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R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps , (AST Sports Science)
R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps , (AST Sports Science)
R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps , (AST Sports Science)
R-ALA 200 -
Product Code:10049
类别: Antioxidant

R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps, (AST Sports Science)

R-ALA 200
  • Mimics Insulin
  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Enhances Glucose Utilization
  • Enhance Amino Acid Transport
  • Lowers Blood Sugar
  • Increases Creatine Uptake
R-ALA increases your muscles uptake of glycogen. This increases muscle cell volume and contributes to that full pumped feeling when you workout.  
This is a very desirable effect as the increase in muscle glycogen also increases other important nutrient transport that contributes to cell volume and muscle growth.  
R-ALA is not a thermogenic but it does appear to contribute to favorable body composition changes. This is believed to be due to a nutrient partitioning effect where nutrients are channeled more to lean tissue and away from fat tissue.  
R-ALA will help enhance the efficiency of many different supplements. One in particular is Creatine HSC. R-ALA will help enhance the absorption of creatine into the muscle cell by providing a transport vehicle by it's unique ability to mimic insulin. As we said in an earlier answer, you must use R-ALA in a capsule form and not in a pre-mixed powder.  
R-ALA is also one of the most potent antioxidants available. And, when taken with other antioxidants it actually enhances their antioxidant abilities.
As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule three times daily with meals. 
For enhanced creatine effectiveness, take 2 capsules with 1 serving of Creatine HSC 30 minutes after workout or athletic event.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $49.45
Other Spec:
R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps, (AST Sports Science)

R[+]-Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg
R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps, (AST Sports Science)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

R-ALA 200 - Powerful Antioxidant, 90 caps, (AST Sports Science)


I have seen where some creatine powders have R-ALA added to them to help creatine uptake. Does this work?  
A: No! There's a big problem with this. You see, R-ALA is a very unstable chemical that will degrade rapidly if exposed to atmospheric conditions for even short periods of time. In fact, when we purchase our R-ALA is is delivered in special 2 kilogram vacuum packed packages that uses a UV protected plastic. This packaging shields the R-ALA from both air and light.  
It's almost comical how these companies formulate their products. They will read in a magazine where R-ALA mimics insulin. The will read in another magazine where spiking insulin helps increase creatine uptake. Ding! A light goes off in their head. "We'll add R-ALA to our creatine and market the hell out of it." That is the extent of the research investment many supplement companies adopt. It's ridiculous.  
If you add R-ALA to a creatine powder the R-ALA will degrade and become ineffective in a matter of hours. As the R-ALA is dispersed in the powder it's exposure to massive amounts of air, light, and moisture causes rapid degradation. By the time you purchase the product, the R-ALA is useless.  
This is why you should never use a creatine with the R-ALA already mixed in. This is exactly why we do not add R-ALA to any of our powders. To get the added benefits that R-ALA has on creatine uptake you should take the R-ALA in capsule form along with your creatine. The capsule will protect the R-ALA from outside elements and ensure that you are getting the full potency.  
am on medication for high blood sugar, will R-ALA effect this?  
A: There should be no interaction with your medication but I would advise you check with your physician first.  
One important note about R-ALA and diabetics. We have seen where individuals taking medication for Type II Diabetes could actually discontinue their prescribed medication after starting R-ALA. In many cases their blood sugar levels were reduced more effectively with R-ALA than with the medication they were taking.  
I do caution you to check with your physician first and foremost. 
When I take R-ALA my muscles get really pumped when I train and stay that way for a lot longer than normal. Don't get me wrong I like this and it feels awesome but why does this happen?  
A: R-ALA increases your muscles uptake of glycogen. This increases muscle cell volume and contributes to that full pumped feeling when you train.  
This is a very desirable effect as the increase in muscle glycogen also increases other important nutrient transport that contributes to cell volume and muscle growth. 
I've noticed I'm considerably leaner and more muscular after taking R-ALA for 4 weeks. Does R-ALA burn fat?  
A: This is commonly reported. R-ALA is not a thermogenic but it does appear to contribute to favorable body composition changes. This is believed to be due to a nutrient partitioning effect where nutrients are channeled more to lean tissue and away from fat tissue.  
What other supplements are good to take with R-ALA?  
A: R-ALA will help enhance the efficiency of many different supplements. One in particular is Creatine HSC. R-ALA will help enhance the absorption of creatine into the muscle cell by providing a transport vehicle by it's unique ability to mimic insulin. As we said in an earlier answer, you must use R-ALA in a capsule form and not in a pre-mixed powder.  
R-ALA is also one of the most potent antioxidants available. And, when taken with other antioxidants it actually enhances their antioxidant abilities.  
What should my dosage be with R-ALA?  
A: We recommend taking 200 milligrams (1 capsule) 3 times daily with meals. Research has shown that 200 milligrams increases blood levels of R-ALA the same as 600 milligrams, so there is no need to take more than 200 milligrams at any one time.  
Also 600 milligrams daily has been shown to be just as effective at muscle glucose uptake as 1200 milligrams per day so therefore there appears to be no need to take more than 600 milligrams per day.
R ALA 200 is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.