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Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz , (Liddell)
Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz , (Liddell)
Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz , (Liddell)
Poison Oak/Ivy -
Product Code:LQ0060
类别: Poison Ivy

Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz, (Liddell)

Treat the distress and discomfort of poison oak and poison ivy the safe, natural way. Poison Oak/Ivy is an advanced sublingual "two sprays, three times a day" treatment that draws on centuries of holistic science to work naturally and effectively. Poison Oak/Ivy can also be sprayed topically for extra fast relief!  
Relieves symptoms associated with poison oak and poison ivy, such as:
  • Inflammation
  • Itching
  • Edema

Adults and children over 12, spray twice under the tongue three times per day.  
Children 2 to 12, spray once under the tongue three times per day.  
For children under 2, consult a health care professional prior to use.  
Poison Oak/Ivy can also be applied topically.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $13.95
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Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz, (Liddell)

Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz, (Liddell)

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Poison Oak/Ivy - 1 oz, (Liddell)

How It Works
Poison Oak/Ivy is a combination of remedies carefully designed to alleviate immediate symptoms of poison oak and poison ivy.
  • Cypripedium Pubescens (Lady's Slipper) - for poison oak poisoning
  • Agaricus Muscarius (Bug Agaric) - for inflammation and itching of the skin due to contact with poison oak
  • Anacardium Orientale (Marking Nut) - for superficial skin inflammations, characterized by redness, swelling, itching, and edema
  • Croton Tiglium (Crotonseed Oil) - for skin irritations
  • Grindelia Robusta (Rosinwood) - for poison oak rashes
  • Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Ivy) - for red swollen skin, skin infections, and itching skin lesions
  • Pyrogenium (Pyrogen) - for inflammation and swelling
  • Apis Mellifica (Honeybee) - for intense itching and swellings due to edema
More treatment ideas
  • Wash with ordinary soap and water. Urushiol, the plant oil that gets on your skin and triggers the itchy reaction, is totally soap-soluble (rubbing alcohol works, too). You can avoid a rash if you scrub within 10 minutes of touching the plant. That's how long it takes the oil to penetrate the skin, according to a report published in the June 1996 issue of the journal Cutis. Washing within an hour should prevent any, except perhaps the most minimal, outbreak. And even if you can't get to soap and water until later, washing as soon as you can will keep you from spreading the oil to other parts of your body.
  • Applying rubbing alcohol. Dermatologists at the University of California, San Francisco, recommend applying rubbing alcohol liberally to skin and clothing exposed to poison ivy, followed by a thorough washing with water. This can be done anytime within four hours of exposure. Alcohol is a solvent and draws the toxic oils out of the skin and clothing and prevents or reduces the rash and itching.
  • Aloe Vera juice can also be used to stop the itching and blistering, and it enhances the healing of rashes and sores.
  • Baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) Baking soda to the rescue again! Put a tablespoon of soda in a cupful of water; more may be added if the water will dissolve it. Wash the affected area with the solution and/or make it into a poultice. Change often enough to keep the application cool. Cover open blisters with sterile gauze. Another remedy calls for making baking soda into a paste.
  • Once poison oak itching has started, temporary relief can result from the application of hot water to the affected skin (as hot as you can tolerate!). The hot water feels great and usually relieves the itching for several hours.
  • Wash all clothes, including bedding, as well as tools and pets, that have come in contact with either the poison ivy plant or sores.
Poison Oak/Ivy - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.