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Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz , (Teeccino)
Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz , (Teeccino)
Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz , (Teeccino)
Maya Chai -
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Herbal Coffee

Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz, (Teeccino)

A stimulating spike of spicy top notes and the creaminess of Mexican vanilla accents rich, roasted, full-bodied flvor. 
Who says chai can't be made with a roasted, robust body brewed like coffee and layered with spices? Add sufficient hot milk and a true chai emerges to confound both tea and coffee drinkers alike. Rules are made to be transcended and Maya Chai rises above our limitations to merge the best of both worlds.
Drip Coffee Makers:
  • Strong: Add 1 rounded tablespoon for every 2 cups of water to a permanent gold or paper filter.
  • Medium: Add 1 level tablespoon for every 2 cups of water.
  • Light: Add 1 teaspoon for every 2 cups water.
SwissGold One-Cup Brewer:
  • Put 1 rounded tablespoon into the filter chamber for a 10-12 oz cup.
  • Insert the inner chamber and place the brewer on top of cup.
  • Fill the inner chamber with boiling water and allow 30 seconds to drip into the cup.
  • Add milk and/or sweetner as desired.
In a French Press
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons to "3-cup" pots, 3-4 tablespoons to "8-cup" pots, 5-6 tablespoons to "12-cup" pots.
  • Pour in boiling water. Let steep for 5 minutes before pressing the plunger down.
  • Pour and enjoy!
In an Espresso Machine
  • Fill the double filter basket with one rounded tablespoon of Teeccino.
  • Tamp firmly.
  • Follow the normal directions for making a cappuccino or latte with steamed milk or soy milk.
Brewing Teeccino with an Italian Stovetop Espresso Maker and Cappuccino Creamer 
1. Brew "espresso strenght" Teeccino in an Italian Stovetop Expresso Maker
  • Fill water chamber up to the rivet with cold, filtered water.
  • Put one to two scoops of Teeccino into the filter basket and tamp with the back of the scoop.
  • Screw on top chamber and place moka pot over medium flame.
  • When you hear the moka pot begin to hiss, it is time to turn it off. Let it sit for a few moments until the hissing stops.
Note: The Moka Pot comes with a strainer top with a knob on it. This is used if you only want to make 1/2 a pot. Fill the filter basket 1/2 full and place the strainer over the top. 
2. Foam milk or soy milk in a Thermos Cappuccino Creamer.
  • Heat milk or soy milk in the "Cappauccion Creamer" milk frother with the top removed.
  • When hot, remove from the heat and replace the top
  • Push the plunger up and down rapidly.
  • The hot milk will froth up into a lovely foam. Tap the pot a few times and bubble size will reduce the velvet foam!
3. Fill a cup 1/3 to 1/2 full with Teeccino. Top with frothed milk. 
For Cappuccinos: add more foam than milk. For Lattes: add hot milk and top with foam. 
Iced Teeccino 
Methon One
  • Refrigerate brewed Teeccino. (Teeccino will last up to five days in the refrigerator!)
  • Pour over ice and add cold milk or non-dairy milk. Sweeten to taste. If using honey, sweeten when hot.
Method two
  • Fill a large glass 2/3rd full with ice
  • Add 1/4 cup cold milk, or more, depending on taste
  • Pour brewed Teeccino over the ice and milk. We reccomend brewing Teeccino stronger than normal so the melting ice won't dilute Teeccino too much
  • Sweeten if needed
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $9.50
Other Spec:
Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz, (Teeccino)

roasted carob, organic roasted barley, organic roasted chicory, organic roasted ramon nuts, organic cinnamon, organic ginger, natural spice flavors, organic cardamom, and organic vanilla extract.
Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz, (Teeccino)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Maya Chai - Herbal Coffee, 8.5 oz, (Teeccino)

Is Teeccino all natural and healthy for me? 
Yes!!! Teeccino is created from all natural ingredients that are nutritional and have been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Teeccino is low in calories, has only 3 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, and no fat. 
Is there any coffee or caffeine in Teeccino? 
No! Nor is there any black tea. Teeccino is naturally coffee-free and caffeine-free. Teeccino is a blend of herbs, grains, fruits and nuts that are roasted and ground to brew and taste just like coffee. 
What do you mean by herbal coffee? 
Herbal coffee is brewed from herbs that have been roasted and ground to brew and taste like coffee. Most people are aware that there is no “milk" in soy milk, and there is no “burger" in a veggie burger. However, many people don’t remember that there is no “tea" in herbal tea. Tea always used to refer to Camelia sinensis, the plant that has been grown for centuries to produce black tea. But now we have green tea, red tea, white tea, and herbal tea. The term “tea" has become a generic term for leaves, bark, flowers, roots and spices that are brewed in hot water like true tea. We hope that one day people will also understand “herbal coffee" as easily as they now understand soy milk! 
How do I quit coffee? 
Over a two week period, start blending Teeccino with your coffee. Begin with 3/4 coffee, and 1/4 Teeccino and gradually increase the amount of Teeccino until you are drinking 100% Teeccino. Herbal tonics and nutritional supplements can also aid you in restoring your own natural energy supply. 
Why not just drink decaf? 
Even decaf coffee has at least 7 – 10 mg of caffeine per 6 oz cup. Decaf coffee brewed at coffee bars can contain twice as much caffeine because they typically brew coffee stronger than standard brewing directions. So if you are drinking a 16 oz cup of decaf, you may be getting as much as 20-30 mg of caffeine. In addition, studies show that decaf raises the LDL fraction of cholesterol (commonly referred to as "bad" cholesterol) by 8 – 10% in only 3 months, leading to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Studies have also shown that there is a higher incidence of people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis among decaf drinkers. Additionally, most decaf has been extracted with methylene chloride, a carcinogen, which leaves behind small but significant residues. Decaf is even harder than regular coffee on the gastrointestinal tract because it is made from a variety of coffee beans called robusta that have stronger acids. If you have gastrointestinal problems or suffer from acid indigestion, you'll find that eliminating coffee from your diet, whether it is decaf or regular, will help your recovery process. 
Will Teeccino give me an energy boost? 
Many people experience an energy lift from drinking Teeccino. The nutrients in Teeccino are in liquid form, making them very bio-available and quickly absorbed. Teeccino replenishes potassium, an electrolyte mineral that stimulates nerve impulses, helps oxygenate the brain, and enhances athletic performance. The potassium in Teeccino is completely natural, coming from the ingredients themselves. Sports drinks rely on added potassium to achieve the same effect, but Teeccino’s natural potassium is at an even higher per serving quantity than sports drinks. Thus many people find Teeccino makes a re-energizing drink after workouts.  
Another factor that may explain why people experience an energy lift from Teeccino is the pinitol that is naturally present in carob pods. Pinitol has been shown to act like insulin by making cells receptive to taking in glycogen, the energy component in the blood. The natural pinitol in carob may help people who are insulin resistant by increasing the ability of their muscles to use glycogen. 
Why is the 8.5 oz can only 'half' full? 
Our cans do have a lot of headspace especially after sitting in transit and on the shelf. When we began marketing Teeccino, we had to achieve a low enough shelf price to encourage trial purchase. A high shelf price simply discourages first time buyers. This can was the only one available to us from our co-packer and thus, we couldn’t fill it all the way up. Although the can could actually hold 12 oz, we continue to pack it with 8.5 oz for that lower shelf price. I advise people who are offended by the head space to ask their store to carry our 1 lb cans or to buy the 1 lb refill bag on our website. That way the 8.5 oz can is reused. By the way, 80% of the materials used to manufacture our cans are from recycled materials! 
What makes Teeccino's flavors natural? 
Natural flavors are made from flavoring constituents that are extracted from natural ingredients like fruits, spices, herbs and even coffee. Teeccino flavors do not contain any constituents from meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, or edible yeast. Teeccino does not allow any monosodium glutamate, propylene glycol, or preservatives in its flavors. 
Is there caffeine in the natural coffee flavor in Teeccino? 
Flavor houses extract the flavor components from all natural ingredients in order to create natural flavors. In the case of Hazelnut flavor, the flavor is extracted from a hazelnut paste and other nut pastes. In the case of coffee flavor, the components of coffee flavor are extracted from a number of ingredients that include both coffee, chicory and even, believe it not, garlic! Who would imagine that coffee and garlic share the same flavor component? The expertise of flavor chemists allows them to use natural ingredients to derive flavors without getting all the components of each source. Thus it is possible to produce coffee flavor without caffeine, which in any case doesn’t contribute to the flavor of coffee. Watch out though for coffee flavored ice cream, yogurt, etc. because these foods usually contain a coffee concentrate or even ground coffee beans that do have caffeine. I make sure that the flavors we use are completely natural and don't contain harmful ingredients like propylene glycol, a petroleum product that is added to many food and skin care products, or MSG, preservatives, etc. 
What is Inulin? 
Inulin is a natural soluble fiber that is part of the chicory root. Not to be confused with the hormone, insulin, which is excreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar levels, inulin passes through the digestive tract unabsorbed. In the colon, it becomes food for the beneficial microflora such as lactobacillus and bifidus. The consumption of inulin helps establish and keeps thriving a healthy population of beneficial microflora that are responsible for creating B vitamins, boosting the immune system, and promoting the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. 
Is there caffeine in the cocoa powder in Mocha and Chocolate Mint? 
Cocoa contains a small amount of caffeine. However, since cocoa is used as a flavoring in Teeccino in very small quantities, no detectable level of caffeine has been found in a cup of Teeccino Mocha or Chocolate Mint when tested by independent laboratories. 
Does Teeccino contain any gluten? 
Although Teeccino contains barley, an independent laboratory at the University of Nebraska that specializes in gluten testing found no detectable levels of gluten in Teeccino. Althought gluten is present in barley, it most likely does not extract out of the barley using conventional coffee brewing techniques. Gluten is not extracted by boiling water although it can be extracted using ethanol alcohol, which of course is not present in Teeccino. 
Where can I get more information about caffeine? 
For information about the effects of coffee and caffeine on a variety of health conditions including heart disease, stress, acid reflux, weight loss, women's health, aging, and others. We also highly recommend reading Caffeine Blues by Stephen Cherniske, M.S., published by Warner Books. This is the first comprehensive review of caffeine that is well documented with over 700 studies. It's easy to read and the author gives excellent nutritional advice based on his own clinical practice that will help you recover your own abundant energy supply. 
How Can I Drink Teeccino While Eating Out? 
There’s nothing like finishing a meal with a perfectly brewed cup of Teeccino. It gives you that satisfying sense of completion without the calories of a dessert. This year we’ve made it our goal to get Teeccino served nationally in natural food restaurants and health-oriented coffee bars. If Teeccino isn’t served in your favorite establishment yet, don’t let that stop you from asking for it! You can ensure your success by bringing along a foil trial-size packet of your favorite flavor. Simply ask your waiter if they have an espresso machine or French press. One packet makes two perfect cappuccinos or two individual size French presses. To guarantee you’ll get a cup of Teeccino, you can also take the One-Cup Brewer or the Tea Infuser since both will brew Teeccino with only hot water. Again, the foil packet will make 2 or 3 steaming mugs, depending on how strong you like to drink Teeccino. Help us build a network of establishments that serve Teeccino by sending us the name of your favorite ones, their address and phone number, and the person who makes the decisions about their menus. If we are successful in getting Teeccino served there, we’ll send you a complimentary pound of your favorite Teeccino flavor! 
Is Teeccino safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers? 
YES! All the herbs in Teeccino have been in the human diet for thousands of years. There are no stimulants or drugs like caffeine that could cause uterine contractions or hyperactivity by the infant. Teeccino is nutritious for both Mom and baby. 
Does Teeccino need to be refrigerated like coffee? 
NO! Teeccino won't go stale like coffee because it doesn't have coffee oils which go rancid if unrefrigerated. Just replace the plastic cap on your can of Teeccino and it will last for at least two years. Brewed Teeccino can last up to five days in your refrigerator making it easy to drink iced Teeccino in the summer. 
Is Teeccino GMO Free? 
Teeccino is completely GMO free. Fortunately, Monsanto and others haven’t seen fit to tinker with the genetic composition of most of the ingredients that are used in Teeccino. We are vigilant however with all our suppliers requesting a guarantee that the ingredients they supply do not contain GMOs. There is some GMO experimentation with barley to make it resistant to a fungus called barley scab, but fortunately it is still restricted to the laboratory and has not been successful so far! 
Are the ingredients in Teeccino organic? 
Teeccino now offers 3 certified organic flavors in the Maya Herbal Coffee line. Due to limited supply of certified organic ingredients, the Classic Herbal Coffees line is still not certified. However, ingredients like carob, harvested from indigenous Mediterranean trees that are not sprayed, fertilized, or in anyway treated, are termed “organic by default”. They may not be certified, but they are organically grown. We are working to develop more sources for ingredients that have been certified organic on the National Organic Program (NOP). 
Does Teeccino have an acidic or alkaline effect in the body? 
Teeccino has an alkaline effect on the system due to several reasons. First, its high content of potassium, an alkaline mineral, helps neutralize acidity and restore an alkaline balance. Second, most of the ingredients in Teeccino like the chicory, almonds, dates and figs are all alkaline. Third, by roasting the ingredients in Teeccino, especially the barley that is an acidic grain, the carbohydrates become more easily digestible and thus less acidifying.  
Drinking Teeccino helps you reduce acidity in your body in two ways. First, it provides the alkaline mineral, potassium, which your body uses to balance the acidity in your diet. Second, the inulin from the chicory in Teeccino supports a population of beneficial microflora that enhances your digestion and increases the bio-availability of minerals. Thus Teeccino gives you a better ability to absorb your alkaline minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, and copper that a healthy person needs to maintain the body’s natural alkaline balance. 
What makes coffee and tea so acidic in the body? 
Coffee is highly acidic to the body due to its content of over 208 acids. The acids in coffee, not all of which have even been identified, are highly irritating to the stomach and intestinal lining. Coffee stimulates an increased production of gastric acid leading to a variety of digestive ailments. Decaf has the same or even stronger effect because the beans used to produce decaf coffee are usually more highly acidic than regular coffee beans. 
Caffeine is also a contributing factor to the reason why both coffee and tea have an acidic effect in the body. Caffeine belongs to a group of chemicals called xanthines. Caffeine has to be detoxified in the liver and its metabolites, methylxanthine, methyluric acid and uric acid, are excreted by the kidneys in the urine. If the diet is over-acidic and the kidneys are not able to keep up with processing acids, these acids can contribute to a build up of acidity in the body. 
Studies have shown that coffee can reduce the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, which normally prevents the reflux of the acid contents of the stomach from going back up into the esophagus. Since this effect is produced by both coffee and decaf coffee, it is not just the caffeine in coffee that contributes to heartburn, acid reflux, and GERDS.
Maya Chai is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.