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Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar , (PowerBar)
Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar , (PowerBar)
Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar , (PowerBar)
Product Code:200065

Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar, (PowerBar)

Protein – it’s more than a fad buzzword. It’s a key macronutrient and the building block of human tissue. Because protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ was developed according to the needs of world-class athletes and others to be a great-tasting and excellent source of protein. Delicious and convenient for your on-the-go lifestyle, all POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars contain 23 grams of our TriSource protein – a blend of the highest quality whey protein isolate, calcium caseinate and soy protein isolate– for satisfying, superior nutrition.
  • Helps build a lean body and provides sustained energy
  • Packed with 23g of high quality protein
  • No junk protein, such as collagen or gelatin
  • Ideal blend of protein and carbohydrates to help your body recover after a workout

Use any time as a energy booster or as a snack.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $37.42
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Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar, (PowerBar)

Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar, (PowerBar)

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Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - 12 bar, (PowerBar)

The POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ high protein bar was developed according to the needs of world class athletes and others who want a convenient, great tasting source of high quality protein. As with other POWERBAR® products, POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ is a great addition to a healthy diet to help achieve optimal performance.
POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ is designed for use after a workout to aid in muscle growth and recovery and is also a convenient source of high quality protein to add to your overall diet. Protein is one of the most vital and complex nutrients in a diet, and helps support muscle recovery after strenuous exercise. For best results, after exercise drink 8-16 ounces of water with each POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar to aid in the absorption of nutrients and help maintain hydration.
Why is consuming protein important after exercise?
Protein is essential for muscle recovery following exercise. When you eat a combination of protein and carbohydrates, your body more effectively converts and stores the carbohydrate in the muscles as glycogen. Protein helps support muscle recovery and provides the building blocks necessary for muscles to grow stronger and handle the stress of future workouts.
What are the nutritional advantages of POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™?
POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ 78g bars contain approximately 52% of calories from carbohydrates, 33% from protein, and 15% from fat.

* Protein: 23 grams of high quality protein from our proprietary TriSource™ protein blend. TriSource™ protein is an exclusive blend of high quality whey, casein and soy proteins. Protein is essential to help repair, maintain and grow human tissues and muscles. Athletes generally require 0.4 grams to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.(*ProteinPlus never uses any low-quality "junk" proteins, such as collagen or gelatin, that lack essential amino acids necessary for muscle recovery and growth.)
* Branched Chain Amino Acids:5.0 grams of naturally occurring essential amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine.
* L-Glutamine: 4.4 grams of l-glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in muscles.
* Carbohydrates: 22–23 grams of simple and 14–15 grams of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help replenish muscle glycogen stores after exercise.
* Low Fat: Each 78g bar contains just 6g of total fat.
* Vitamins: 100% RDI of antioxidant vitamins C & E, which help to combat free radicals; plus 100% RDI of eight energy-releasing B-complex vitamins, which help the body convert food into energy and utilize protein.
* Minerals: 20–45% RDI of seven key minerals, including calcium, which is important for strong bones, and magnesium, which helps your body produce energy.

Why is it important to consume carbohydrates with protein?
In order to utilize protein correctly, your body also needs energy (calories). If your body doesn't get enough energy, it will use the protein in your system as energy, and less protein will be available to help your muscles recover.
What other foods provide the level of high quality protein equivalent to one POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar?
The following foods contain approximately the same amount of protein as one POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ 78g bar:

* Chicken —1 serving of lean chicken breast (3 oz)
*Milk — 3 cups of 2% milk
*Tuna — 1 serving of tuna (3.5 oz)
* Steak — 1 serving of lean porterhouse steak (4 oz)

What are the protein sources in POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars?
The PowerBar TriSource™ protein blend is a combination of three protein sources; Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate and Soy Protein Isolate. As with other POWERBAR® products, we strive to make the highest quality products available to help athletes achieve their performance goals. We developed the TriSource™ protein blend in POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ to be a high quality protein source.

The FDA requires that a food's protein quality be measured using Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Scoring (PDCAAS). The score ranks proteins based on digestibility and the relative level of essential amino acids. Protein is comprised of amino acids, and the essential amino acids are the ones that you must obtain through your diet since your body cannot manufacture them.

When using the PDCAAS method for evaluating protein quality, a score of 1 indicates the highest quality of protein that supplies the essential amino acids at the right ratios to support growth and health. Egg, milk, soy isolate and meat proteins receive a score of 1 with this method. Conversely, gelatin is a poor quality protein with a PDCAAS of 0. The protein sources in the PowerBar TriSource*™ protein blend all score a 1 with the PDCAAS method.
Do other bars offer high-quality protein? How can I tell?
To determine if a bar contains high-quality protein, take a look at the Nutrition Facts panel on the back of the wrapper. There will be a row that lists the total grams of protein contained in that bar. If the bar is a making a protein claim, by regulation there should also be a % DV (Daily Value) listed next to the total number of grams. That DV percentage is corrected, or lowered, when a protein's PDCAAS score is lower than 1.0. For example, if the protein content is 20g, and the %DV is any less than 40%, then it means a PDCAAS score of less than 1.0 was applied (20g / 50g Daily Value = 40% DV). If the %DV corresponding to 20g of protein were 30% instead of 40%, for example, it would mean that the PDCAAS protein score for that product is 0.75, which is significantly lower in protein quality (by one quarter) than the 1.0 score for PowerBar's high quality TriSource Blend.

Examples of poor quality proteins are gelatin and collagen (sometimes labeled as hydrolyzed protein), which some manufacturers use as a protein source in their bars. Gelatin and collagen have a Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Scoring (PDCAAS) score of zero since they lack certain essential amino acids. If a product contains gelatin or collagen , then the total PDCAAS score will have to be less than 1.0 and you should see a %DV that has been lowered.

Is POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ vegetarian? Vegan?
For vegetarians who consume milk and dairy products, a POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar is an appropriate product. A POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar, however, is not vegan. Two of the protein sources, Whey Protein Isolate and Calcium Caseinate, are from milk.
Can children eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars?
POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars are a nutritious addition to a balanced diet. Young children, aged 4-6, should be limited to ½ to 1 bar per day, while a whole bar is appropriate for children 6 or older. Consult your pediatrician for additional information.
Can I eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ during my pregnancy?
Yes. POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ provides essential nutrients like protein, iron, folic acid and vitamin C that your body needs during pregnancy. If sensitivity exists to any of the ingredients listed on the label of the bars, you should not eat these bars. Consult your obstetrician for additional information.
I'm lactose intolerant. Can I eat a POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar?
The amount of lactose in a POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar is only about 0.15g per bar, so nearly all lactose intolerant people can consume them. Consult with your physician for more information
I have food allergies. Can I eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars?
If you are allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, or gluten (from wheat flour, oats or malt) you should not eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars.

* Peanuts/Nuts: All POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars are made on equipment that processes products with peanuts and/or nuts. Some flavors contain either almond or peanut ingredients. So, if you have peanut or nut allergies, we recommend that you do not eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars. Consult with your physician for more information.
* Milk: All POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars contain milk ingredients If you have allergies to milk, we recommend that you do not eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars. Consult with your physician for more information.
* Soy: All POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ flavors contain soy ingredients. If allergic to soy, we recommend that you do not eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars. Consult with your physician for more information.
* Gluten: All flavors contain oat fiber, a source of gluten. In addition, some flavors contain wheat flour. If allergic to gluten, we recommend that you do not eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars. Consult with your physician for more information.

Is POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ appropriate for diabetics?
Any food can fit into a well-planned diet. It is important for anyone with diabetes to work with their physician to determine whether a product is appropriate for their individual diet plan.
Are there any Trans Fatty Acids in POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars?
POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars do not contain any trans fats. Trans fatty acids are substances that, depending on intake and total dietary patterns, can raise total blood cholesterol levels, and can raise LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

Currently, the FDA does not require food manufacturers to list trans fats on nutritional labels. However, the FDA will soon be publishing a final rule that will require food manufacturers to begin listing trans fatty acids, if the product contains more than 0.5 grams per serving. According to the proposed rule, POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars would claim (0) zero trans fats.
What is fractionated palm kernel oil?
Fractionated palm kernel oil is made by heating palm kernel oil and removing the liquid portion (or "fraction") as it is cooled. This fractionation process creates a solid fat made up primarily of saturated fats with desirable properties from the standpoint of food manufacture.

Fractionation vs. Hydrogenation
Fractionation is different from the process of hydrogenation, which chemically alters oils. In this process, 'trans fats' are also created. Partially hydrogenated oils are solid and stable at room temperature and found in many current snack foods. However, the National Academy of Sciences has recently recommended that Americans consume as little trans fat as possible within a healthy diet. Although a heart-healthy diet should seek to limit both saturated and trans fats, current guidelines allow up to 10% of daily calories from saturated fat while there is no recommendation yet set for trans fat. This follows scientific evidence showing consumption of trans fat-containing foods increases LDL, or bad, cholesterol, and decreases HDL, or good, cholesterol, thereby increasing risk for heat disease.
Where and why do we use fractionated palm kernel oil?
Some POWERBAR® bars are coated or dipped in a yogurt or chocolaty coating. We believe that these coatings make our bars more delicious and provide our consumers with a greater variety of healthy, convenient snacks to choose from. The coatings contain fractionated palm kernel oil which is solid and stable at room temperature. Regular vegetable oil would cause the coatings to melt at even slightly warm temperatures and is also more prone to rancidity which can lead to undesirable flavor changes.

Do POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars have to be refrigerated? How will heat affect the bar?
POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars do not have to be refrigerated, but we recommend storing the bars in a cool, dry place. In general, it is best to store POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ between 40 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Storing a POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar in areas where the temperature exceeds 80 degrees for an extended period of time will result in significant changes to the taste, texture, color, and coating of the product.
How long will my POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bars last?
Each POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar is stamped with a “best by” date. Although it is safe to eat POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar after this date, we recommend that you use POWERBAR® PROTEINPLUS™ bar by the “best by” date to ensure you're getting the full nutritional benefits of the product.
Protein Plus Bar Cookies & Cream - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.