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Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Sore Muscle

Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

Get long-lasting relief from muscle aches and pains. Naturally. 
Homeopathic Sore Muscles Lotion is a revolutionary, chemical-free health aid that was carefully formulated to stimulate the human body's innate healing response to muscle pain. 
Topically applied directly to the source of your pain, this fast-acting lotion delivers a blend of homeopathic remedies where it hurts to provide temporary relief from:
  • Post-exercise muscle strain and pain
  • Leg and muscle cramps and spasms
  • Aching, sore neck and shoulders

About Muscle Pain Relief 
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: The pain or discomfort felt between 24 and 76 hours after excercising 
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is the pain or discomfort often felt 24 to 76 hours after exercising and subsides generally within 2 to 3 days. DOMS is thought to be a result of microscopic tearing of the muscle fibers. The amount of tearing (and soreness) depends on how hard and how long you exercise and what type of exercise you do. Activities that require muscles to forcefully contract while they are lengthening -- known as eccentric contractions -- seem to cause the most soreness. You use eccentric contractions when you descend stairs, run downhill, lower a weight, or perform the downward motion of squats and push-ups. In addition to muscle tearing, swelling can occur in and around a muscle, which can also cause soreness hours later.  
Training under DOMS 
Training does not make an existing DOMS worse, because the reinforcement process is already underway. As training will induce further damage to the muscles and thus more hypertrophy and reinforcement, it can add more swelling and pain, and lengthen the period of DOMS. Training in constant DOMS would be uncomfortable though one may be able to adapt to it. Perpetual DOMS may not be an ideal condition but could be seen as the ideal method of assuring velocity in muscle growth and fitness.  
Causes of DOMS 
Once thought to be caused by lactic acid buildup, a more recent theory is that it is caused by tiny tears in the muscle fibers caused by eccentric movements, or unaccustomed training levels. The dismissal of the lactic acid theory was that rapid dispersal of lactic acid could not explain pain felt the next day.  
More recent research claims that DOMS is not caused by the pain from damaged muscle cells, but from the reinforcement process. The muscle responds to training by reinforcing itself up to and above the previous strength by adding new sarcomeres - the segments in the muscle fibrils. This reinforcement process causes the cells to swell, and to put pressure on nerves and arteries, causing the DOMS. 
Symptoms of DOMS
  • Pain and tenderness along a tendon, usually in proximity to a joint (hip pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, or pain in other joints)
  • Pain is worse with movement or activity
  • Pain is worse at night
Natural ways to avoid or relieve DOMS
  • Warm up thoroughly before working out and cool down completely after.
  • Avoid any vigorous activity that increases pain.
  • Start with easy to moderate activity and build up the intensity of your workout over time. For example, if you want to start a walking program and you goal is to walk 3 miles in 45 minutes, begin by walking a mile and add another quarter- or half-mile each day until you can comfortably walk 3 miles.
  • Use the R.I.C.E. treatment plan -- rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
  • Use gentle stretching on the affected area while massaging with Homeopathic Sore Muscle Lotion.
  • Follow a gentle yoga practice.
  • Allow the soreness to subside thoroughly before performing any more vigorous exercise.
  • Avoid making sudden major changes in the amount of time that you exercise.
Treating sore muscles homeopathically 
Homeopathy can be very effective in relieving the pain of sore muscles, as well as safe and easy-to-use, with minimal risk of side effects. There is an increasing amount of scientific evidence which confirms the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, and a growing number of people with sore muscles are gaining relief from this natural form of treatment. Homeopathic Sore Muscles Lotion contains key remedies to help relieve muscle aches and pains. But for deeper treatment, a constitutional remedy should be chosen by an experienced homeopathic doctor which will help bring all bodily systems into better balance.

Apply as directed.
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Retail Price: $18.95
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Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

Active ingredients: Arnica 6c HPUS, Gelsemium 6c HPUS, Lactic Acid 6c HPUS, Thuja 6c HPUS, Sulphur 6c HPUS, Cuprum Arsenicosum 6c HPUS, Colocynthis 6c HPUS, Belladonna 6c HPUS, Magnesia Phosphorica 6c HPUS, certified organic grapefruit seed extract 
Inactive Ingredients: certified organic aloe vera, certified deionized water, tocopherol (vitamin E), wildcrafted certified pesticide-free guar gum, wildcrafted certified pesticide-free acacia gum.
Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

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Sore Muscles Lotion - Relief Muscle Aches & Pains, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

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