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H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps , (H57)
H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps , (H57)
H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps , (H57)
Product Code:
类别: Diet Formula

H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps, (H57)

H57 + Provactin offers not only appetite suppression, but will also burn fat. Provactin is a stimulant free supplement that you can take in conjunction with an appetite suppressant to maximize results. 
Other Hoodia websites are using H57 as a search term. Don't be fooled by these cheap imitators. Make sure you buy your South African hoodia from the source - H57 Hoodia... 
H57 Hoodia is America's only pure Hoodia Gordonii weight loss supplement. Do not be fooled by the pretenders. H57's Hoodia comes directly from South Africa. Not Mexico, China or other so called Hoodia exporting countries. H57's Hoodia Gordonii sales directly help the South African Bushman tribes. 
Be sure of where your Hoodia is coming from... Buy H57 for natural weight loss... 
What is H57 Hoodia? 

H57 Hoodia is a weight loss supplement that contains the African Cactus plant known as Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii is a powerful appetite suppressant that has been used by the South African Bushmen of Kalahari Desert for centuries. The South African Bushmen use Hoodia to help them on long hunting expeditions. 
Chewing on the Hoodia Cactus relieves the South African Bushmen from the hunger pains associated from not eating for days at a time. The South African Bushmen had no idea that the benefits of a tribal remedy would literally change their lives. 
"In just 15 days subjects who had nothing to do but eat and watch television decreased theri food intake by half." 
The BBC filmed the first clinical study involving Hoodia Gordonii with overweight subjects. As with any study half of the group was given the actual pill and the other half were given a sugar pill. After 15 days the Hoodia group had cut their calorie intake by half." 
What is real Hoodia? 
Hoodia is a natural appetite suppressant that has been used by the South African Bushman for centuries to help them stave off hunger during long term hunting expeditions.  
For more information about hoodia check out the following news story from 60 Minutes... [Click Here] 
Many people experience weight problems. Most weight loss supplement companies know that you could be desperate and are willing to try Anything to lose weight. If their product sounds to good to be true, it's exactly that... Too Good To Be True... 
We all learned in High School health that the only way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. Being overweight can stop you from exercising for a lot of reasons. 
H57 Hoodia can help you achieve all your weight loss goals: 

You may be in too much pain to exercise
You could be embarrassed by your weight and don't want people to see how you look
Your busy schedule just doesn't afford you the time to exercise
Whatever it is, the best way to lose weight is to eat less and be more active. That's where H57 comes in, H57's pure Hoodia from South Africa should help you eat less. 
And as an added bonus, H57 also has a thermogenic agent that helps burn fat. Eating less and more energy, that's the H57 formula for success. 
Remember, H57 natural weight loss is the Only nationally advertised brand that has Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa. Sales from our product directly help the South African Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. Don't fall for the Hoodia pretenders, Buy H57 Hoodia. 
Australian Customers please read the shipping information under the other informations tab for info on delivery of Hoodia.  
In a double-blind clinical trial, ProVactin's patented core compound reduced diet fatigue, dramatically increased energy and produced twice as much fat loss as placebo....193% more fat loss, to be exact. 
So if you're overweight and finally want to get rid of excess body fat but can't take stimulants? Science has given you a second chance. ProVactin clinically proven, stimulant-free fat loss. 
It's safe. It's stimulant-free. And it works.

But how does hoodia really work? 
According to Doctor's involved in the hoodia study, here's how the cactus plant actually works: "There's a part of your brain, the hypothalamus, and within that mid-brain there are nerve cells that sense glucose sugar. Now when you eat, blood sugar goes up because of the food, and these cells start firing and at that point you feel full.  
The doctors went on to say "the issue with problem eaters and the obese is that they will sneak down to the fridge at two in the morning and have some ice cream, consume huge amounts of calories and still not feel full." 
"What the Hoodia seems to contain is a molecule that's about ten thousand times as active as glucose. Hoodia goes to the mid-brain and actually makes those nerve cells fire as if you were full. But you haven't eaten food. Nor do you want to. That's how it works."  
H57 Hoodia also has green tea leaf extract and cinnamon bark extract. These two ingredients work as H57 Hoodia's thermogenic ingredients. Our green tea leaf and cinnamon bark extract will likely boost your energy and stamina. As everyone knows the only way one is to lose weight is to eat less and to be more active. With H57 Hoodia you are given the tools to help your weight loss problems.

H57: Take one to two capsules one hour before meals with eight ounces of water. 
When used as directed H57 can help curb your appetite and provide energy. Hoodia is an all natural ingredient that aids in appetite control. Your caloric intake could be affected by H57. We recommend that you take a multivitamin every day. 
Not recommended if nursing or pregnant. As with any dietary supplement please consult your physician prior to use.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store at 15-30 C(59-86 F).
  • Protect from heat, light and moisture
  • Do not use if seal is broken.
Provactin: Take 6 capsules per day. Take two (2) capsules with a large glass of water with each meal. Do not exceed 6 capsules per day.
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Retail Price: $109.64
Other Spec:
H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps, (H57)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30

Amount per serving

Hoodia Gordonii Cactus 200 mg *
Green Tea Leaf Extract 400 mg *
34mg caffeine & 60mg epigallocatechin gallate
Cinnamon Bark Extract 20 mg *
Trans-Reversatol 2 mg *
*Daily Value not yet established.
Other ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silica. 
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Serving Per Container: 45

Amount per serving

Provactate-CDL a proprietary blend: 1538 mg
Sodium (as mono & disodium phosphate) 39 mg 2%
Potassium (as dipotassium phosphate) 67 mg 2%
Vitamin A (667 IU as beta- carotene) 1992 IU 40%
Vitamin C 13 mg 22%
Calcium (as calcium phosphate and citrate) 119 mg 12%
Vitamin E (as natural d-alpha tocopherol) 33 IU 111%
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.9 mg 60%
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 6.6 mg 388%
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg 66%
Folic acid 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 6 mcg 100%
Biotin 33 mcg 11%
Pantothenic acid 6.1 mg 61%
Phosphorus (as mono & disodium, dipotassium & calcium phosphate) 119 mg 12%
Magnesium (as amino acid chelate) 13 mg 3%
Zinc (as amino acid chelate) 4 mg 27%
Selenium (as amino acid chelate) 66 mcg 94%
Copper (as amino acid chelate) 13 mcg **
Manganese (as amino acid chelate) 693 mcg 35%
Molybdenum (as amino acid chelate) 6.5 mcg 9%
Commiphora mukul SE
Garcinia cambogia SE (HCA 125 mg)
Kelp Meal (0.15% iodine [15 mg]) 15%
Black Peper (fruit) SE
Horsetail grass (stem)
Gentian (root) powder
Nettles (leaf) powder
Radish (root) extract
‡Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet
**Contains less than 2% of the Daily Value of this nutrient.
†Daily Value not established
Other ingredients may include: Rice flour, magnesium stearate, cellulose and silicone dioxide. 
Key weight control components: combination of Commiphora mukul, Garcinia cambogia, L-tyrosine, Monosodium phosphate, Disodium phosphate, Dipotassium phosphate, Calcium phosphate, Phosphatidylcholine. 
Key thyroid support components: kelp meal, zinc, Selenium, L-cysteine, L-tyrosine. 
Standardized extract (SE) means an extraction process providing the highest quality compound manufactured to acceptable industry variances.
H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps, (H57)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%


From CBS news "60 Minutes":  

The hoodia plant in the Kalahari Desert could become the newest weapon in the war against obesity. Each year, people spend more than $40 billion on products designed to help them slim down. None of them seem to be working very well. Now along comes hoodia. Never heard of it? Soon it'll be tripping off your tongue, because hoodia is a natural substance that literally takes your appetite away.  
It's very different from diet stimulants like Ephedra and Phenfen that are now banned because of dangerous side effects. Hoodia doesn't stimulate at all. Scientists say it fools the brain by making you think you’re full, even if you've eaten just a morsel. Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports.  
Hoodia is a bitter-tasting cactus-like plant. 60 Minutes was told that if it wanted to try hoodia, it would have to go to Africa. Why? Because the only place in the world where hoodia grows wild is in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa.  
Nigel Crawhall, a linguist and interpreter, hired an experienced tracker named Toppies Kruiper, a local aboriginal Bushman, to help find it. The Bushmen were featured in the movie “The Gods Must Be Crazy.”  
Kruiper led 60 Minutes crews out into the desert. Stahl asked him if he ate hoodia. "I really like to eat them when the new rains have come," says Kruiper, speaking through the interpreter. "Then they're really quite delicious."  
When we located the plant, Kruiper cut off a stalk that looked like a small spiky pickle, and removed the sharp spines. In the interest of science, Stahl ate it. She described the taste as "a little cucumbery in texture, but not bad."  
So how did it work? Stahl says she had no after effects – no funny taste in her mouth, no queasy stomach, and no racing heart. She also wasn't hungry all day, even when she would normally have a pang around mealtime. And, she also had no desire to eat or drink the entire day. "I'd have to say it did work," says Stahl.  
Although the West is just discovering hoodia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari have been eating it for a very long time. After all, they have been living off the land in southern Africa for more than 100,000 years.  
Some of the Bushmen, like Anna Swartz, still live in old traditional huts, and cook so-called Bush food gathered from the desert the old-fashioned way.  
The first scientific investigation of the plant was conducted at South Africa’s national laboratory. Because Bushmen were known to eat hoodia, it was included in a study of indigenous foods. "What they found was when they fed it to animals, the animals ate it and lost weight," says Dr. Richard Dixey, who heads an English pharmaceutical company called Phytopharm that is trying to develop weight-loss products based on hoodia.  
Was hoodia's potential application as an appetite suppressant immediately obvious? "No, it took them a long time. In fact, the original research was done in the mid 1960s," says Dixey.

H57 Hoodia & Provactin Combo - 60 caps + 90 caps, (H57)

How It Works

But how does hoodia really work? 
According to Doctor's involved in the hoodia study, here's how the cactus plant actually works: "There's a part of your brain, the hypothalamus, and within that mid-brain there are nerve cells that sense glucose sugar. Now when you eat, blood sugar goes up because of the food, and these cells start firing and at that point you feel full.  
The doctors went on to say "the issue with problem eaters and the obese is that they will sneak down to the fridge at two in the morning and have some ice cream, consume huge amounts of calories and still not feel full." 
"What the Hoodia seems to contain is a molecule that's about ten thousand times as active as glucose. Hoodia goes to the mid-brain and actually makes those nerve cells fire as if you were full. But you haven't eaten food. Nor do you want to. That's how it works."  
H57 Hoodia also has green tea leaf extract and cinnamon bark extract. These two ingredients work as H57 Hoodia's thermogenic ingredients. Our green tea leaf and cinnamon bark extract will likely boost your energy and stamina. As everyone knows the only way one is to lose weight is to eat less and to be more active. With H57 Hoodia you are given the tools to help your weight loss problems.
What is H57 Hoodia? 
H57 Hoodia is a weight loss supplement that contains South African Hoodia Gordonii. South African Bushman have been using Hoodia as an appetite suppressant for centuries. 
Does H57 Hoodia contain any other ingredients? 
Yes, the other active ingredients are green tea leaf extract and Cinnamon bark extract. 
How does H57 Hoodia work? 
Everyone knows that the ONLY way to lose weight is to eat less and be more active. H57's special proprietary blend helps you do exactly that, eat less and give you more energy. Since you could be eating less we do recommend that you take a multivitamin everday. 
How many H57 tabelts are in each bottle? 
60 tablets. 
How and when do I take H57? 
Take two H57 capsules mid morning and two H57 Hoodia capsules mid afternoon...do not exceed 5 capsules daily. 
Will H57 Hoodia interfere with any prescription medicine? 
As with any supplement is suggested that you consult with your physician. 

What is ProVactin? 
ProVactin is a revolutionary new stimulant-free fat loss formula specifically designed for people who are sensitive to stimulants or who can't take stimulant-based products for health reasons (or those who simply find that stimulants make them "jittery"). ProVactin provides rapid loss of excess body fat, a significant increase in energy, and a dramatic reduction in diet-induced fatigue. 
How does ProVactin work? 
Although the exact mechanism of action is not known, a published 6-week double blind clinical study documented that, when compared to subjects on diet and exercise alone, subjects taking ProVactin's core compound in conjunction with diet and exercise experienced significant weight loss attributed to a pronounced loss of body fat. In fact, those taking Provactin's core compound experienced 193% more fat loss than those taking a placebo. 
What results can I expect? 
Although results will vary due to metabolic and hormonal individuality, if you take ProVactin along with a sensible diet and exercise plan as recommended, you can expect to experience significant, visible results in a few short weeks.
Case Studies
CB. Johnson, CO - "I had lost about 35 to 40 lb's (It's a guess but fairly accurate because I can't standup to well) in the two and a half month's that I've had your product. I have tried almost every kind of plan over the year's and H57 was the only product that works. I am in a wheelchair and partially paralyzed so I can't get any exercise (I've gained 100 lb's since I've been in this chair) and am on a ton of med's It's great that your product is all natural with all those med's I'm taking."



Carmie - 80 pounds lighter and healthier "My extra weight literally melted off me once I started taking this. It gives me no desire to eat. I'm never hungry & like the bottle says, I have to remember to eat. I'm so happy someone finally came out with something that really works!

Thank you so much for helping me get back to what I used to look like beforeI had my baby!"
Millie - "I have been using your product for about 7 months now I have lost a total of 60 pounds and need to lose about 100 more I use to think it was impossible to lose the weight, but not anymore thanks to H57 Hoodia I am losing consistently and without all the ups and downs that I have experienced with other weight loss products. I don't feel hungry all the time. I don't have the urge to binge. I have not experienced any side effects except the weight loss."
H57 + Provactin is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.