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G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs , (Thermolife)
G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs , (Thermolife)
G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs , (Thermolife)
Product Code:060016

G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs, (Thermolife)

G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine and the revolutionary delicious orange flavored Chewable G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine by ThermoLife International are new technologically advanced glutamine products that are clinically proven to be more effective at raising glutamine levels than any free form glutamine product on the market. Now in chewable orange flavor. 
With the release of G-TEK Peptide Transported Glutamine and Chewable G-TEK Peptide Transported Glutamine ThermoLife International sets the new standard in glutamine supplementation. Recent clinical studies have proven that the technologically advanced Peptide Transported Glutamine in G-TEK and Chewable G-TEK is more bio available, more stable and more effective at raising glutamine levels than any free form glutamine product on the market. 
Clinical science and practical experience have proven that free form L-glutamine is inherently unstable, it quickly degrades in solution and does not reach the blood in concentration levels needed to replenish healthy levels of glutamine. In addition, a little know fact, is that almost all of the research done on free from glutamine supplementation was done in hospitals on subjects receiving the glutamine intravenously. Just because you buy and take something called glutamine, does not mean you are going to benefit from all the metabolic functions that glutamine performs.  
On the contrary, the Peptide Transported Glutamine in G-TEK and Chewable G-TEK has been clinically proven to be highly stable in the body, very soluble in solution, readily absorbed by the digestive tract, and efficiently retained in the blood and body tissues where it enters muscle cells fast and performs the essential metabolic functions of glutamine including; increasing muscle mass, preventing catabolic muscle loss, raising growth hormone levels, improving immune functions, stabilizing blood sugar and preventing over training syndrome, just to name a few.  
The benefits of Glutamine supplementation cannot be fully experienced from free form L-glutamine. The only practical way to effectively elevate glutamine levels is with the clinically proven Peptide Transported Glutamine in G-TEK or Chewable G-TEK. ThermoLife International G-TEK products now render all free form glutamine products obsolete Start taking a ThermoLife G-TEK product today and feel the difference for yourself.  
Why Glutamine? 
Glutamine is a "conditionally essential" amino acid. Normally, an "essential" amino acid is one that the body must ingest through nutrition, because it can't manufacture that amino acid. But, under certain conditions - of stress, disease, malnutrition, or bodily injury - a "non-essential" amino acid, which the body manufactures, can become depleted and "conditionally essential." Glutamine is the most important of these, for its many vital functions in normal body function and athletic training.  
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, constituting more than 50% of the free amino acid pool in body cells. It is normally available to synthesize proteins, the building blocks of muscle, and provide many more beneficial functions, as we'll explain.  
One of Glutamine's primary metabolic functions is that it helps to regulate glucose metabolism. Glutamine converts to glucose without changing insulin or glucagon levels. These are the hormones that regulate blood sugar. During carbohydrate depletion, glutamine can increase body fat loss without loss of lean body mass. Glutamine provides a high-energy source for maintaining muscle function, by converting to glucose, which turns into glycogen stores in the muscles.  
Glutamine is a key contributor to repair of gastrointestinal tract cells and the immune system - where it contributes to nucleic acid synthesis, which is essential to cell growth throughout the body. And because glutamine helps the intestinal tract resist the passage of bacteria into the bloodstream, glutamine supplementation helps hard-training athletes fight off infection, and helps the person with illness or injury to recover faster.  
Glutamine has been proven to release growth hormone. In one study just 2 grams of glutamine raised growth hormone levels more than 400%, increased growth hormone levels have a strong anabolic effect on muscle growth. Glutamine also converts to glutathione, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to prevent cellular breakdown. And glutamine crosses the blood-brain barrier, converting inside the brain to glutamic acid, which makes GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), which boosts mental alertness and relaxes the body. As a neurotransmitter in the brain, glutamine is a precursor to other neurotransmitters, so glutamine levels can affect the brain and nervous system.  
For the muscles, a glutamine shortage can cause the muscles to be broken down, releasing glutamine to the rest of the body, leading to muscle wasting. Especially for body-builders and other athletes undergoing rigorous training workouts on a regular basis, it is crucial to ensure that the body's stores of glutamine are maintained at healthy levels, through supplementation before and after training.  
Glutamine is critical to the intestines and the immune system as a fuel, and is used to synthesize DNA, enzymes and proteins in all active cells in your body - a building block for your muscles. Glutamine also helps maintain overall body health by regulating the acid / alkaline balance of the blood.  
So, by helping to regulate glucose metabolism, glutamine helps maintain the level of glycogen stored in your muscles as fuel for strenuous exercise. Adequate levels of glutamine are also critical to your brain, where glutamine is a neurotransmitter and precursor to another key neurotransmitter, keeping your brain functioning normally. And healthy blood levels of glutamine are an important part of anti-oxidant defenses, and maintaining the blood's critical acid/alkali balance.  
Under normal conditions, our bodies make adequate amounts of glutamine from other amino acids. But after strenuous physical exercise, when fighting an illness, or if the body has been damaged by injury, our bodies run low on glutamine, and are more susceptible to infections. At these times of physical stress, when our bodies cannot make enough glutamine, we need to take additional amounts into our bodies through food or supplementation.  
Athletes in training, whether aerobic or anaerobic, create this level of glutamine-depleting stress on the body during exhaustive training. Strenuous exercise lowers the blood concentration of glutamine. Sometimes, the body's glutamine levels do not recover before the next training session. Studies have shown that an athlete in the overtraining syndrome - where the athlete works harder but his or her performance does not improve - has chronically low levels of glutamine. In this condition, the athlete may lose muscle mass, is more prone to injury and infection, and may suffer digestive problems and a loss of motivation for exercise.  
Glutamine Supplementation 
Maintaining healthy blood levels of glutamine is necessary to the athlete who wants to optimize all critical body functions, and derive the maximum benefit from his or her training regimen. Before, during and after training, glutamine levels must be maintained, to provide its vital role in regulating energy, repairing any lost muscle tissue, maintaining and building added muscle, sustaining elevated levels of growth hormone and its powerful anabolic effect, nourishing the immune system, keeping brain and nerve function at a high level, and maintaining the acid/alkali blood balance.  
The athlete must be sure to build up his or her blood glutamine level pre-workout, so the entire body has enough reserve glutamine to prevent glutamine depletion during or after a strenuous workout. Stored glutamine reserves are crucial to being able to function at a high level during an athletic workout. In body building and strength training, glutamine is both anabolic - muscle building and anti-catabolic - muscle protecting.  
Pre-loading of glutamine via supplementation, in preparation for a strenuous workout, is the key to ensuring adequate reserves and preventing depletion. Mid-workout, a healthy blood level of glutamine is critical to maximum performance, by sustaining high-level muscular, nerve, brain, intestinal, and blood functioning. Post-workout, supplementation is essential to restoring blood levels of glutamine burned up by exertion. The rebuilding of energy levels and restoration of the protein building blocks supplied by glutamine are key to preparing for, performing, and afterward sustaining the full benefit of a strenuous workout. Glutamine supplementation heightens your preparation, performance, and recovery from strenuous workouts.  
Peptides Bonded Glutamine 
Physicians have recognized that glutamine supplementation is needed under conditions of stress. These conditions run a parallel to the hard working athlete. In theses conditions physicians have administered free for L- glutamine to clinical patients intravenously. But, they discovered that free form, unbonded glutamine is highly unstable in the body, breaking down so that it is not bioavailable, and does not reach the blood concentration levels needed to replenish healthy levels of glutamine.  
Peptide-bonded amino acids, including glutamine, are clinically proven to be highly stable in the body, very soluble in solution, readily absorbed by the digestive tract, and efficiently retained in the blood and body tissues. Peptide-bonded amino acids are administered to patients with burns, inflammatory disease, cancer and AIDS, and are used in oral supplements for high-output athletes.  
Peptides are amino acids linked to each other by strong, peptide bonds. Strings of amino acids make up short, medium, or long-chain peptides, which in turn are the main components of protein. Short-chain peptides are amino acids linked in groups of two (dipeptides), three (tri-peptides), or more.  
Di- and tri-peptides are very stable in solution, are very soluble - they dissolve completely in solution - and are quickly and easily absorbed by the human digestive tract. They are totally bioavailable, since they are retained - not excreted - by the body and are ready for use in building and repairing muscle, supplying energy, serving as the building blocks of DNA, protein and muscle, converting to antioxidants, releasing anabolic growth hormones or any of their other vital functions. 
Peptide-bonded glutamine is selectively absorbed by muscle tissue in need of repair and replenishment.6 Being easily absorbed and totally bioavailable, peptide-bonded glutamine enters muscle cells fast, breaks down to free glutamine, and performs its essential metabolic functions. Peptide-bonded glutamine is thus more efficient, more effective, and clearly superior to free-form glutamine for supplementation of the athlete concerned about maintaining his or her pre-, mid- and post-workout glutamine levels.  
Why is the G-TEK-glutamine delivery system in tablet form? 
If you have ever worked with peptide-bonded glutamine you know that powdered peptide-bonded glutamine has a definite limitation. Taken orally, singly or in combination, with juice, protein drinks, or water, they do not mix well and have a strongly bitter taste, and for the most part are unpalatable. We have tried previous powder-form supplements of peptide-bonded glutamine but it doesn't work.  
This limitation has recently been overcome by ThermoLife International's peptide bonded glutamine delivery system in tablet form. ThermoLife International is the first to offer such an essential glutamine supplement in a form that is practical, convenient and affordable (as always you will see the other companies copy us). Clinical science and practical experience has proven that that free form L-glutamine is inherently unstable, and quickly breaks down in solution and is basically worthless to the athlete as a powdered supplement. Research has shown that peptide bonded glutamine is very stable and soluble, and readily absorbed from the digestive tract. In fact some research indicates that peptide-bonded glutamine is more than 22 times more bio-available than straight free form L-glutamine. That clearly makes the G-TEK-Peptide Transported Glutamine products by ThermoLife International the most bio-available and most cost effective glutamine products on the market today. Don't even waste your time finishing your existing bottle of free form L-glutamine. Start taking a G-TEK product today and feel the difference.  
Clearly the only choice for glutamine supplementation is one of the G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine products, exclusively manufactured by ThermoLife International. 
Glutamine Has Been Proven to:
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Prevent catabolic muscle loss
  • Raise growth hormone levels
  • Increase glycogen levels
  • Improve immune function
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Prevent over training syndrome

As a dietary supplement, take 8 tablets daily. This will supply you with 10 grams of glutamine peptides. For best results, take 4 tablets 1 to 2 hours before your workout and 4 tablets 1 to 2 hours after your workout, on non-training days take 4 tablets in the morning and 4 tablets in the afternoon. Persons using this product for health reasons other than performance enhancement take 2 tablets every two hours.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $37.95
Other Spec:
G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs, (Thermolife)

Serving Size: 4 Tablets 
Servings per Container: 60  
Amount per serving:  
Peptide bonded Glutamine- 5 grams
G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs, (Thermolife)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
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G-TEK - Peptide Transported Glutamine, 240 tabs, (Thermolife)

G TEK is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.