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Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel , (Healthy Origins)
Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel , (Healthy Origins)
Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel , (Healthy Origins)
Product Code:OE0047
类别: Lycopene

Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel, (Healthy Origins)

Introducing the world's most powerful antioxidant combination designed specifically for prostate abnormal cell growth protection.  
The antioxidative properties of Lycopene are well documented in a growing body of scientific publications. Its biological significance in the human defense system is supported by the fact that Lycopene is present naturally in human plasma in greater amounts than other dietary carotenoids.  
Lyc-O-Mato is a pure tomato product, rich in Lycopene and other natural phytochemicals. Numerous epidemiological studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of tomato Lycopene on health and well-being, and many of these controlled studies have used Lyc-O-Mato as their source of Lycopene.  
Lyc-O-Mato is extracted from Non-GMO tomatoes grown in Israel that contain four times the lycopene content of tomatoes grown elsewhere. It is not only lycopene, but lycopene in combination with other synergistic phytonutrients, that is most beneficial to those at risk for abnormal cell growth of prostate.
As a dietary supplement, take two SoftGel capsules daily with meals.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $34.99
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Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel, (Healthy Origins)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 SoftGel Capsule

Amount per serving

Lyc-O-Mato (Natural Tomato Standardized Extract - 6%) contains: 250 mg ?/td>
Vitamin A (as Natural Beta-Carotene)
333 IU 7%
Vitamin E (as d-Alpha Tocopherol)
200 IU 667%
Selenium (as Selenium Yeast)
100 mcg 142%
Lycopene (from Tomatoes)
15 mg ?/td>
1 mg ?/td>
1 mg ?/td>
1 mg ?/td>
†Daily Value not yet established.
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Olive Oil (fruit), Purified Water, Annatto.
Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel, (Healthy Origins)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


By James Balch, M.D. 
The good news is that there is clinical proof you can build a powerful antioxidant defense system against prostate cancer. By incorporating LYC-O-MATO (standardized natural tomato extract) into your daily nutrition program you can access remarkable fighting power against prostate cancer and a host of other degenerative diseases. 
Cancer of the prostate gland is the second leading cause of cancer death among men. It is estimated that nearly 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed and some 31,500 men die from the disease each year. It is primarily a disease of aging. However, men in their 30s and 40s do contract the disease. Men aged 65 and older, African American men and men whol have a parent of sibling with prostate cancer are at a higher risk. The American Urological Society recommends that every man have an annual exam including a PSA test (prostate specific antigen, a common marker used to detect prostate cancer) beginning at age 50 in order to detect the cancer in its earliest and most treatable stage. 
Recently the National Cancer Institute announced a 12-year study involving 32,400 healthy men to determine whether individuals taking 200 micrograms of selenium or 400 milligrams of vitamin E or both would show a reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer when compared with a placebo group receiving neither substance. 
I applaud this ambitious undertaking. However there is currently significant scientific evidence that selenium and vitamin E are highly effective in preventin cancer. And in combination with Lyc-O-Mato (a standardized tomato extract rich in lycopene), this clinically proven trio represents the world's most powerful antioxidant defense system against prostate and other cancers. 
A standardized natural tomato extract contains several phytonutrients found in tomatoes including lycopene, tocopherols, vitamin E, phytofluene, phytoene, phytosterols, beta carotene and more. LYC-O-MATO is extracted from non-GMO tomatoes grown in Israel that contain four times the lycopene content of tomatoes grown elsewhere. 
A six-year Harvard Medical School study of healthy males found that consuming tomatoes, tomato sauce or pizza more than twice a week, as opposed to never, was associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer of 21 to 34 percent, depending on the food. 
As exciting as its cancer-prevention potential is the evidence that shows lycopene may help fight existing cancer. A recent paper published in the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention by Omer Kucuk, M.D., professor of medicine and oncology, and his colleagues at the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, Michigan, evaluated the effect encapsulated LYC-O-MATO had on patients with existing prostate cancer. 
In this study, Dr. Kucuk and colleagues followed 30 men with localized prostate cancer who were scheduled to undergo surgical removal of the prostate. For three weeks prior to surgery the study participants were randomly assigned to receive either 250 milligrams LYC-O-MATO from LycoRed Natural Products, Beer-Sheva, Israel (which contains 15 milligram of lycopene) twice daily or no intervention. Following removal of the prostates, the glands were analyzed to determine whether there were any differences between the two study groups.  
The investigators found that the treated group had smaller tumors, which were more likely to be confined to the prostate. Levels of serum PSAwere found to decline in the patients who received LYC-O-MATO tomato extract. In addition, the tumors in patients who consumed this natural lycopene showed signs of regression and decreased malignancy.  
“This was the first published report from a randomized prospective clinical trial showing the efficacy of a tomato extract supplement against prostate cancer,?said Dr. Kucuk. “Previous reports were largely epidemiological studies showing an association between consumption of tomato products and decreased risk of prostate cancer. 
Furthermore, our findings suggest that a tomato extract in the form of LYC-O-MATO may not only help prevent prostate cancer but also may be useful in treating prostate cancer.? 
As with lycopene, selenium has emerged as a major player on the cancer prevention front. Recognized as an essential trace mineral for years, selenium is also an essential component in our antiioxidant arsenal. 
In 1996 the Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a landmark double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial which showed selenium produced an astonishing 50 percent reduction in total cancer morality. Selenium supplementation was also found to reduce the incidence of all cancers by better than one-third compared to the placebo group. 
The trial included 1312 subjects aged 18-83 who were monitored every six months for periods that went as long as 10 years. Results also showed that the subjects receiving 200 micrograms (mcg) of selenium per day had a 46 percent lower incidence of lung cancer, 58 percent lower incidence of colorectal and 63 percent lower incidence of prostate cancer than the placebo group. 
Another recent study found that "higher selenium levels were associated with a reduced risk of advanced prostate cancer." Researchers from Harvard University, who followed more than 33000men, found that those with the highest selenium levels were only about one-third as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those with low selenium. 
These results are significant because they confirm that having a low level of selenium is an important risk factor for prostate cancer. 
Based on the positive findings, a number of additional prevention trials are being conducted with selenium so public health recommendation can be made in the near future. 
In all trials, study participants will receive either a placebo tablet (a tablet without any selenium) or a tablet containing SelenoExcell High Selenium yeast, a yeast-based selenium product made by Cypress Systems Inc., head quartered in Fresno, California. This organic formulation was co-developed by Cypress' director of fermentation, Lon C. Baugh, Ph.D. and utilized in the original trial. SelenoExcell has been selected for the ongoing studies because it is readily absorbed into the body and is most like the selenium that naturally occurs in food. 
Natural Vitamin E (d-alpha mixed tocopherols) 
Vitamin E is one of the most versatile antioxidants. It has been linked to most degenerative diseases. It is recognized as an essential vitamin in that the body cannot manufacture its own vitamin E and therefore it must be provided by foods and/or supplements. 
While vitamin E is a potent antioxidant by itself, its effects are magnified when it works in harmony (synergy) with other antioxidants. One source of nearly perfect combination of antioxidants for heart health in a whole food is vine-grown tomatoes. They contain vitamins C and E, along with the carotenoid beta-carotene and lycopene. Dr. Aviram, of the Rambam Medical Center in Israel, has shown that pure tomato extract (as in the product Lyc-O-Mato) dramatically increases the resistance of LDL cholesterol to oxidation. The reason for its effectiveness is the combination of antioxidants working in a complementary and supportive way to increase overall antioxidant capability. 
In his book Antioxidant Against Cancer (Equinox Press, 2000), Ralph Moss, Ph.D., America's leading expert on cancer alternatives, provides the following information from relevant research studies. 
There are now about 15,000 medical articles on vitamin E and about 1500 related to cancer. Regular use of any vitamin supplement corresponded to significantly reduced risk of p53 (the most important tumor suppressor gene) mutation. Vitamin E leads to a four-fold reduction in p53 mutation. 
Giving patients vitamin E for 24 weeks led to a 46 percent reduction in premalignant changes in the mouth (clinical leukoplakia). 
Scientists in Bern, Switzerland found that vitamin E inhibits the activity of a substance that stimulates tumor growth. Older people who took vitamin E supplements daily were 41 percent less likely to die of cancer and 40 percent less likely to die of heart disease, than people who did not take vitamin E. 
Another Swiss study examined almost 3000 men over several decades. It was found that low vitamin E levels, especially in smokers, was related to an increased risk of prostate cancer. 
In conclusion, while this article has focused on the role of Lyc-O-Mato, selenium and natural vitamin E in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer, it should be noted that there is significant clinical evidence they also play an important role in the defense against a broad spectrum of cancers. As well as providing a host of other natural health benefits. 
Editor's Note: A synergistic combination of Lyc-O-Mato (lycopene), SelenoExcell (selenium) and natural vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) is currently available from Healthy Origins. For the past two years I have considered their Lyc-O-Mato products as my personal prostate health insurance policy. 
James F. Balch, M.D. is a retired urologist and well-known writer. An early proponent of nutritional approaches to disease prevention, Dr. Balch has immersed himself in the study of tomato lycopene, the powerful antioxidant that has been the subject of intense anti-cancer research studies. In addition to the growing buzz about tomatoes, Balch is an authority on most nutrients and painstakingly describes their effects and interactions with other medications in his best-selling book Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Most recently he has written The Super Antioxidants, 10 Natural Remedies That Can Save Your Life, and the preface to the new book Tomato Power a complete guide to how the popular backyard garden crop helps humans retain their health.


For the past two years I have considered their Lyc-O-Mato products as my personal prostate health insurance policy.
Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio - Natural Tomato Lycopene For Prostate Support, 60 softgel, (Healthy Origins)


Can LYC-O-MATO be combined with other natural ingredients for added health benefits?  
Yes. LycoRed has developed several formulations combining standardized LYC-O-MATO tomato extract with herbs and other natural ingredients to address prostate health, menopause, men’s health, cardiovascular health and vision and skin health. For more information on each of these combination formulations, visit the LYC-O-MATO Family of Products section of this website. 
What is LYC-O-MATO? 
LYC-O-MATO is an all-natural extract of red, ripe tomatoes. LYC-O-MATO is valued as a dietary supplement and functional food ingredient because it provides a full complement of tomato carotenoids and other nutrients to benefit good health. The synergy of the natural tomato lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene, beta-carotene, phytosterols, and vitamin E results in enhanced activity and this means greater health benefits for you. 
Who should take supplements containing LYC-O-MATO?  
LYC-O-MATO is a dietary supplement recommended for adults as a valuable part of a daily health care regimen that includes a healthy diet. Research has shown LYC-O-MATO helps support prostate, heart and skin health. A daily LYC-O-MATO dietary supplement is particularly beneficial to smokers and those exposed to environmental pollutants which increase the risk of damage from oxygen free radicals. Finally, because the natural mechanism that protects us from free radicals weakens with age, older adults need to insure that tomato phytonutrients are a part of their daily diet. 
How do I know that LYC-O-MATO is safe to take?  
LYC-O-MATO is a natural extract of tomato. Nothing has been added to the goodness of the tomato that nature has provided and that people have consumed for generations. In addition, LYC-O-MATO has undergone extensive checks for safety. An independent evaluation of the safety studies has validated that LYC-O-MATO is safe for its intended use as a dietary supplement. LYC-O-MATO, contains only tomato extract produced from ripe non-GMO fruit. LYC-O-MATO is produced in an ISO 9002 approved plant, following very strict quality assurance guidelines. 
What is lycopene? 
Lycopene, the major carotenoid found in the tomato, gives the tomato its typical red color. It is an important antioxidant with a unique ability to inactivate or quench free radicals that can damage our cells. 
Why is LYC-O-MATO standardized to lycopene content? 
Lycopene was chosen as the marker for standardization because its unique molecular structure makes it a highly effective antioxidant and biological quencher of free radicals. 
Standardization assures you that each and every capsule of LYC-O-MATO contains the same quantity of lycopene in addition to a natural ratio of all the other important bioactive phytonutrients found in the tomato oleoresin. 
What are carotenoids? 
Carotenoids are a family of naturally occurring compounds found in many plants. Lycopene and beta-carotene, both found in LYC-O-MATO, are among the major carotenoids that occur in appreciable quantities in human blood and tissues and are believed to be important to our health and well being. 
What is the role of carotenoids in health? 
Carotenoids are antioxidants. They play an important role in health maintenance by helping to reduce the impact and minimize the oxidative damage caused by surplus free radicals in the body. These surplus free radicals result from normal cell metabolism, pollution, smoking and other environmental exposures. The mixture of tocopherols naturally occurring in LYC-O-MATO also acts as a potent antioxidant. 
What are free radicals? 
Free radicals are highly reactive toxic by-products of the bio-chemical redox reactions that occur as a part of normal cell metabolism and as a result of exposure to damaging environmental influences. Free radicals attack cells and can cause damage to cell membranes, DNA and proteins. Free radicals are believed to be the cause of a wide range of degenerative diseases. 
What protects the organism from free radicals? 
The healthy organism is equipped with a built-in defense system designed to neutralize harmful free radicals which attack our tissues and cell components. This system utilizes antioxidants and free radical quenchers (neutralizers), which we obtain from the food and dietary supplements we eat. Lycopene is considered by scientists to be the most effective free radical quencher and antioxidant, and thus an important part of the diet. 
How much LYC-O-MATO should be included in our daily diet? 
Researchers have not yet come to a conclusion on the recommended daily allowance of LYC-O-MATO. The suggested value is 84 to 168 mg per day of LYC-O-MATO, providing 5 to 10 mg of lycopene. 
What does the latest research on LYC-O-MATO say? 
Scientific research has established that carotenoids, like the lycopene, beta-carotene, phytoene and phytofluene and other tomato phytonutrients found in LYC-O-MATO, are synergistic to each other and play a vital role in helping to maintain good health. Clinical research clearly indicates that LYC-O-MATO helps to support prostate and heart health and helps to protect our skin from sun damage. 
How does LYC-O-MATO compare to just plain lycopene? 
LYC-O-MATO tomato extract contains all the natural richness of the tomato: lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene, beta-carotene, tocopherols and other important bioactive phytochemicals. 
Lycopene alone, whether natural - from tomatoes or fungus - or synthetic, is just plain lycopene, providing less of a health benefit. It is the synergy of the multi-phytonutrients found in tomatoes, tomato products and in LYC-O-MATO that is responsible for the health benefits that have been reported in epidemiological and clinical studies that were conducted on tomatoes and tomato products. 
Research by Drs. Levi and Sharoni quite effectively demonstrates that lycopene is not therapeutically effective when present at the relatively low levels normally found in the blood even after supplementation. Effectiveness at the low lycopene concentrations that are possible to attain, occurs only when the lycopene is presented along with other phytonutrients naturally present in tomato and tomato extract. This occurs because the presence of the other phytonutrients enhances the effectiveness of the lycopene. 
Also important from a practical health perspective are recent scientific findings that indicate that lycopene bioavailability is enhanced by the presence of the other natural phytonutrients that are found in the tomato extract.
Lyc O Mato Clinical Trio is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.