of their potential, are by no means the whole story of the formulation of OVER40. Another danger area as we grow older is the intestinal track and the colon. Here, nutrients are absorbed, vitamins manufactured and poisons dumped for disposal. The health of the body depends on the proper functioning of the intestines. A smooth flow must be maintained and a flora of friendly bacteria needed for its processes must remain present.

To ensure a smooth even flow through the intestines, Lewis Laboratories' OVER40 provides a special blend of grain, fruit and vegetable fiber. This unique combination does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients once they are broken down in the stomach. They also help control both diarrhea and constipation by maintaining an even flow and adequate bulk.

Your intestines are also inhabited by several hundred species of micro-organisms, which help produce essential vitamins, maintain your body's vital chemical and hormone balance and guard against harmful bacteria, yeast and viruses. Principal among the group of friendly bacteria is acidophilus, the active ingredient in yogurt. Each portion of Lewis Laboratories' OVER40 contains one million of this important bacteria.

OVER40 has been reformulated to take advantage of recent nutritional developments relating to mature health. It contains eight potent antioxidants, six enzymes, all essential vitamins, minerals and proteins and, of course, our special fiber blend. It also has standardized herb ingredients such as grape seed, ginkgo biloba and much more.

Lewis Laboratories' OVER40 is a comprehensive nutritional supplement for the special needs of maturity. It is a pleasant tasting powder available in original Unflavored, Tropical Fruit flavor and natural Vanilla Custard flavor. Just mix with water or a juice of your choice. There is absolutely nothing comparable on the market. Its nutritional formula is good for people of any age and daily use is strongly recommended for anyone approaching or over 40.
The serving size of OVER40 is 30 grams (3 level tablespoons). Regular daily use is important for maximum benefits. Original OVER40 is unflavored but has a pleasant taste. Just mix with juice, milk or plain water. OVER40 Tropical Fruit, with natural fruit flavoring, is delicious mixed with juice or plain water. OVER40 Vanilla Custard, with natural vanilla custard flavor, is delicious mixed with milk or plain water. Use a shaker or blender to mix.


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Retail Price: $22.69
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Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 3 Level Tablespoons
Amount per serving
other ingredients: Malto-dextrin, Fructose, Psyllium Husks, Di Calcium Phosphate, Soy Protein Isolate, Guar Gum, Apple Fiber, Calcium Ascorbate, Vitamin E Acetate, Beta Carotene, Magnesium Oxide, Zinc Gluconate, Potassium Citrate, L-Carnitine, Ferric Ortho Phosphate, Selenium (as selenomethione) L-Acidophilus, Papain, Bromelain, Pancreatin, Lecithin, Niacinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin B12, Pycnogenol, Grapeseed Extract, Gingko Biloba, Pyridoxine, Hydrochloride, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Potassium Iodine, Copper Gluconate, Para-Amino Benzoic Acid, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Biotin and Coenzyme Q10.
**Daily Value not yet established.
Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

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Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - 16 oz, (Lewis Lab)

Over 40 with CoQ10 Tropical Fruit Flavor - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.