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Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps , (Instone)
Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps , (Instone)
Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps , (Instone)
Reloaded Post-Workout -
Product Code:3240014

Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps, (Instone)

Scientifically formulated blend of Creatine compounds, nitric oxide enhancers and insulin potentiators.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $59.99
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Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps, (Instone)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 8 Capsules
Servings Per Size: 24
Amount per serving
Cellular Regeneration Complex: ( Creatine Ethyl Ester, DI-Creatine-Malate, Glycocyamine, Trimethylglycine) 2,350 mg **
NO/Insulinatropic Blend: Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate, IGF-1 (from calcium caseinate), Citrulline Malate, Gynostemma pentaphyllum (std. 98% Gypenosides) 2,170 mg **
Cell Volume Amplifier: ( Glutamine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Glycyl-Glutamine, Alanyl-L-Glutamine)
1,000 mg **
other ingredients:
**Daily Value not yet established.
Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps, (Instone)

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Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps, (Instone)

1.How does Post-Workout Reloaded work? Why are there three blends?
Cellular Regeneration Complex – Provides you with the next generation of creatine compounds and precursors. Creatine is one of the most proven and studied ingredients for building strength, power and size. We have also included precursors to creatine (glycocamine and trimethylglycine), so your body can maximize its own production of creatine.
NO/Insulintropic Blend - Scientifically designed to increased blood flow to your muscles, allowing for increased nutrient and oxygen delivery, providing maximal recovery. The addition of our exclusive IGF-1 ramps up key mechanisms that are involved in delivering creatine to your muscles allowing for maximal utilization of both endogenous and exogenous creatine. IGF-1 is closely linked to the action of growth hormone (GH) and insulin. GH stimulates IGF-1 expression in all tissues. The anabolic action of IGF-1 and GH is the result of an increase of amino acid transporters on the cell surface, so the amino acids from the Workout Primer Blend in Pre-Workout Intensity! can go where you need them the most…. your muscles! This will turn on your anabolic switch and turn off your catabolic switch. The end result is your muscles get bigger, stronger and more defined.
Cell Volume3 Amplifier - Provides your body with the latest glutamine compounds, that provide your body with the necessary building blocks so your body can recover from a catabolic catastrophe. Allowing you to recover faster from your grueling workouts and providing you with the ability to workout harder the next time you step foot in a gym. The quicker your recover the harder you can train – the faster your gains.

2.How long do I have to take it before I feel the results?
You should start feeling results the first week of taking Post-Workout Reloaded! You probably won’t feel the effects of Reloaded like you will with Intensity because it will provide your body the macro-nutrients it needs to recover. You will however feel less sore the following day from a hard workout because you will be recovering faster and this is often hard to notice unless you’re paying close attention to your body.

3.What is the standard dose of Post-Workout Reloaded?
After a light workout, take 4 capsules. After a medium workout, take 6 capsules. After a heavy workout, take 8 capsules. Never take without carbs and protein. Take up to 2 servings per day. For optimal results, take one serving in the morning and one serving immediately following your workout.

4.Are there any side-effects from taking this product?
There are surprisingly very few risks from ingesting the ingredients from Post-Workout Reloaded. However, as with all dietary supplements and over the counter products, if you are taking prescription medications your may want to consult with your physician before using this product.

5.If I can only afford only one product, should I go with Forza-T or Reloaded?
We suggest that if you are an older male 25+ (years of age) you will probably notice better results with Forza-T since your testosterone levels decline with age. Younger males will not need as much Forza-T as older males, since younger males already have naturally high testosterone levels. Younger males will probably notice better results with Post-Wokout Reloaded! For maximum results, it’s best to integrate both products into your training regimen since you’re hitting anabolic process from several angles (increase in both testosterone and growth hormone).

6.Should I cycle Reloaded?
We suggest that you take Post-Workout Reloaded as long as you’re training. If you’re not training, don’t take it – you’re just wasting your money.

7.Do I take the product every day, or only on days that I workout?
You should take it on both your “On” and “Off” days, since your body is continually repairing itself from your previous strenuous workouts. Depending upon the intensity level of your workouts, you can either increase or decrease the amount of capsules you take per serving.

8.Can I take any other supplement with this like NO2 or other creatine?
It depends on your individual needs. If you feel like you need additional nitric oxide production or extra creatine knock yourself out. We believe that we’ve created a complete product for your workout needs.

9.Why do I need to have carbs and protein with the Post-Workout Reloaded?
It is always important to have something immediately after your workout or within 30 minutes prior to working out. This is when you body is looking for nutrients and energy, so it can begin rebuilding and repair. It is also important you have some carbs and protein with IGF-1 since it works with insulin and GH so you can shuttle in carbs and aminos into your muscles. Allowing for a quicker recovery, so you can workout just as hard the following day.

10.Even if I take it late at night, should I still eat with it?
You might want to consider having a small snack such as a protein bar or better yet, one our high protein puddings. It’s a judgment call.
Reloaded Post-Workout - 192 caps, (Instone)