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Caffeine Free - 1 bottle , (Liddell)
Caffeine Free - 1 bottle , (Liddell)
Caffeine Free - 1 bottle , (Liddell)
Product Code:LQ0041
类别: Insomnia

Caffeine Free - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

It can be hard to quit cold turkey. Your daily cups of java or cola seemed innocent - but then you noticed your daily caffeine buzz was becoming a problem. Caffeine Free will help you free yourself from the jitters and reduce those irritable feelings. Caffeine Free is an advanced sublingual "two sprays, three times a day" treatment to ease your unpleasant symptoms naturally and effectively.  
Relieves symptoms associated with caffeine withdrawal, such as:
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • Periodic insomnia
  • Mood changes

Adults and children over 12, spray twice under the tongue three times per day.  
Children 2 to 12, spray once under the tongue three times per day.  
For children under 2, consult a health care professional prior to use.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $13.95
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Caffeine Free - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

Caffeine Free - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Caffeine Free - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

How It Works
Caffeine Free is a combination of remedies carefully designed to alleviate the immediate symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
  • LAvena Sativa (Oats) - helps soothe the nervous system, relieve nervous headaches and promote restful sleep
  • Hyoscyamus Niger (Henbane) - for nervous agitation and muscular weakness
  • Chamomilla (Chamomile) - relieves anxiety and restlessness associated with chronic coffee or cola use
  • Gratiola Officinalis (Hedge-hyssop) - for gastrointestinal complaints, dizziness and periodic insomnia symptoms
  • Nux Vomica (Poison Nut) - reduces hypersensitivity and eases nervousness and irritability
  • Paullinia Sorbilis (Guarana) - for symptoms of chronic caffeine intake, such as throbbing headaches and periodic insomnia
  • Thuja Occidentalis (Tree of Life) - for gastrointestinal complaints, such as loss of appetite, flatulence, and stomach distention
  • Ignatia Amara (St. Ignatius’ Bean) - for symptoms of mild depression, characterized by mood changes, self-blame, despondency, or hysteria
  • Coffea Cruda (Unroasted Coffee) - for symptoms of excessive coffee use, characterized by increased central nervous system activity, circulatory and respiratory stimulation, and headache pain
More treatment ideas 
Caffeine Free by Liddell was formulated for people who want to quit caffeine, but who are concerned about all the withdrawal symptoms they've heard about, like headaches and irritability.  
The first few days will be the worst, as very real withdrawal symptoms can haunt you. This is where Caffeine Free is a real lifesaver.
  • You must be very careful to avoid swings in your blood sugar, which cause chemical cravings to increase tremendously. Try to snack instead of eating a few big meals.
  • Avoid sugar at all costs! Use fresh nuts, seeds, cheese, veggies (complex carbohydrates), but avoid refined flour of all sorts. Real whole grain breads and pastas (hard to find) are OK, if you chew them well and eat them slowly.
  • There are vitamins that can help - a good daily-multi and extra vitamin C are recommended basics.
  • You can try a natural homeopathic or nutritional supplement to augment adrenal function.
Caffeine Free - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Ordes are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Caffeine Free - 1 bottle, (Liddell)