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Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz , (Liddell)
Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz , (Liddell)
Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz , (Liddell)
Calcium Plus -
Product Code:LQ0042

Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz, (Liddell)

Helps enhance calcium absorption and promotes regeneration of bones, discs and cartilage.  
Whether you compete in triathlons, or you're a couch potato, strong bones and flexible joints are a must. So many of us have an adequate amount of calcium in our diet, but have trouble absorbing it. Protect yourself from possible injury and help repair bones, discs and cartilage in joints with this remarkable sublingual spray. Calcium Plus also helps relieve the discomfort caused by joint inflammation. Calcium Plus provides safe and natural holistic relief and protection!
Adults and children over 12, spray twice under the tongue three times per day.  
Children 2 to 12, spray once under the tongue three times per day.  
For children under 2, consult a health care professional prior to use.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $13.95
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Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz, (Liddell)

Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz, (Liddell)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
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Calcium Plus - with Cartilage 3X, 1 oz, (Liddell)

How It Works
Calcium Plus is a combination of remedies carefully designed to alleviate immediate symptoms and to work at a deeper level, helping to promote bone integrity and strength
  • Cartilage (Shark) – aids in tissue regeneration of bones, discs, and cartilage
  • Calcarea Phosphorica (Calcium Phosphate) – for healthy growth of bone tissue and soft tissue, and promotes healing of fractures
  • Hydrofluoricum Acidum (Hydrofluoric Acid) – for relief of joint inflammation, and helps reduce the formation of bone tuberosities (nodule on a bone surface where a muscle or ligament attaches)
  • Calcareum Fluorica (Calcium Fluoride) – for maintaining bone integrity and strength, and reducing outgrowth of fibrous joints
  • Medicago Sativa (Alfalfa) – for providing Vitamin D, which assists the absorption of calcium
  • Calcarea Carbonica (Calcium Carbonate) – for painful joints, and assimilation of calcium
  • Symphatum Officinale (Comfrey) – assists slow healing broken bones
More treatment ideas 
American recommendations for calcium intake are high, partly because the meat, salt, tobacco, and physical inactivity of American life leads to overly rapid and unnatural loss of calcium through the kidneys. By controlling these basic factors, you can have an enormous influence on whether calcium stays in your bones or drains out of your body.  
Calcium Plus by Liddell will help you absorb the calcium you eat. Here are some hints about calcium intake and ways to retain it:
  • Reduce calcium losses by avoiding excess salt. Calcium in bones tends to dissolve into the bloodstream, then pass through the kidneys into the urine. Sodium (salt) in the foods you eat can greatly increase calcium loss through the kidneys. If you reduce your sodium intake, you will hold onto calcium better. To do that, avoid salty snack foods and canned goods with added sodium, and keep salt use low on the stove and at the table.
  • Get a good portion of your protein from plants, not animal products. Excess animal protein from fish, poultry, red meat, eggs, and dairy products tends to leach calcium from the bones and encourages its passage into the urine. Plant protein - in beans, grains and vegetables - does not appear to have this effect.
  • Don't smoke. Smokers lose calcium, too. A study of identical twins showed that, if one twin had been a long-term smoker and the other had not, the twin that smoked had more than a 40 percent higher risk of fracturing a bone.
  • Exercise, so calcium has somewhere to go. Active people tend to keep calcium in their bones, while sedentary people risk an excessive calcium loss.
Calcium Plus - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping puroses. Your information, such as e-mail address,will never be disclosed to a third party.