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Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle , (Liddell)
Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle , (Liddell)
Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle , (Liddell)
Product Code:LQ0006

Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

Rejuvenate the female body! Increase your sexual desire. Say goodbye to the blues. You're about to experience that sense of joy in everyday activities you thought you'd lost for good. Vital Female Sexual Energy is a thoroughly modern "two sprays, three times a day" sublingual treatment that treats low female sexual energy safely and naturally! And - better sex in a spray? Yes - if more desire, more strength and a better mood is what's wanted.  
Temporarily relieves these symptoms of low female sexual energy:
  • decrease in sexual desire
  • decrease in responsiveness and enjoyment
  • feelings of fatigue

For adults only: Spray twice under the tongue three times per day.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $19.95
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Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
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Vital Female Sexual Energy - 1 bottle, (Liddell)

How It Works
Vital Female Sexual Energy is a combination of remedies carefully designed to alleviate immediate symptoms and to work at a deeper level, helping to increase sexual energy, desire and vitality.
  • Agnus castus (Chaste Tree) - Treats poor sexual function, reduced libido, and feelings of fatigue.
  • Arnica montana (Leopard's Bane) - For post-coital soothing and increasing sexual desire.
  • Caulophyllum (Blue Cohosh) - For toning the womb and eases cervical discomfort.
  • Cinchona officinalis (Peruvian Bark) - Treats painful heaviness in the pelvis and strengthens desire.
  • Damiana (Turnera Aphrodisiaca) - For treatment of sexual debility, frigidity and impotence.
  • Lactuca virosa (Acrid Lettuce) - Increases sexual desire and relaxes the pelvic area.
  • L-Arginine (Amino Acid) - Provides a basic building of protein synthesis and a precursor for vasodilation.
  • Onosmodium virginianum (Gravel Weed) - Enhances sexual desire and treats feelings of sexual, mental or physical fatigue.
  • Ovarinum (Ovary Extract) - For treatment of low sexual libido and discomfort of the sexual system.
  • Phosphoricum acidum (Phosphoric Acid) - For increasing sexual desire, and to treat feelings of anxiety.
  • Pituitarum (Pituitary Extract) - Supports hormone balance, stimulates muscular activity, and increases sexual appetite.
  • Sepia officinalis (Cuttlefish Ink) - To relax pelvic organs and treats a painful vagina, especially on coition.
  • Thuja occidentalis (Tree of Life) - For sexual lethargy and emotional discord.
More treatment ideas 
In addition to taking Female Sexual Energy, there are many healthy options to help you insure a healthy libido. 
A healthy lifestyle can go a long way toward preventing a chronically low sexual libido. Eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and controlling stress will make you feel well, help you build a healthy self-image, boost your energy, and help you maintain confidence in your sexuality.  
Other things you can do to enhance your sexual desire and pleasure include:
  • Communicate with your partner. Emotional intimacy is the essential beginning for sexual intimacy for many women. Talk frankly and honestly about your feelings with your partner to help build your relationship. Silence can result in repressed feelings, anger, and alienation that can harm your well-being and even your long-term mental and physical health.
  • Express your desires. Tell your partner what you want sexually, what "turns you on," and guide your partner in what pleases you.
  • Be less predictable, and more spontaneous in your sexual experiences. Partners who have been together for years can get into patterns where sex is always the same. Try new ways to be intimate, prolong your sexual experience, and be more creative with touching, positions, and timing and location of sexual activities.
  • Examine your priorities. Don't let work or family responsibilities take time away from your relationship with your partner. Spending time together is part of building intimacy, and helps both partners feel connected to each other and cared for by each other.
  • Stay sexually active after menopause. Regular sexual activity, with a partner or through self-stimulation, helps improve vaginal lubrication and elasticity as estrogen levels decline.
  • Don't be afraid to use lubricating creams or gels. If you are suffering from vaginal dryness caused by medications, a chronic condition, or the lack of estrogen that occurs after menopause, you might benefit from trying a water-based over-the counter vaginal lubricant, which may make sex more comfortable. Do not use oil-based products, such as petroleum jelly, baby or mineral oil with latex condoms, which can cause the condom to break.
  • Sexuality is highly personal and varies from person to person. A woman's sexual responses can vary from one time to another, and no one pattern is more "normal" than another. Nearly everyone has had a problem with sex at some time in their lives, and often they can be worked out with patience and talking with your partner.
Case Studies
I.L. (name withheld by request) - "I am 84 (some say that I look in my 60's) and my husband is 90. I have been using Vital and Vital Female Sexual Energy together for three months. My husband is now using Vital and Vital Male Sexual Energy. I am ecstatic with our results! Our sex life has gone from fairly infrequent to, now, almost every day. This area of our lives is so much more fulfilling due to your products. We both thank you."  
P. Connell, Fair Haven, New Jersey - "Vital Female Sexual Energy has changed my entire attitude about sex. Before taking this product, when a man went by riding his bike I just saw a bike rider. Now, when a man rides by on his bike, I see a butt go by. After spraying Vital Female Sexual Energy for a few days I began to feel more interested in the intimate, erotic aspects of life. It feels great!"
Vital Female Sexual Energy - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Ordes are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.