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XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps , (Beamonstar)
XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps , (Beamonstar)
XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps , (Beamonstar)
Product Code:XPLO-60

XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps, (Beamonstar)

Get ready to explode like never before with the 
newest all-natural climax enhancer for men!
You could spend hours of your valuable time and hundreds or even thousands of dollars searching for exotic herbs in expensive out-of-the-way specialty shops around the world. The 100% natural ingredients in XploZion have been clinically tested and carefully manufactured to bring you the highest potency at the best price. The proportions of our proprietary blend have been carefully researched and measured to target the health of specific body systems that control the power and frequency of the male orgasm. While there are many products on the market that may address one or two of these physical attributes, XploZion is the only product that delivers our precise combination of benefi ts for the entire cycle of male sexual arousal and climax. Research proves that the more semen gets produced and expelled with each orgasmic pulse, the more intense pleasure sensations will be felt. 
What are you waiting for? Cum harder! Cum longer! Cum more often! Try XploZion today and see for yourself how great your sex life can be! 
Most people who’ve had good sex agree. There’s almost nothing more erotic than knowing you’re giving your partner the ride of their life on the way to a great climax! What if you could make your partner feel like the greatest lover in the world every single time? Now there’s a safe, natural and affordable sexual health supplement for men that delivers bigger loads and better orgasms with no side effects. Your partner will be able to see and feel that you’ve had a mind-blowing climax and you’ll both get more pleasure than ever before from your sexual experience. 
About XploZion 
  • More intense orgasms
  • Easier, more frequent climaxes
  • More “cum” (ejaculate volume)
  • Longer, more powerful ejaculations
  • Increased blood flow to the genitals
  • Stronger libido and stamina

Two capsules per day is recommended for best results.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $32.00
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XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps, (Beamonstar)

Here are some of the all-natural key ingredients that give XploZion its 
climax-enhancing power. Each quality-controlled capsule contains: 
Arginine: This amino acid increases the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that relaxes the muscle around the blood vessel, allowing it to open up. This results in increased sensitivity to the genital region. The arginine in XploZion, in conjunction with other proprietary compounds, assists in achieving and maintaining erections.  
Avena Sativa: This plant frees the trapped testosterone, which can result in harder erections and intensifi ed orgasms. The release of testosterone can result in an increase of the libido, and heightened sexual climax. This can be especially benefi cial to individuals who want to re-invigorate their level of sexual desire, sexual pleasure, and sexual stamina. 
Saw Palmetto: A fan palm found in the southeastern United States, Saw Palmetto has been used for centuries by Native Americans for food and to treat urinary and genital problems. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown this plant to be effective in the treatment of enlarged prostate glands. (This ingredient, as used in XploZion, also contains a special blend of chrysin powder, maca powder, muira puama and rodeola rosea) Swedish Flower Pollen: Swedish fl ower pollen is used in assisting urine fl ow and in promoting normal prostate function. It is known to have anti-oxidant effects on the body and ongoing university studies reveal additional nutritional benefi ts. The technique used in extracting the pollen eliminates bacteria, toxins and other pollutants that may cause allergic reactions. 
Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus terrestris (also known as yellow vine, goathead, caltrop, and puncture vine) is a fl owering plant indigenous to parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Hindus used it as a tonic and aphrodisiac, and many have compared its benefi cial effects to ginseng. Today it is used as a testosterone inducer to boost muscle growth. Independent studies have shown that it also increases sex drive. The active ingredient is protocioscin, which assists in increasing testosterone levels, which in turn can improve libido and fertility. 
Important: consult with your doctor before taking XploZion or any herbal supplement, especially if you have heart problems, high blood pressure or use prescription medication.
XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps, (Beamonstar)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%

XploZion - Natural Male Orgasm Intensifer, 60 caps, (Beamonstar)

Q: How is XploZion different from other products? 
A: XploZion is safe, effective and 100% natural. It has absolutely no harmful side effects and you can get it without a prescription. Our proprietary formula is based on the same clinical research that brought you ExtenZe, the leading male sexual performance enhancement supplement. We’ve researched the best of the best and packaged it for you in one affordable, easy to use capsule! 
Q: How does XploZion work? 
A: The active ingredients in XploZion are known to have beneficial effects on the body systems that contribute to male orgasm. They improve blood fl ow to the genital region, increasing overall sexual sensitivity. They help boost the body’s natural testosterone, contributing to sex drive and fertility. They also enhance prostate health, which increases the volume and strength of ejaculations. Simply put, more “cum” gives you more pleasure with each “spurt” you feel during a climax. 
Q: How soon will I see results with XploZion? 
A: The benefi ts of XploZion can take effect up to one hour before sexual activity. Some ingredients build up in the body over time, so consistent use according to package directions is important if you want to experience the long-term sexual enhancement benefi ts of the product. Results will vary according to individual body chemistry. 
Q: How many pills do I have to take to get a better orgasm? 
A: Two capsules per day is recommended for best results. You should begin to notice a more intense climax on the fi rst use, taken up to one hour before sex. However, the additional benefi ts of XploZion (such as testosterone or prostate enhancements and increased ejaculate volume) will gradually increase over time the more consistently you use the product on a daily basis. One affordable bottle contains a thirty day supply, or you can purchase convenient single-dose packages of two capsules each! 
Q: Will my partner benefit from XploZion? 
A: The more intense your orgasms become, the more pleasure you will be able to deliver to your partner, time and time again. There is no greater compliment you can give your lover than for them to see and feel that you’ve just had another mind-blowing climax with them. You’ll both benefi t from your enhanced sexual experience together. 
Q: Can I take XploZion and ExtenZe at the same time? 
A: Yes. The all-natural formulas in ExtenZe and XploZion are clinically tested, completely safe and produce no harmful side effects. 
In addition to the immediate male enhancement benefi ts of these 
products, the herbal ingredients are known to promote general 
sexual health and well-being. You can use them together or 
separately with confi dence. Always consult with your physician 
before using any supplements.
XploZion is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.