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DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs , (American BioSciences)
DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs , (American BioSciences)
DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs , (American BioSciences)
DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo -
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DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs, (American BioSciences)

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Retail Price: $44.99
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DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs, (American BioSciences)

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DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs, (American BioSciences)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


"In 30 years fo veterinary practice I've never seen anything as effective as DGP. As joint injury and inflammation limit mobility and pain leads to crankiness and other personality changes, dogs tend to withdraw from family life. Drugs are short term fixes, because long term use leads to side effects and most natural products don't work fast or completely enough. But every dog I've put on DGP has shown results, usally in a week or less, and research shows its safe for long term use. 
Dogs that used to have to be lifted to their feet are running around like juveniles on DGP, and dogs that snap or bite unexpectedly because of pain act more sociably and safely. It does more than reduce pain and inflammation, it appears to rejuvenate older dogs. DGP is a great product that works consistently and safely every time."


Lorna  "do not give Vit. C to dogs"
The liver of a dog naturally produces Vit. C. Additional Vit. C. should not be given to dogs because it can cause the growth of non-malignant tumors. Depending upon where the tumors grow, such as in the way of a nerve center to a foreleg, a tumor may require surgical removal. I know this from personal experience. DGP works well. I've given it to an aged dog who had spinal degeneration which caused impairment of motor function. My Samoyed regained mobility. I've also given DGP to a dog who has no cartilage in his hips. This 100 pound dog suffers from severe pain. I give him Rimadyl, plus DGP, as the Rimadyl isn't sufficient to prevent his pain. His life has improved with the use of DGP. I've tried using only the DGP, unfortunately the dog requires both products to keep his pain under control.
DGP & Pet Vitamins Combo - Reduce Your Dog Pain with DGP & Enhance their Health with Vitamins, 60 tabs + 60 tabs, (American BioSciences)

How It Works
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Case Studies
New herbal formula, dog-gone effective! 
By Dr. Kim McKellar, B.V.Sc. 
Throughout my 30 years of veterinary practice in Australia, one of the most common conditions I've seen in dogs and horses suffering from arthritis. 
This isn't surprising considering that dog racing and thoroughbred horse racing are huge industries here, and the joints of these animals take a pounding. In Australia, 20% of all jobs are linked to the horse industry, making it the third largest industry. 
And Australia (where 68% of households have a dog) also use dogs for mustering cattle and sheep. These working dogs often develop joint problems and suffer injuries that lead to arthritis, even at young ages. But arthritis is not just a problem for dogs in Australia. 
In America, it is estimated that 25-30% of all dog-as many as 15 million-will suffer agonizing and crippling pain of arthritis during their lifetimes. Large breeds are particularly susceptible but dogs of any breed, age, or size can develop arthritis. The effects of arthritis are devastating to a dog. There is a slow and steady breakdown of the dog's cartilage (a spongy substance on the ends of the bones that form in the joints). This cartilage is the cushion in the dog's elbow, hip, knee, ankle, and shoulder joints that gives the dogs the mobility to run, jum, and play. As this cartilage begings to wash away, there is nothing left to keep the bones from rubbing and grinding against each other, causing excruciating pain. 
What Are Some Of The Major Changes A Dog With Arthritis Goes Through? 
Dogs in the early stages of arthritis will often show signs of stiffness when they walk or get up. The pain may be mild and movement in the joints may be reduced by about 20%. As the disease progresses, a dog may lose as much as 50% or more of its range of movement in its joints. Due to severe pain, they will do almost anything to avoid moving. And the less they move, the more chance there is for obesity. 
This puts even more pressure on painful arthritic joints and lack of movement can weaken the muscles that surrond the joint. In addition to physical changes, dogs go through a wide range of behavior changes. They may begin to withdraw from the family, hiding in a corner or some out the way place. Dogs with hip dysplasia, an inherited form of arthritis, may become constipated because they find it too painful to even squat down. Some dogs may soil the carpet rather than get up and ask to go outside. A dog may also exhibit signs of depression and seem sluggish. 
They lose interest in going for a walk, jumping in the car, or running after a ball. Other dogs will cry, groan, or whimper when they move. But one the more frightening changes for a dog owner is when they notice their dog becoming more aggressive. Snapping or even biting may become a problem simply because the intense pain is making the dog ornery. Dogs that were once friendly will not want to be touched by anyone - including family members they know, trust, and love. 
Nothing Is As Effective As This 
This new product, called DGP (Dog-Gone Pain), has ben rigorously tested for more than three years (with some of the top veterinarians in Australia involved in the test). I have personally spent the past 18 months testing the product. In 30 years of veterinary practice, I've never seen anything as effectived as DGP in helping dogs that have arthritis, joint instability, hip dysplasia, and joint injuries. And it doesn't matter if the dogs are suffering from arthritis because of old age, or if they are young dogs who suffered an injury or have joint problems because of poor genetics. The best part about DGP is that it has proved to be free from unwanted side effects even after 18 months of use. 
DGP contains a unique blend of herbs (many found nowhere else on Earth but Australia):
  • Boswellia serrata
  • Bromelain (Ananas comosus)
  • Cayene (Capsicum frutescens)
  • Celery seed (Apium graveolens)
  • Corydalia root (Cordydalis turtschaninovii)
  • Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
  • Papain (Carica papaya)
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
  • Wheat grass (Triticum aestivum)
  • Proprietary Blend of Native Australian Herbs.
And it contains an organically processed form of shark cartilage (the only one produced without the use of toxic solvents). These components work together to reduce inflammation, support immune system health, and they contain enzymes needed for the repair and growth of cartilage and connective tissue. 
My dog Tom became the first test subject for this new formula. Within just a few days, he showed improvement. And within two weeks, he was back to his regular schedule, accompanying me on my extensive walks across large farms, as I monitored and treated horses.
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