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Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb , (Designer Whey)
Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb , (Designer Whey)
Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb , (Designer Whey)
UPC:Duplicate from PID 16665
Product Code:discontinued

Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb, (Designer Whey)

Think all protein powders are the same? Think again! DESIGNER WHEY is unmatched in its level of quality and innovation, with several cutting-edge features that no other product offers. Only DESIGNER WHEY has an enhanced dose of the essential amino acid glutamine, Full Spectrum Whey Peptides (for faster protein absorption), and ZinMag-6 (a proprietary mineral blend that has been shown in studies to enhance strength, power and muscle recovery). DESIGNER WHEY is clinically proven to build muscle faster than conventional whey proteins. What’s more, DESIGNER WHEY has even won several national taste awards. No wonder DESIGNER WHEY has been America’s #1 Whey Protein Since 1993.
DESIGNER WHEY has been tested in several clinical studies and is considered by many to be the most researched protein available. 
DESIGNER WHEY has been shown to help promote muscle growth and fat loss in carefully controlled settings. In 3 separate university studies, athletes (both men and women) who supplemented their diet with DESIGNER WHEY gained on average 18.8 lbs of lean muscle and lost an average of 5.4 lbs. of body fat after weeks of systematic exercise training. In one double-blind study, DESIGNER WHEY was compared head-to-head with regular whey protein. After just 28 days, subjects taking DESIGNER WHEY gained over 3 times more lean mass, while doubling their fat loss compared to the regular whey group. These results make it easy to see why DESIGNER WHEY has been #1 in protein since 1993.  
DESIGNER WHEY has been proven to be an effective treatment for renal dialysis patients. After 3 months, patients using DESIGNER WHEY improved their serum albumin levels (a health marker) by 9%.  
In a study conducted at Case Western Reserve University, laboratory animals fed a diet of DESIGNER WHEY had a 60% reduction of cancerous tumors of the head and neck when also treated with photodynamic therapy. 
Researchers are currently evaluating whether DESIGNER WHEY may offer similar benefits to human patients with cancer of the head and neck. 
Further, we are continuously participating in university and medical research to examine the proper levels of protein intake and possible health benefits for health conscious individuals like you.

Add 1-3 scoops to 3-10 oz. water, milk, yogurt or your favorite recipe. Stir until dispersed. Drink immediately. Add more or less liquid as you like. Note the extra calories from milk, juice, yogurt, etc. 
Warnings: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction. Keep out of direct sunlight and store in a cool, dark place. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $41.95
Other Spec:
Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb, (Designer Whey)

Thiamine (as Thiamine Mononitrate) 1.30mg 
Riboflavin (as Riboflavin) 1.53mg 
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine) 1.75mg 
Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 2.10mcg 
Pantothenic Acid (as Ca Pantothenate) 7.75mg 
Calcium (from Whey Calcium) 240mg 
Phosphorus (from Whey Calcium) 140mg 
Magnesium (as Mg Asparatate, Oxide) 100mg 
Zinc (as Zine Asparatate) 5mg 
Sodium 80mg 
Potassium 160mg 
Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb, (Designer Whey)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Whey Designer Protein Chocolate - 2 lb, (Designer Whey)


Why do I need protein? 
Proteins are the basic building blocks of life. Protein, and only protein, provides your body with the amino acids it needs to build and repair muscle tissue. Protein also provides the necessary components to keep your immune system healthy and make hormones, enzymes, skin, hair, nails, organs and blood. (Note: the word protein comes from the Greek word "proteios," meaning of prime or of first importance.) 
How much protein do I need on a daily basis? 
Several factors affect how much protein your body needs. These factors include age, size (height and weight), metabolic rate, exercise level, stress factors (such as work, health status, and viral or bacterial infection), amount of sleep, and the quality and quantity of foods you eat. Extensive research into human metabolic rates and how they are affected by age, activity and stress have been prepared over the last decade by leading physicians in hospital settings. 
Why should I take DESIGNER WHEY Protein products instead of other proteins? 
In a word: results. The whey protein in DESIGNER WHEY Protein has produced bigger and better results than any other protein supplement in history—up to 3 times better than regular whey proteins. Not only is whey the easiest protein to absorb, it also lowers cholesterol and helps to build strong bones. DESIGNER WHEY is a complete protein containing all 8 essential amino acids. And thanks to an advanced ultra-filtration technology, DESIGNER WHEY contains all the major fractions of whey as well as additional fractions with significant health benefits, including glycomacropeptides, which can aid dieters in curbing and controlling their cravings, and lactoferrin, which boosts the immune system. 
How can DESIGNER WHEY Protein products help improve my exercise results? 
DESIGNER WHEY Protein is the best protein supplement available for athletes and exercisers. Three separate university studies have proven that DESIGNER WHEY increases lean muscle while decreasing body fat. On average, these studies found that DESIGNER WHEY helped slash body fat 5.4 lbs and increased lean muscle mass 18.8 lbs when used in conjunction with a systematic workout program. 
If I consume DESIGNER WHEY Protein every day, how soon can I expect to see results? 
This will depend upon your genes, the details of your workout program, and your overall diet. In addition to providing your body with high-quality protein like DESIGNER WHEY, you must participate in a systematic weight-training program on a regular basis. This is not to say that you must work out to enjoy the benefits of DESIGNER WHEY. DESIGNER WHEY is still a tasty and convenient protein supplement to add to your healthy diet, whether or not you exercise regularly. 
Will using protein powder give me big muscles? 
In order to achieve muscle growth while using protein powders you must lift weights on a regular basis. A recommended workout for obtaining greater muscle definition is to exercise or train 3-4 days a week, rest prudently, avoid overtraining, and eat right. If you stick to this program, you may see results in as short a period of time as six weeks. Continuing this regimen for 48 weeks a year, for at least 3 or 4 years, will provide you the opportunity to attain the "big muscles" or improved muscular definition you are looking for. 
Are DESIGNER WHEY Protein products the same as regular 100% whey protein? 
No. While DESIGNER WHEY is derived from 100% whey protein, its formula is designed to produce even greater results. For instance, DESIGNER WHEY delivers a precise blend of three separate, partially pre-digested whey proteins that make up our Full Spectrum Whey Peptide Blend. Peptides have been proven in clinical science to be the body's preferred source of digestible nitrogen. DESIGNER WHEY is also L-glutamine enhanced, providing over 2 grams of moisture stable anticatabolic glutamine in every 2-scoop serving. In addition, each serving contains ZinMag-6, a powerful blend of ingredients shown in clinical research to help increase performance, including improved strength, power, and recovery. 
Are the DESIGNER WHEY Protein products perishable? 
DESIGNER WHEY Protein powders are perishable. DESIGNER WHEY Protein products have all been extensively tested to determine the length of time that they retain their flavor and nutrient properties. NEXT Proteins guarantees the freshness and nutritional content of DESIGNER WHEY Protein products through the “enjoy by” date on each container. We do not recommend continued use of our protein powders after their "enjoy by" date. The proteins in the powder will be active and effective but any flavoring or sweeteners may begin to go bad and create a change in taste or smell. 
Why is my container DESIGNER WHEY not completely full? 
Our products undergo special processing to improve the dispersibility and allow for easy mixing using only a spoon. This process reduces the bulk density of the product (i.e. it makes the powder lighter and fluffier), increasing the volume and therefore the container size required for a given weight of product. During transportation, there is some settling of the product in the container, resulting in a volume reduction of up to 15%, which makes the container appear to be less full. Again, all containers are weighed during packaging and Next Proteins, Inc. guarantees the weight of all the containers sold. 
How do I measure one serving if I did not receive a scoop in my container? 
All the filling and packaging operations are automated. However, scoops are added manually by a line operator. The absence of a scoop does not impact the weight of the product in the container (the product is weighed before the addition of the scoops.) 
What should I do if my protein powder will not completely disperse? 
We have found that adding the protein to the water usually solves any dispersion problems. It is very important to stir vigorously for 30 seconds as described on the label in order to obtain good lump-free dispersion. 
What are the red spots in my protein powder? 
The red spots are annatto, a natural food coloring agent that is used in many foods, including cheddar cheese, to give a yellow-orange color. Annatto is used at a very low concentration in the DESIGNER WHEY French Vanilla and Vanilla Praline formulation, but if there are some larger specks they may appear red in color. 
Do any of the DESIGNER WHEY Protein products need to be refrigerated? 
None of the DESIGNER WHEY Protein products require refrigeration. We do recommend that the product be stored in a cool, dry place to ensure that the freshness, quality and integrity of the protein powder is retained. 
What is denaturation and are DESIGNER WHEY products made with 
non-denatured protein?
DESIGNER WHEY contains virtually all non-denatured protein. However, exposing protein to extreme temperature (hot or cold) will denature the protein to a certain degree. Heating whey protein to temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) will result in denaturation. Repeated freezing and thawing of a protein solution can also result in denaturation. This, however, does not mean that the amount of protein in the product is diminished. Denaturation can affect biological value (bioavailability) and may slow the digestion and absorption of the protein; but denatured protein will still retain its full nutritional value and amino acid composition. DESIGNER WHEY is an excellent source of all essential and non-essential amino acids; therefore, even if it is denatured, it is still a very high-quality protein source. 
Are the DESIGNER WHEY Protein products organic? 
No, Designer Whey Protein products are not organic. 
Are the DESIGNER WHEY Protein products kosher? 
NEXT Proteins has not gone through the process to have our products officially certified as kosher.
Case Studies
A Better "Whey" to Muscle Gains and Fat Loss
This study compared the effects of supplementation with hydrolyzed whey isolate and casein (another dairy protein) on strength, body composition, and plasma glutamine levels during a 10-week resistance-training program. Thirteen men supplemented their normal diet with either whey or casein for the duration of the program. Maximum strength in three lifts, body fat percentage, and plasma glutamine levels were assessed in the week before and the week following training. Members of the whey group gained 11 pounds of lean mass and lost more than three pounds of fat, on average, while members of the casein group gained only two pounds of lean mass and lost no body fat. The whey group also achieved significantly greater improvements in strength compared to the casein group in all three lifts. 
Research Summary: Whey protein supplementation significantly increases muscle mass gains, body fat loss, and strength increases resulting from resistance exercise compared to casein supplementation.  
Combined Whey and Creatine Supplementation after Resistance Exercise Maximizes Muscle Gains 
This study investigated the effects of various supplements on strength, body composition, and glutamine levels in resistance-trained men. Thirty-three resistance-trained men were matched for strength and placed into one of four groups: creatine/carbohydrate, whey protein isolate, creatine/whey isolate or carbohydrate only. All subjects undertook the same fully supervised resistance-training program three times per week and consumed 1.5 g of supplement per kg body weight per day. While all groups demonstrated increases in strength, lean mass and muscle girth, the creatine-carbohydrate, whey and creatine-whey groups all demonstrated significantly larger gains in strength and lean mass and greater increases in type II muscle fiber size. Additionally, the creatine-whey group demonstrated a greater increase in strength, lean mass, and fiber size than the whey group. 
Research Summary: A combination of whey protein and creatine consumed after resistance exercise maximizes strength and muscle gains compared to other post-workout supplementation options. 
Improve Muscle Performance and Reduction in Oxidative Stress is Good News for Every Sport
Oxidative stress (i.e. tissue damage caused by oxygen free radicals) contributes to muscular fatigue during exercise. Glutathione is the major intracellular antioxidant, the biosynthesis of which is dependent on the availability of the amino acid cysteine. This study investigated whether supplementation with a whey-based cysteine donor designed to augment intracellular glutathione would enhance performance. Twenty healthy young adults (10 men, 10 women) were studied before supplementation and three months after supplementation with either a whey protein supplement or casein placebo. Muscular performance was assessed by whole leg isokinetic cycle testing, measuring peak power and 30-second work capacity. Both peak power and 30-second work capacity increased significantly in the whey protein group, with no change in the placebo group. Lymphocyte glutathione also increased significantly in the whey protein group with no change in the placebo group.  
Research Summary: This study demonstrated that prolonged supplementation with a whey protein product designed to augment antioxidant defenses resulted in improved muscular performance. 
Whey Supplementation Increases Muscle Glycogen Stores
This study investigated the effect of different types of dietary protein on glycogen content in the liver and skeletal muscles of exercise-trained rats. Twenty-four male rats were divided into sedentary or exercise-trained groups with each group being fed either casein or whey protein as the source of dietary protein. Rats in the exercised groups were trained during two weeks using swimming exercise for 120 minutes per day, six days per week. Exercise training resulted in an increase in the skeletal muscle glycogen content. Furthermore, the whey protein group significantly increased the skeletal muscle glycogen content compared to the casein group. The increase in glycogen content in the liver was significantly greater in rats fed the whey protein diet compared to those fed the casein diet. 
Research Summary: This study demonstrated that a diet based on whey protein may increase glycogen content in the liver and skeletal muscles of exercise-trained rats. 
Jarheads Find a New Whey to Shut Down Muscle Soreness 
This study investigated the long-term impact of post-exercise protein supplementation on health, muscle soreness, and muscle function. Healthy male U.S. Marine recruits from six platoons were randomly assigned to three treatments within each platoon. They received either a carbohydrate supplement, a carbohydrate-whey protein supplement, or a placebo each morning after physical training. Compared to the placebo and carbohydrate groups, the carbohydrate and whey protein-supplemented group had an average of 33% fewer total medical visits, 28% fewer visits due to bacterial/viral infections, 37% fewer visits due to muscle/joint problems, and 83% fewer visits due to heat exhaustion. Muscle soreness immediately post-exercise was reduced by protein supplementation versus placebo and control groups. 
Research Summary: This study demonstrated that post-exercise protein supplementation has significant potential to positively impact health, muscle soreness, and tissue hydration during prolonged intense exercise training, suggesting a potential therapeutic approach for the prevention of health problems in severely stressed exercising populations. 
Here's Your "Secret" Cellular Salvation 
Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant. It protects the cells against free radical damage during exercise. The effects of a whey protein supplemented diet on glutathione concentrations were investigated over a six-week period in male subjects involved in arduous aerobic training. Blood was collected prior to and following a 40 km simulated cycling trial. The aerobic training period resulted in significantly lower glutathione concentrations in whole blood, an effect that was mitigated by whey protein supplementation. A significant increase in mononuclear cell glutathione was also observed in subjects receiving the whey protein supplement following the 40 km simulated cycling trial. 
Research Summary: This study demonstrated that whey protein supplementation attenuates decreases in glutathione caused by prolonged exercise.
Whey Designer Protein Chocolate is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.