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Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs , (Barmensen Labs)
Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs , (Barmensen Labs)
Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs , (Barmensen Labs)
Vazomyne -
Product Code:
类别: Weak Erection

Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs, (Barmensen Labs)

You need to know what you’re dealing with so you can effectively add the value of having improved erection quality and sexual performance to your life. 
Poor erection quality and sexual performance may result from a combination of many different poor life choices and health concerns. Some of these factors you can remedy by simply changing your lifestyle. This is only a partial list of factors that may negatively effect your erection quality and sexual performance:
  • Choosing Diets high in saturated fats and refined sugars
  • Eating Processed foods
  • Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise
Even if you’ve fallen victim to some of the factors listed above, you can still turn your sexual fitness around right now. Understanding more about what physically is going on with your erection process will help to understand why VAZOMYNE works so well.  
Erection quality and sexual performance are all about blood flow. Increased amounts of blood to the penis allow for a firmer, fuller, more spontaneous erections. 
The penis consists of a pair of parallel spongy columns called the corpora cavernosa and the central corpora spongiosa – all consist of erectile tissue. Erectile tissue is rich in blood vessels called cavernous sinuses, which are surrounded by trabecular smooth muscle. In a flaccid, normal penis, the small arteries leading to these sinuses contract, reducing the inflow of blood. The smooth muscles regulating the many blood vessels within the penis also contract allowing blood to normally drain from the penis via veins. Upon male arousal, an erection is achieved when a number of chemicals are released, such as acetylcholine and NITRIC OXIDE that relax the smooth muscles in the penis, allowing arterial blood to flow into the sinuses and flood the penis. This process is called vasodilation. 
Once the VASODILATION (veins and capillaries widening as a result of Nitric Oxide release) process begins within the blood vessels, the spongy chambers almost double in diameter due to the increase in blood flow. The veins surrounding the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum are squeezed almost completely shut by the pressure of the erectile tissue; they are unable to drain blood out of the penis, causing it to become and stay rigid. 
In order to maximize erection quality and firmness, first and foremost, blood flow to the penis must be maximized. The key to stronger, firmer erections is to widen capillaries allowing the penis to hold excess blood. 
How VAZOMYNE is Different 
As mentioned previously, the key to quality erections and sexual performance is increased amounts of blood flow to the penis. The increase in blood flow can result from the release of Nitric Oxide, which in turn triggers a vasodilation effect (the actual process of veins and capillaries opening to allow for more blood flow), that can ultimately help improve erection quality and sexual performance. 
VAZOMYNE contains an “essential raw material” the body needs in order to produce Nitric Oxide, and ultimately a vasodilation effect which may then help the body generate high quality, spontaneous erections. It’s known as an “essential raw material”, meaning it needs to be taken into the body and synthesized through food or supplementation.  
VAZOMYNE works with your body’s process quickly to improve erection quality and sexual performance. Most importantly, because this “essential raw material” is already occurring naturally inside the body, you know it’s safe.  
How VAZOMYNE was Discovered  
A discovery so simple, you'll be amazed! Taking a targeted approach, Barmensen Labs researched Nitric Oxide enhancers and found that athletes were supplementing their fitness regimens with herbal remedies for enhancing Nitric Oxide production and ultimately athletic performance. Surprisingly (and luckily), it was the positive side effects in improved erection quality and sexual performance that caught the eye of their research and development teams.  
The formulation team at Barmensen Labs was able to incorporate an integral raw material that helps the body produce Nitric Oxide along with other sexual enhancing ingredients that aid men in everything from libido enhancement to healthy prostate function into a formula now known as VAZOMYNE. 
Today, VAZOMYNE has successfully helped thousands of men improve their erection quality, experience spontaneous erections, and improve sexual performance. And because it’s worked for them – you know it can work for you. 
Imagine … you could be experiencing more powerful spontaneous erections and improved sexual performance like you did when you were younger – and your partner will be thrilled you tried VAZOMYNE. 
You really can’t ask for more than that, can you? 

  • You often worry whether or not you'll be able to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse or produce an erection when you need to most.
  • You're concerned about the harmful side effects associated with some prescription drugs recently reported in the news.
  • You're embarassed to visit your doctor for a prescription.
  • You're concerned about your ability to fully satisfy your partner.
If these sound familiar, then VAZOMYNE may be just want you're looking for to experience powerful, spontaneous erections and improved sexual performance! 
FINALLY, Male Enhancement Researchers Reveal Missing Link to.. 
ATTENTION MEN: If you've been searching for a way to ACHIEVE and MAINTAIN POWERFUL, SPOTANEOUS ERECTIONS - without having to rely on prescription medications, THE SEXUAL PERFORMANCE SECRET other pill companies don't want you to know about - IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! 
A natural athletic performance enhancer used for years by male athletes contains an "essential raw" precursor that can help product powerful, spontaneous erections and improve sexual performance! 
VAZOMYNE Benefits 
Your sexual performance and erection quality are all about maintaining healthy blood flow and prostate health. VAZOMYNE brings new meaning to the phrase "Feeling the Flow" for men every day! Why? Because VAZOMYNE contains an "essential raw material" that the body needs in order to help improve Nitric Oxide production which then, in turn, causes a vasodilation effect in the body. This effect can ultimately help aid in the production of powerful, spontaneous erections and improved sexual performance! Plus, because this "essential raw material" is already occurring naturally inside the body, you know it's safe. 
In addition to this “essential raw material”, VAZOMYNE’S unique formula contains sexual performance enhancing ingredients that aid men in everything from libido to healthy prostate function into one formula so you can focus on all your sexual fitness needs with one convenient tablet daily. 
Men around the world agree, VAZOMYNE is the revolutionary herbal supplement for improved, spontaneous erection quality and peak sexual performance.  
"...I found VAZOMYNE on the web and checked it out with my doctor. He approved of the all-natural ingredients so I gave it a try. I'm really happy with the results. VAZOMYNE has given me since taking it - 6 months now. As the younger kids say, I'm finally getting my groove on again." 
- Jim C., Melbourne, Fl 
Unique Targeted Delivery System - VAZOMYNE'S unique formula works with a man's body chemistry to target sexual fitness and help you obtain stronger, fuller, spontaneous erections, condition the prostate and improve sexual performance! 
Maintain a Healthy Prostate – Having a healthy prostate means proper urinary flow which is one of the key elements in preventing the decline of erection quality as we age. Taking a proactive approach in maintaining a healthy prostate can be your first line of defense in staying sexually fit. 
Works Effectively and Naturally – VAZOMYNE is all natural, and works quickly and gently with your body’s chemistry. It’s not a harsh chemical or prescription drug. Plus with VAZOMYNE there’s no need to deal with embarrassing visits to the doctor’s office or worry about the potential side effects some prescriptions may cause. 
Clinically Tested Ingredients – The formulation team at Barmensen Labs was able to incorporate an integral “essential raw material” that helps the body produce Nitric Oxide (which triggers vasodilation) along with other clinically tested sexual enhancing ingredients so you can trust VAZOMYNE’S efficacy. 
Easy to Use – Because VAZOMYNE is only taken once daily, there is no need to remember frequent doses throughout the day. With VAZOMYNE, you’re ready to “Go with the Flow” whenever she is. 
New Found Confidence for You, Increased Pleasure for Her – our customers report incredible improvements in powerful, spontaneous erection activity, improved sexual performance and as a result, many women report dramatic increases in their pleasure. Most importantly VAZOMYNE has helped many of our customers live a more confident life in and out of the bedroom.

Take one VAZOMYNE tablet daily on a full stomach. VAZOMYNE works the very first day, but its ingredients improve function and overall sexual health with continued use. You may also take a second tablet 30 minutes prior to engaging in sexual activity. Some customers have written to us regarding phenomenal results they've experienced within 48 hours after taking twice the recommended daily dosage and taking an additional dose 20 minutes prior to engaging in sexual intercourse.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $59.99
Other Spec:
Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs, (Barmensen Labs)

Niacin 15 mg 
Zinc (as zinc citrate) 7.5 mg 
L-Arginine HCI 500 mg 
Vazomyne Proprietary Blend : 100 mg 
Polygonum multiflorum Root Extract 
(10% anthraquinones), Damiana Leaf, 
Ginkgo biloba Leaf, Saw Palmetto Berry, 
Stinging Nettle Leaf and Muira puama (aerial parts) 
(from 4:1 extract) 
Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs, (Barmensen Labs)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Vazomyne - Endurance Therapy for Men, 30 tabs, (Barmensen Labs)


How do I take VAZOMYNE? 
Take one VAZOMYNE tablet daily on a full stomach. VAZOMYNE works the very first day, but its ingredients improve function and overall sexual health with continued use. You may also take a second tablet 30 minutes prior to engaging in sexual activity. Some customers have written to us regarding phenomenal results they've experienced within 48 hours after taking twice the recommended daily dosage and taking an additional dose 20 minutes prior to engaging in sexual intercourse.  
Who should take VAZOMYNE? 
Any man looking to experience spontaneous erections or enhance his sexual performance should take VAZOMYNE as part of a healthy sexual fitness lifestyle. Even if you are not having trouble with performance, VAZOMYNE can be taken as a preventive aid in combating the various issues that can arise sexually as we age.  
Is VAZOMYNE safe? 
Yes. VAZOMYNE is all natural and does not contain any stimulants so it’s even safe to take if you are stimulant sensitive.  
When do VAZOMYNE’S benefits “kick-in"? 
VAZOMYNE begins going to work immediately but it is most effective over time. VAZOMYNE acts like “fuel injection” for your veins and capillaries, helping to improve erection quality and sexual performance from the inside. The longer VAZOMYNE remains a part of your overall healthy regimen, the more benefits you’ll experience! 
Will VAZOMYNE prevent me from sleeping? 
No. VAZOMYNE is all natural and does not contain any stimulants so it’s safe to take if you are stimulant sensitive. We have had no reports of sleeping problems from customers on a VAZOMYNE regimen.  
Will VAZOMYNE permanently alter my penis? 
VAZOMYNE helps create firmer, fuller and more spontaneous erections during the arousal process. It will not alter the physical size of your penis.
Case Studies
Our Customers Reports
  • Significant Results after about 1 month
  • Improvement in Spontaneous Erection Activity and Quality
  • Continued Progress well into the 4th and 5th month.
  • Increase in Sexual Fitness & Desire
  • Drastic Change in Self Confidence.
  • Boost in Sexual Pleasure for Your Partner
If you find yourself experiencing the inability to achieve and maintain quality, spontaneous erections, this website will be a tremendous find for you. When you’re concerned about your sexual performance, it can affect every aspect of your life. But why live with performance anxiety, when there’s a safe and effective natural solution like VAZOMYNE? 
See how other men just like yourself have experienced dramatic improvements and regained confidence in their performance with VAZOMYNE … 
Thanks for making VAZOMYNE available. I noticed your product when on a trip to Florida earlier this year and have found it to be an amazing help with my prostate issues. I was pleased to find I can buy it over the net as it is a good product. 
- Robert T., Canada 
VAZOMYNE is truly a lifesaver. I was having some stamina problems and it was stressing my relationship with my new girlfriend. I didn’t want to start on anything prescription since I’m only 29. I tried VAZOMYNE because of its natural herbal formula and I have to say I’m pretty pleased. So is my girlfriend. ;)  
- Nick D., Philadelphia, PA 
I have been using VAZOMYNE for some time and am well pleased with the results. I have referred the product to a friend as well.  
- Lee C. via email  
My wife was starting to take my inability to perform personally. She didn’t understand that it really wasn’t anything she was doing – or not doing – it was just my body refusing to cooperate. I found VAZOMYNE on the web and checked it out with my doctor. He approved of the all-natural ingredients so I gave it a try. I’m really happy with the results VAZOMYNE has given me since taking it – 6 months now. As the younger kids say, I’m finally getting my groove on again.  
- Jim C., Melbourne, FL 
Could you please send me out my next order of VAZOMYNE now? I really like the product and it’s done wonders for my sex life. Please send it out right away with priority mail. Please confirm, I would like to get it by Saturday!  
- D.B. via email 
I am one of the most skeptical guys you'll meet. I had seen VAZOMYNE ads in several magazines, heard you on the radio, and even saw you on TV, but must admit I thought it was way too good to be true but I tried it and I’ve got to admit...it really worked for me. Gotta give credit where credit is due...thanks VAZOMYNE.  
- Chad B., New York , NY 
I just want to say that VAZOMYNE definitely increased mine and my fiancée's need to be with each other more. We are seeing increases in the amount of time that we can AND want to 'go at it'. I'll definitely be ordering my next supply soon! This has got to be the best news in sex for this century! We are very excited about our new shared 'interests' and just sincerely have to say THANKS!  
- John L.
Vazomyne is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.