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3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo , (Now Foods)
3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo , (Now Foods)
3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo , (Now Foods)
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3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo, (Now Foods)

Excessive weight gain is the result of a simple metabolic imbalance in your body. It is a sign that your body is not burning up the old fat stores as well as it could. You don't have to find out the hard way, but most drugs weaken your body systems even more. Lipovarin is an advanced thermogenic weight loss supplement that helps boost your metabolism !  
Lipovarin is a multi-action formula designed to accelerate fat loss by inhibiting the absorption of fat. Formulated with the Advantra Z (citrus aurantium) an important component in the formula has been shown to have similar metabolism boosting effects of that of Ma Huang without the negative side effects. 
Diminishing results from dieting and diet products can be traced to the fact that the body recognizes the reduction in caloric intake and thereby reduces the production of thyroid hormones. Thyrotril not only supports and maintains optimal thyroid function but maximizes your diet product's fullest potential. 
How Will You Succeed With Thyrotril?
  • Increase Metabolic Rate and Thyroid Function Leading to Faster Weight Loss.
  • Help Optimize Thyroid Hormone Levels
  • Provide Complete Glandular and Nutritional Support Necessary for Adequate Thyroid Function While Dieting.
  • Increase Energy Levels
  • Supply Your Thyroid and Body With Essential Nutrients
  • Improve Hair Texture
  • Aid In Digestion
  • Decrease Mood Swings and Irritability
  • Improve Skin Texture
Aquadrene is designed for individuals who have a problem with excess water retention and “puffiness”. For many individuals mild symptoms of weight gain, swelling of extremities and overall bloating are the result of excess water that just won't go away. Aquadrene is a perfect solution for anyone looking to lose those last few uncomfortable, water bloating pounds. It can also be used to jump start the weight loss process for individuals who are just beginning a weight loss program. 
How Will You Succeed With Aquadrene?
  • Reduce Water Retention Quickly Using a Potent, Synergistic, All Natural Diuretic
  • Safely Maintain Water Equilibrium Without Depleting Essential Electrolytes
  • Promote a Healthy Urinary Tract
Synergy is the KEY to Effective Weight Loss 
These products work so well together is because they all perform a specific function that when combined, produce a synergistic effect. The Lipovarin will help increase energy levels, suppress appetite, and increase your metabolism. Most, if not all, weight loss regimens involve dieting of some sort. Dieting (or a restricted caloric intake) causes a decrease thyroid output. This can actually slow your weight loss to a crawl. Thyrotril helps support healthy thyroid levels and aids in the conversion of T-4 to T-3, the more active and metabolism stimulating of the two hormones. Thyrotril literally jump starts your weight loss again! Aquadrene is the perfect finish to this stack because it helps rid the body of excess water and prevents bloating. Aquadrene targets the subcutaneous water between your skin and muscle, so you can achieve a nice, defined look!
The Science Behind Lipovarin
Increasing metabolism, safely and naturally, is the most efficient method to promote weight reduction in the form of fat loss. 
Lipovarin is an advanced thermogenic weight loss supplement that helps boost your metabolism! 
Lipovarin is formulated with Advantra Z (citrus aurantium) an important component that has been shown to have metabolic boosting effects similar to that of Ma Huang, without the negative side effects. 
Lipovarin also contains a unique ingredient called Metabromine. This ingredient provides a thermogenic effect and a euphoric feeling similar to what we feel when we eat chocolate.  
Imagine a feeling of "Chocolate Euphoria" without the calories. This euphoric feeling can make dieting much easier to deal with. 
Lipovarin contains caffeine and green tea which provide added thermogenic and metabolic stimulating effects, as well as supporting increases in resting energy expenditure.  
Lipovarin addresses weight control from many different angles. Stimulation of the metabolism is a prime focus of the Lipovarin formula. The patented ingredient 7 Keto is included in the Lipovarin proprietary blend for many of its clinically substantiated claims. These claims include the ability to stimulate enzymes in the liver responsible for thermogenesis, increasing the body's metabolic efficiency, greater weight loss results, and maintaining an ideal body weight. 
Serotain is a vital component in this unique weight control product. It supports the suppression of appetite and provides what many users explain as a euphoric effect. This is very important as many people scrap weight loss programs because of irritability and their inability to control their appetite. Rounding out the Lipovarin formula are Coleus Forskohli (10% Forskohlin), Taurine and Rhodiola Rosea each supporting your weight loss goals, as well as supporting the functionality of other key Lipovarin ingredients. 
The Science Behind Thyrotril
Thyrotril is a potent thyroid booster that helps optimize your metabolic rate to eliminate excess body fat! 
is formulated with Bioperine and L-Tyrosine. Bioperine enhances the bioavailability of the ingredients contained in the proprietary formula increasing effectiveness. L-Tyrosine plays a key role in suppressing appetite and reducing body fat.  
Thyrotril also contains Olive Leaf Extract. This ingredient provides an overall immune support. This ingredient nutritionally supports your body to help fight off viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast and parasites that cause disease. 
Thyrotril contains Selenium and Atlantic Kelp which provides key roles in thyroid hormone balance as well as containing important anti-oxidant features that protect the thyroid gland from oxidation damage. 
Thyrotril is a multi-action thermogenic formula designed to boost thyroid function, suppress appetite, reduce body fat and amplify your metabolism. 
Thyrotril contains the vital component Guggul Extract (standardized for E & Z Guggulsterones) an important ingredient that has been shown to optimize thyroid function, increase basal metabolic rate, have positive effects on blood lipid levels, and increase fat loss. 
The Science Behind Aquadrene
Aquadrene is an advanced all natural, non-prescription diuretic that helps eliminate excess water weight gain! 
Aquadrene is formulated with Taraxacum Offincinale (standardized for taraxacin) an important component that has been shown to have similar diuretic effects as the drug furosemide (Lasix) without the negative effect of depleting the body's reservoir of the vital electrolyte, potassium. 
Aquadrene also contains a unique ingredient called UVA URSI (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). This ingredient provides an effective urinary disinfectant, as well as, acting directly on the kidneys to exert a mild diuretic effect. This ingredient soothes, tones, and strengthens the membranes of the urinary system. 
Aquadrene contains Dandelion Root Extract which provides added diuretic and potassium sparing effects as well as stimulating weight loss and improvements in liver metabolism. 
Aquadrene addresses water elimination from many different angles. Elimination of extracellular fluid retention is a prime focus of the Aquadrene formula. The ingredients Buchu Leaf and Parsley are included in the Aquadrene formula for their ability to increase urine production, as well as, their antiseptic effect on the urinary tract.  
Aquadrene contains the vital component Cranberry Fruit Extract (11% Quinic Acid). Cranberry Fruit Extract acts in two very important ways. First, it helps the kidneys regulate the pH of the urinary tract, and secondly it controls E. coli bacteria in the urinary tract helping to suppress infections in the bladder and kidneys. Rounding out the Aquadrene formula are Potassium, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6 each replacing essential electrolytes as well as supporting the functionality of other key Aquadrene ingredients.


Days 1-11:
  • Lipovarin (3 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal.
  • Thyrotril ( 2 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal. ( 2 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal.
Days 12-21:
  • Lipovarin (3 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal. (3 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal.
  • Thyrotril ( 2 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal. ( 2 caps per serving) once in morning before breakfast and once before mid afternoon meal.
  • Aquadrene (3 caps per serving) once in morning after breakfast and once after mid afternoon meal. (3 caps per serving) once in morning after breakfast and once after mid afternoon meal.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $179.97
Other Spec:
3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo, (Now Foods)

Lipovarin Ingredients  
Serving Size: 3 Tablets  
Servings Per Container: 50  
Metabromine (theobroma cacao) fruit ext 330mg  
6% theobromine 20mg  
Advantra Z ( citrus aurantium) 350mg  
10% total amines 35mg  
Green Tea leaf extract (camellia sinensis) 100mg  
30% tea polyphenols 30mg  
20% tea catechins 20mg  
Serotain 250mg  
18.5% 5-hydroxtryptophan 45mg  
Caffeine 200mg  
Rhodiola Rosea 100mg  
taurine 200mg  
l-carnitine l-tartrate 15mg  
7-Keto (7-keto-dehydroepiandrosterone acetate) 50mg  
Coleus Forskohli (10% Forskohlin) 100mg 
Thyrotril Ingredients  
Serving Size: 2 Capsules  
Servings Per Container: 45  
Selenium (As Selenomethionine) 100mcg 
L-Tyrosine 500mg 
Olive Leaf Extract 100mg 
Pure Synthetic E & Z Guggelsterones 40mg  
Atlantic Kelp 30mg  
Bioperine 5 mg 
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate. 
Aquadrene Ingredients 
Serving Size: 6 Capsules  
Servings Per Container: 10 
Potassium (Potassium Gluconate) 200mg 
Vitamin B6 100mg 
Magnesium (Magnesium Aspartate) 50mg 
Taraxacum Offincinale Leaf Extract (Standardized for Taraxacin) 1g 
UVA URSI Leaf Extract 1g 
Dandelion Root Extract 500 mg 
Parsley 4:1 Extract 250mg 
Buchu Leaf 4:1 Extract 250mg 
Cranberry Fruit Extract (11% Quinic Acid) 60mg 
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate.
3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo, (Now Foods)

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3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System - Thyrotril, Lipovarin, & Aquadrene Special Three Combo, (Now Foods)

3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.