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Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel -
Product Code:discontinued

Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

Prepare for childbearing. And stimulate reproductive energy. Naturally. 
Homeopathic Fertile Mama Formula is an all-natural OTC health aid that was scientifically formulated to help prepare the female body for pregnancy. Chemical- and hormone-free, this breakthrough formula contains key homeopathic remedies to restore balance to the female reproductive system. Rely on this fast-acting, topical gel to help you:
  • Prepare your body for pregnancy
  • Enhance organ viability and readiness for conception
Because this patent-pending formula includes a proprietary blend of botanical ingredients, it serves as a highly effective, long-lasting personal lubricant as well.  
STOP YEAST INFECTIONS, TOO. Integrating advanced pharmaceutical technology and patent-pending biovegetal techniques, Homeopathic Fertile Mama Formula includes grapefruit seed extract which has been shown to discourage bacterial, fungal, and yeast infections.
About Increasing Fertility 
Fertility: the condition, quality, or degree of being fertile. 
Fertility problems for men and women have dramatically increased not only in the US but in many other countries as well. In fact, some scientists are calling this decline a "crises," stating that at the current rate of decline in fertility, the human race is headed toward extinction. More and more couples planning to have a baby will have trouble conceiving, many are turning to natural fertility treatments to help them have a family.  
Natural fertility treatment plans can be extensive and really should to be adjusted to suit your individual needs. The natural approach to fertility has been enormously successful, largely because natural treatments encompass the many, many elements that can be at the root of your fertility problems. A study conducted by the University of Surrey showed that couples with a previous history of infertility who made changes in their lifestyle and diet and took nutritional supplements had an 80% success rate. Given that the success rate for in vitro fertilization) is around 20%, it's worth considering some natural options.  
Pre-conception: a four month plan 
It takes about four months for immature eggs to reach maturity and be released during ovulation. It also takes at least three months for sperm cells to develop, before they are ready to be ejaculated. This means that when you are trying to improve your fertility, you and your partner need to have a four-month period to get ready. This is called 'pre-conception care' and it's very important to take as much care during this period as it is during a pregnancy itself. 
The causes of infertility 
According to the medical establishment, the most common cause of infertility is 'unexplained' -- which means that doctors can find no specific or identifiable medical explanation. However, others believe that infertility can be caused by:
  • An unhealthy diet
  • Xenoestrogens: environmental estrogens coming from pesticides and the plastic industry. When you are trying to conceive, one of the most important things you need to do is to balance your hormones. It is extremely important to avoid anything that might cause an imbalance, and one of the main culprits is the xenoestrogens. One of the best ways to eliminate an excess intake of xenoestrogens is to buy organic produce and don't eat or drink anything in plastic plates and cups for the pre-conceptual period.
  • Alcohol will affect both you and your partner. In fact, drinking any alcohol at all can reduce your fertility by half and the more you drink, the less likely you are to conceive. One study showed that women who drank less than 5 units of alcohol a week (equal to five glasses of wine) were twice as likely to get pregnant within a six-month period compared with those who drank more. Research has also shown that drinking alcohol causes a decrease in sperm count, an increase in abnormal sperm and a lower proportion of motile sperm. Alcohol also inhibits the body's absorption of nutrients such as zinc, which is one of the most important minerals for male fertility.
  • Caffeine, particularly in the form of coffee, decreases fertility in women. Drinking as little as one cup of coffee a day can reduce your chance of conception by 50%. However one study showed that coffee may increase sperm motility in men if consumed immediately before sexual activity.
  • Smoking has been linked with infertility in women. Smoking can decrease sperm count in men, making the sperm more sluggish, and it can increase the number of abnormal sperm.
Homeopathy and fertility 
Homeopathy can be very effective in supporting optimum fertility, as well as safe and easy-to-use, with minimal risk of side effects. There is an increasing body of scientific evidence which confirms the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, and growing number of people are gaining positive results using this natural form of treatment.  
From the homeopathic point of view, using fertility drugs or hormones to increase fertility simply masks the symptoms and can lead to more serious, long-term health problems. Homeopathic Fertile Mama Formula from Sympathical Formulas includes key remedies to help restore balance to the female reproductive system. However, for best results, a homeopathic constitutional remedy must be prescribed -- one that takes into consideration all of your symptoms, mental and emotional as well as physical. 
Natural tips for increasing fertility
  • Supplements can be very effective in rebalancing your hormones and improving both your health and that of your partner -- which is so vital to conception. Supplements that have been known to help stimulate fertility include: folic acid, zinc, selenium, essential fatty acids, Vitamin A, Vitamins in the B-complex family, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, l-arginine, and l-carnitine
  • Certain herbs effectively restore female hormone imbalances and encourage ovulation if it's not happening. Some of these herbs include: agnus castus, nettle leaves, red raspberry leaves, red clover, dong quai root, and false unicorn root. Please take not: You should not take any of these herbs if you are taking birth control pills, fertility drugs, or any hormonal treatment or other medication unless they are recommended by a registered, experienced practitioner.
  • Douching before intercourse with distilled water lowers the pH level of the vagina, and can increase chances of becoming pregnant.
  • Ensure that the vagina is well enough lubricated that the sperms may pass easily through. Use Homeopathic Fertile Mama™ Formula -- an all-natural personal lubricant that includes remedies that help prepare the body for pregnancy and stimulate reproductive energy.

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Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

Active Ingredients: Natrum Muriaticum 6c HPUS, Viburnum Opulus 6c HPUS, Phosphoric Acidum 6c HPUS , Staphysagria 6c HPUS, Berberis 6c HPUS, Sepia 6c HPUS, Ovary 6c, Placenta 6c, certified organic grapefruit seed extract  
Inactive Ingredients: certified organic aloe vera, certified deionized water, tocopherol (vitamin E), wildcrafted certified pesticide-free guar gum.
Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

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Fertile Mama Homeopathic Gel - Stimulate Reproductive Energy, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

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