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Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz , (NutriTech)
Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz , (NutriTech)
Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz , (NutriTech)
Product Code:NB0020

Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz, (NutriTech)

Tailoring the ALL ONE Original Formula to suit the active adult market, this formula has been fortified with nutrients shown by research to be important for the aging adult.In addition to the easy-to-digest complete nutrition of the Original formula, this iron free Active Seniors formula contains:
  • A whey (dairy) protein base
  • Co-Q10, a potent antioxidant that supports alertness and memory
  • FOS (Fructo-Oligosaccharides) to promote beneficial bowel flora and colon health
  • 1125mgs of calcium
  • 125mcg of vitamin B-12
  • Ginko Biloba - good for circulation and memory
  • 5mg lutein

Four level teaspoons equal 15 grams (adult dose). Shaken or blended (not stirred) with a non-carbonated, cold or room temperature beverage of your choice. We suggest shaking your daily serving (15 grams or one scoopful) with eight ounces of your favorite juice in the morning. If you prefer, the dose may be split in half and taken twice during the day.
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Retail Price: $57.89
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Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz, (NutriTech)

Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz, (NutriTech)

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Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors - 30 Day Supply, 15.9 oz, (NutriTech)

How It Works
In additon to the ALL ONE 100% pure multivitamin/mineral powder, this especially formulated powder for Adults and Active Seniors contains: 

Ginkgo Biloba - The Brains Defense Plant. 
Although only 2% of your body weight, the brain consumes half your blood sugar and a fifth of your oxygen. With age, however, blood flow in the brain can decrease by up to 20%. The phyto chemicals in Ginkgo leaves have an affinity for the blood vessels in the brain, where they promote the release of prostaglandins that help vessels to dilate. This increases the circulation- hence oxygen and glucose- to the brain. The terpene lactones in Ginkgo inhibit blood platelet clumping, which helps maintain the integrity of tiny capillaries in the brain. 

Co-enzyme Q10 - The energizer at the heart of every cell. 
An enzyme derivative of the vitamin B family, Co-Q10 is required for the production of ATP, the body's energy molecule. Also a potent antioxidant, Co-Q10 helps protect your brain, liver, and heart-organs where Co-Q10 is most concentrated. Co-Q10 is particularily crucial to the health of the heart. The body synthesizes Co-Q10, but its ability to do so declines with age. 

NutraFlora FOS - The balance of power in the bowel. 
FOS (fructooligosaccharides) is a naturally occurring, insoluable carbohydrate fiber. It selectively feeds the beneficial bacteria residing in the digestive tract. NutraFlora is the only FOS guaranteed to increase the population of these friendly bacteria that protect the lower intestinal tract from harmful bacteria. Over the years, an unhealthy bacterial balance can develop in your colon, due to poor diet or the use of antibiotics. Clinical studies show that one gram of NutraFlora taken daily for a month increased good bacteria fivefold. FOS also helps normalize regularity.  

Reishi Mushroom Extract - Legendary longevity. 
For millennia, Chinese herbalists have recommended Reishi for bolstering the body's natural defenses. As scientific research verifies Reishi's adaptogenic qualities, this anceint fungi has become a modern tonic used in many wellness programs. 

Calcium - The mineral that matters. 
Because you are able to absorb less calcium as you age, ALL ONE for Active Seniors contains 1125 mg of calcium, chelated for optimum bioavailability. 

Rice Bran - Fiber for the grand finale. 
Fiber cleanses the digestive track but it is also needed to help remove excess cholesterol and toxins from your body.

What Is Not in ALL ONE? 
Just as important to what is in ALL ONE is what is not.  
ALL ONE contains no extraneous, non-nutritive ingredients. Because ALL ONE is not a pill, excipients or additives of any kind are not necessary to the manufacturing process.  
ALL ONE contains NO: 
Sugars, Sweeteners, Binders, Flavorings, Fillers, Lubricants, Sodium, Flow Agents, Gluten, Corn, Yeast, Dyes, Cholesterol, Preservatives, Coating Materials 

How do I mix ALL ONE? 
ALL ONE is designed to be shaken or blended (not stirred) with a non-carbonated, cold or room temperature beverage of your choice. We suggest shaking your daily serving (15 grams or one scoopful) with eight ounces of your favorite juice in the morning. If you prefer, the dose may be split in half and taken twice during the day. ALL ONE does not dissolve; it disperses into a smooth drink.  

What is ALL ONE ? 
ALL ONE is a pure, taste free powder that turns a glass of juice into a one step, all day nutrition program. One tablespoon of ALL ONE mixed in a glass of juice gives you over 50 vitamins, minerals and amino acids. ALL ONE is full of anti-oxidants. 

Why should I take ALL ONE? 
By taking ALL ONE you are making sure your body is getting a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. 

When should I take ALL ONE? 
ALL ONE is best taken in the morning or early afternoon because of the energy boost some people experience. ALL ONE is a complete food you can take with or without breakfast. Simply shake with a juice or add to a smoothie--it's a great way to start your day. 

Is ALL ONE totally assimilated by your body? 
Yes! ALL ONE is assimilated more than any other supplement on the market today for four main reasons: 
  1. All the vitamins in ALL ONE are in exact proportions with the amino acids to be totally available in your body.
  3. All the minerals in ALL ONE are chelated which allows your body to absorb them.
  5. There are no extraneous ingredients in ALL ONE for your body to break down and get rid of.
  7. ALL ONE is taken into your body as a food, which is the natural way for your body to get vitamins.

Why take ALL ONE instead of pills? 
When you take pills they are usually vitamins or minerals and rarely contain protein. Protein (amino acids) allows ALL ONE to be naturally time-released because your body digests it over time. ALL ONE is a balanced multiple that takes the guesswork out of your supplement routine. Research conclusively shows that a shortage of a single essential vitamin, mineral element, amino acid or fatty acid will create a shock wave that spreads to effect the utilization and/or function of every other essential nutrient. 

Does the ratio of Calcium to Magnesium have to be 2:1? 
Most nutritionists believe that Magnesium is necessary for the assimilation of Calcium, however the amount of Calcium to Magnesium is under great controversy. ALL ONE has Vitamin D-3 which also helps in the assimilation of Calcium. 

If I am on medication is it safe to take ALL ONE? 
Always consult your physician and take in your can of ALL ONE with the ingredients listings. 

Why does ALL ONE have more than the RDA requirements? 
The RDA (recommended dietary allowance) and the RDI (recommended daily intake) are based on scientific research to prevent gross nutritional deficiencies like scurvy and beriberi. ALL ONE was formulated as a dietary supplement to promote optimal health, not minimal health. 

Why does my urine turn yellow after taking ALL ONE? 
The B Vitamins. Whatever your body does not utilize spills over in your urine. The excess insures that you have adequate supplies when unforeseen stress occurs. 

Is ALL ONE vegetarian? 
All formulas are suitable for vegetarians. 

Is ALL ONE organic? 
The Green Kamut blend is the Green Phyto Base is certified organic. The dairy protein bases in the Active Seniors Formula and the Original Formula are from grass fed New Zealand cows. The Fruit Antioxidant Formula is made from pestiside free berries. Because they are wild they are not able to be certified as organic. The vitamins and minerals are all USP or pharmaceutical grade. In the United States, dietary supplements are considered "food" and must meet the laws set out for food. 

If I am pregnant can I take ALL ONE? 
Absolutely, yet we still recommend showing ALL ONE to your doctor. What we find when we look at the articles that deal specifically with recommendations for pregnant woman is that they are about double what the recommendations are for a normal healthy adult. This makes sense because we have a healthy adult creating another healthy human inside. The reality is that a regular dose of ALL ONE is all you need, but when someone is pregnant they feel they need more so our point of view is they may want to take two doses of ALL ONE a day. ALL ONE is recommended by many nurses, midwives and prenatal doctors around the country. 

I see that ALL ONE contains vitamin K. Can I still take ALL ONE if I also take an anticoagulant drug? 
The ALL ONE formulas contain 5 mcgs of vitamin K. Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, certain legumes and vegetable oils. The RDA recommends males from 25 and older to have 80 micrograms per day and females to have 25 and older to have 65 micrograms per day.  
We are aware that many seniors take anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin and heparin. Anticoagulants drugs that work by interfering with vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. A common anticoagulant is a drug called Coumadin. Coumadin is prescribed to prevent blood clots and thins the blood more easily through narrowed blood vessels. 
The amount of vitamin K in your diet can change the way Coumadin works for you. If you eat a lot of foods that are high in vitamin K, you can decrease the effect of Coumadin. On the other hand, lowering your vitamin K intake can increase the effect of Coumadin. The key is to eat a normal, balanced diet keeping the amount of vitamin K the same everyday. For a complete list of foods vitamin K content click here. 
*** If someone has been taking any of our ALL ONE formulas before taking an anticoagulant drug and maintains a normal balanced intake of vitamin K that doesn't exceed the RDA then our product should not present a problem. However, it is always advise to check with your health care practitioner. 
Special Note on the Senior Formula: 
Since the Senior formula also contains Gingko, CoQ 10 as well as vitamin K, please consult your health care practitioner. These herbs can increase/decrease the effects of Coumadin.
Multiple Vitamins & Minerals for Active Seniors is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.