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Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz , (Liddell)
Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz , (Liddell)
Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz , (Liddell)
Antacid -
Product Code:LQ0034

Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz, (Liddell)

Relieves symptoms associated with heartburn and excess stomach acid, such as:
  • Burning stomach pain
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
Fast relief for heartburn distress! Keep this spray bottle handy in your brief case or purse. You'll want this day - saving product nearby when the need arises. Antacid is the safe, natural way to relieve the burning discomfort of excess stomach acid. This convenient oral spray makes it easy to get the safe and natural relief you need within minutes.

Adults and children over 12: spray twice under the tongue up to each 30 minutes until symptoms are relieved. As a preventative, spray twice under the tongue three times per day.  
For children under 12: consult a health care professional prior to use.  
Continue dosage for seven days after symptoms have subsided.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $13.95
Other Spec:
Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz, (Liddell)

Nux Vomica: relieves indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and bloating  
Argentum Nitricum: eases stomach pain and bloating  
Robinia Pseudoacacia: restores acid balance  
Sulphuricum Acidum: relieves heartburn  
Anacardium Orientale: relieves nausea and feelings of fullness  
Pyrogenium: eases stomach pain  
Bismuthurn Metallicum: eases irritation of alimentary canal  
Geranium Maculatum: reduces stomach ulceration  
Arsenicum Album: eases burning stomach pain  
Condurango: regulates digestive secretions
Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz, (Liddell)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
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Antacid - Fast Relief For Heartburn, 1 oz, (Liddell)

How It Works
Antacid is a combination of remedies carefully designed to alleviate immediate symptoms of heartburn and to work to prevent further episodes of excess stomach acid.
  • Nux Vomica (Poison Nut) - for digestive complaints characterized by indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and bloating
  • Argentum Nitricum (Silver Nitrate) - for severe stomach pain, stomach inflammation (gastritis) and bloating, and flatulence
  • Robinia Pseudoacacia (Black Locust) - for restoration of acid balance and relief of gas trapped in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Sulphuricum Acidum (Sulfuric Acid) - for heartburn and sour vomiting
  • Anacardium Orientale (Marking Nut) - for a feelings of fullness and distention, and relieves nausea and vomiting
  • Pyrogenium (Pyrogen) - eases stomach pain and possesses excellent antiseptic properties
  • Bismuthum Metallicum (Bismuth) - for irritation and inflammation of the alimentary canal
  • Geranium Maculatum (Wild Cranesbill) - for ulceration of the stomach membrane
  • Arsenicum Album (Arsenic Trioxide) - for burning stomach pains and heartburn
  • Condurango (Condurango) - for regulating digestive secretions, chronic gastritis and painful ulceration of the stomach
More treatment ideas
  • Avoid chocolate, citrus fruits, spearmint, peppermint and whole milk.
  • Avoid foods that are spicy, acidic, fatty, fried and tomato based.
  • Reduce your intake of beverages with alcohol or caffeine (tea, coffee, colas).
  • Don't stuff yourself. Eat small meals high in carbohydrates and protein.
  • Drink a glass of water when heartburn occurs. This will help dilute and remove refluxed acid. Try to drink at least eight glasses of pure water daily.
  • Stop smoking, or at least cut down.
  • Don't eat for three hours before bedtime.
  • Don't exercise, lie down or bend a lot immediately after eating.
  • Try raising the head of your bed 4"- 6".
  • Work on relieving the sources of your stress, if stress is a trigger for your excess stomach acid.
Case Studies
J. Borgesi, White City, Oregon - "I suffered from a hiatal hernia with acid reflux for many years. I have used your Antacid formula for almost four years now and this is the best product around, as well as the least expensive. I use it every night after I eat and I never have problems anymore."
Antacid - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.