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Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz , (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)
Feminine Yeast Formula Gel -
Product Code:discontinued

Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

End yeast infections and prevent their return. Naturally. 
Homeopathic Feminine Yeast Formula is a breakthrough women's health aid that was scientifically formulated to stimulate the female body's natural healing response. Chemical-free and 100% natural, it contains key homeopathic remedies to reduce the overgrowth of yeast throughout the female reproductive system. Rely on this fast-acting, topical gel to help you:
  • Restore the natural defenses of your vaginal tissues
  • End vaginal burning, itching, dryness, and discharge
  • Gain temporary relief from yeast and bladder irritation
Because this patent-pending formula includes a proprietary blend of botanical ingredients, it serves as a highly effective, long-lasting personal lubricant as well.  
Developed by a lifelong student of homeopathy, this pharmaceutical-grade formula is part of Sympathical's all-natural, highly effective Women's Health line.
About Vaginal Yeast Infections 
Candidiasis: Infection with a fungus of the genus Candida, especially C. albicans, that usually occurs in the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, respiratory tract, or vagina but may invade the bloodstream, especially in immunocompromised individuals. 
In immunocompetent people, candidiasis can usually only be found in exposed and moist parts of the body, such as:
  • The oral cavity (oral thrush)
  • The vagina (vaginal candidiasis or thrush)
  • Folds of skin in the diaper area (diaper rash)
  • On the male genitals, particularly in uncircumcised men
In immunocompromised patients, the Candida infection can become systemic, causing a much more serious condition, fungemia. 
The cause of vaginal candidiasis 
Yeast organisms are always present in all people, but are usually prevented from "overgrowth" (uncontrolled multiplication resulting in symptoms) by naturally occurring microorganisms.  
At least three quarters of all women will experience vaginal candidiasis at some point in their lives. The Candida albicans organism is found in the vaginas of almost all women and normally causes no problems. However, when it gets out of balance with the other "normal flora," such as lactobacilli, an overgrowth and symptoms can result.  
Women tend to be more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections if they are:
  • Pregnant
  • Using oral contraceptives
  • Taking antibiotics or corticosteroids
  • Using douches
  • Under stress
  • Following a poor diet
  • Ill
  • Diabetic
  • Sleep deprived
Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis 
The most common symptoms are:
  • Itching and irritation of the vagina and/or vulva
  • A whitish or whitish-gray discharge, sometimes resembling cottage cheese, and may have a "yeasty" smell like beer or baking bread
Treating vaginal candidiasis homeopathically 
Homeopathy is very effective in treating vaginal yeast infections, as well as safe and easy-to-use, with minimal risk of side effects. There is an increasing body of scientific evidence which confirms the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, and growing number of women with yeast infections are finding relief from this natural form of treatment.  
From the homeopathic point of view, using drugs like clotrimazole or nystatin to treat candidiasis simply masks the symptoms and can lead to more serious, long-term health problems. Homeopathic Feminine Yeast Formula from Sympathical Formulas includes key remedies to end yeast infections and prevent their return. But for deeper treatment, a constitutional remedy should be chosen by an experienced homeopathic doctor to help bring all bodily systems into better balance.  
Natural tips for dealing with vaginal candidiasis
  • Avoid dairy products.
  • Take a good acidophilus product.
  • Try to eat one raw clove of garlic every day.
  • Integrate Homeopathic Feminine Yeast Formula into your daily self-care routine, and use as a personal lubricant during sex.
  • Avoid corticosteroids, antibiotics, and oral contraceptives.
  • Cut way back on refined sugars.

Use as directed.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $16.95
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Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

Active ingredients: Pulsatilla 6c HPUS, Berberis Vulgaris 6c HPUS, Hepar Sulphuris 6c HPUS, Lilium 6c HPUS, Hydrastis 6c HPUS, Cantharis 6c HPUS, Candida Albicans 6c HPUS, Sepia 6c HPUS, Thuja 6c HPUS, certified organic grapefruit seed extract. 
Inactive ingredients: certified organic aloe vera, certified deionized water, tocopherol (vitamin E), wildcrafted certified pesticide-free guar gum.
Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

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Feminine Yeast Formula Gel - End Yeast Infections, 4 oz, (Sympathical Pharmaceuticals)

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