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Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz , (Liddell)
Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz , (Liddell)
Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz , (Liddell)
Acne -
Product Code:LQ0033
类别: Homeopathic

Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz, (Liddell)

Banish acne symptoms! Treat acne, reduce redness from broken capillaries, and reduce inflammation the safe, natural way - from the inside out. Acne is an advanced sublingual "two sprays, three times a day" treatment that draws on centuries of holistic science to treat blemished skin naturally and effectively. Acne also helps to prevent the occurrence of future breakouts!  
Relieves symptoms associated with acne, such as:
  • Pimples and blemishes
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Inflammation


Adults and children over 12: spray twice under the tongue three times per day.  
Children 2 to 12: spray once under the tongue three times per day.  
For children under 2: consult a health care professional prior to use.  
Continue dosage for seven days after symptoms have subsided.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $13.95
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Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz, (Liddell)

Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz, (Liddell)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
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Acne - with Thuja 200C, 1 fl. oz, (Liddell)

How It Works
Acne is a combination of remedies carefully designed to alleviate immediate symptoms and to work at a deeper level, helping to prevent further breakouts.
  • Ledum Palustre (Marsh Tea) - for skin eruptions around the nose and mouth
  • Juglans Regia (Walnut) - for red, itchy skin
  • Anitmonium Crudum (Sulphide of Antimony) - for skin eruptions caused by gastric disruptions
  • Urtica Urens (Dwarf Nettle) - for intense itching on the face
  • Sanguinaria Canadensis (Bloodroot) - for itching of red, blotchy skin eruptions
  • Thuja Occidentalis (White Cedar) - an effective skin and anti-psoric remedy
  • Anthracinum (Bacillus anthracis) - a natural antibiotic for treating acne
  • Radium Bromatum (Radium Bromide) - for inflammation, redness and itching
  • Natrum Sulphuratum (Sodium Sulphide) - a basic acne treatment
  • Pyrogenium (Pyrogen) - for symptoms associated with skin infections caused by C. acnes
  • Sulphur Iodatum (Sulfur Iodide) - for general relief of skin problems, especially symptoms of an acne infection
  • Kali Bromatum (Potassium Bromide) - for blemishes on chest, shoulders, and face
  • Hydrocotyle Asiatica (Indian Pennywort) - for itching and dry skin eruptions due to acne and psoriasis
More treatment ideas 
We have found it best to treat acne on multiple fronts: internal, external, and fitness (physical and mental). In addition to taking Acne by Liddell, here are some solid tips:
  • As much as possible, keep your hands away from your face. Squeezing blackheads and pimples can make them worse.
  • Keep your hair off your face. Cut, tie, or comb it as you please, but don't let it add to your acne by spreading oil and bacteria.
  • Avoid oily soaps, moisturizing creams, oily hair preparations, and all heavy makeup. If you use makeup, be sure to use natural water-based preparations.
  • Be careful about the way you wash your face. Don't scrub too hard, because that can irritate your skin and make it more vulnerable to bacteria. Use a clean towel to dry your face, so as not to transfer bacteria from a used towel. And be sure that objects that come in contact with your face - like a telephone receiver - are clean.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of pure water a day. Water helps the body flush out toxins and transport nutrients to the body. Drinking water puts less strain on the skin organ to flush out toxins.
  • Supplement with acidophilus on a daily basis. Acidophilus will help fight against harmful bacteria from the inside out.
  • Control your excess caloric intake. Scientific studies illustrate that excess caloric intake (the amount of daily calories consumed beyond those required to sustain your current body weight) can adversely affect your acne levels. Excess caloric intake triggers an anabolic process that can increase natural hormonal levels. Your testosterone level (a trigger for acne) can increase beyond their normal levels within your body. (A.N. Chiang, et al., "Excess Energy and Nitrogen Balance at Protein Intakes Above the Requirement Level in Young Men," Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 48 (1988) : 1015-1022. G.B. Forbes, et al., "Hormonal Response to Overfeeding," Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 49.4 (1989) : 608-611).
  • Exercise is good for your overall health. It will increase your blood circulation and bring more oxygen to major organs including the skin. Just make sure that you wash your face after an intense exercise session to remove any oil or sweat on your skin that may harbor bacteria.
Acne is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.