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ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps , (Kendy USA)
ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps , (Kendy USA)
ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps , (Kendy USA)
Product Code:032631-4
类别: 免疫系统

ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps, (Kendy USA)

Patented synbiotic blend includes Inulin, Acidophilus, Bifido, Strep. thermophilus and 3 unique strains of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. The presence of Inulin (prebiotic) greatly aids the reproduction of friendly bacteria (probiotics) when they are reactivated inside the gastro-intestinal system. Each capsule contains at least 45 billion viable lactic acid probiotic bacteria at time of manufacture. Supplied in nitrogen filled, non-porous bottles for longer shelf life. All natural - Vegetarian safe.
  • Optimizes your immune & digestive systems
  • Patended blend includes 3 unique strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Formulated for fast reproduction in the GI system
  • Isolates from plants & natural sources in ecologically protected areas of Bulgaria
  • Inulin prebiotic, from the green plants, aids the growth of "good bacteria" in the GI system

The Human Gastro-Intestinal System
  • A complex “ecosystem” typically containing 500+ different species of bacteria often referred to collectively as the “microflora”.
  • The total number of bacteria in the GI system far exceeds the total number of tissue cells which make up the human body.
  • The total weight of bacteria in the GI System is approx. 3.5lbs.
  • The basic function of the microflora is to act as a barrier to harmful bacteria (microbial pathogens) which can cause illness & disease.
  • The most common group of bacteria indigenous to the human GI is known as Bifidobacteria. Others include Lactobacillus acidophilus & casei.
  • Our general level of health depends to a large extent upon the condition of the friendly bacteria in our GI system and their ability to control harmful bacteria.
  • A diet rich in complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, grains etc.) encourages high levels of bifidobacterium in adults. A meat rich diet has the opposite effect.

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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $31.99
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ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps, (Kendy USA)

ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps, (Kendy USA)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

The Truth About Yogurt!

Most people’s image of yogurt is of a “wholesome, high-protein, healthy & low fat food”. This is true of real “live” yogurt but the vast majority of products sold as yogurt in N. America & Europe have very little in common with genuine yogurt.  
Even if they use live cultures at the fermentation stage, most commercial yogurt manufacturers pasteurize after the culturing process (for longer shelf-life) thus ensuring that any friendly bacteria are long dead by the time the product is consumed. 
Kendy have taken the only natural bacteria used to make traditional live Bulgarian yogurt (Lactobacillus bulgaricus & Streptococcus thermophilus), concentrated it in bioreactors and preserved it for longer shelf life by freeze drying and nitrogen rich atmosphere packaging. 
Now you too can enjoy the health benefits of natural live Bulgarian yogurt in a convenient and long lasting format.

ACTI Flora Synbiotic - Optimizes Your Immune & Digestive Systems, 100 caps, (Kendy USA)

How It Works
  • By colonizing directly on the intestinal mucous membrane where it produces vital antibodies such as Immunoglobulins A, M & G (IgA, IgM & IgG - which defend against pathogens) and enzymes such as Lactase.
  • Lactase breaks down the Lactic Acid in milk products and helps create a more acid GI environment which pathogens cannot survive in.
  • By occupying the mucous membrane and denying space for pathogens to colonize.
  • By depriving pathogens of nutrients.
  • By manufacturing B vitamins such as biotin, niacin (B3), folic acid, and pyridoxine (B6).
What are probiotics? 
First identified in Bulgaria in 1905, probiotics are defined by most scientists as “live microbial food additives which have a beneficial effect on humans by improving the internal microbial balance”. 
1908 – Russian biologist and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Elie Metchnikov publishes his book “ The Prolongation of Life” . This was the first scientific study to show the direct links between intestinal microflora balance, ingested “friendly” bacteria and good health.  
It was Dr. Metchnikov who isolated the primary bacteria used to ferment the milk into yogurt and named it Lactobacillus bulgaricus after the country that is its home and natural habitat. 
What is Inulin?
  • Inulin is a non-digestible fiber found in root herbs such as burdock, dandelion, chicory and over 35,000 plants & vegetables throughout the world.
  • Inulin is a natural food for the lactobacilli in the intestine and can increase their volume by 5-10 times.
  • On average, Americans eat less than 3g of inulin per day, mainly from wheat. 16th century Europeans consumed about 35g of inulin daily, while 19th century Central and South Americans consumed up to 100g daily.
  • Studies show that inulin can increase the absorption of calcium (an important nutrient especially for women and children) by 18%. Modern diets mean that most people fall well short of the recommended digested calcium intake of 1000mg per day.
  • Inulin is recommended sometimes for diabetics because it is not absorbed & does not affect blood sugar levels. Inulin has no connection with Insulin.
How can Actiflora benefit me & my family? 
Clinical studies show that the regular use of probiotics may:
  • Support & strengthen our body's immune system by fighting pathogens & maintaining levels of Immunoglobulins A, M, & G.
  • Promote correct digestion & absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
  • Help restore & maintain normal gastro-intestinal microflora especially after illness & antibiotic treatment.
  • Improve energy levels & general health.
  • Help relieve lactose intolerance, acid reflux & Candida.
  • Help fight stress related conditions.
  • Prevent constipation, bloating, diarrhea & flatulence.
  • Overcome skin problems.
What can disturb our microflora balance?
  • Use of antibiotics and other drugs.
  • Poor or unsuitable diet.
  • Infections, illness, stress.
  • Age – Acid production in the stomach commonly reduces as we get older.
  • Vaccinations.
  • Radiation treatment.
  • Pregnancy.
ACTI Flora Synbiotic is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.