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Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap , (Natures Benefit)
Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap , (Natures Benefit)
Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap , (Natures Benefit)
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Heartburn

Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap, (Natures Benefit)

Many Millions of Americans are troubled by burning upper abdominal discomfort or a burning sensation behind the breast bone that is called heartburn. Heartburn is most often caused by the backwash of stomach acid into the lower gullet or esophagus (acid reflux). The underlying causes of heartburn and sour stomach or upper abdominal pain or discomfort remain unknown in many individuals. Complex scientific studies show that there is abnormal function of the upper digestive tract and in the case of heartburn there is often a weakening of the small muscles that close the lower esophagus, at the entrance to the stomach (lower esophageal sphincter). In simple terms, stomach acid is linked to heartburn, dyspepsia and functional disorders of the upper digestive tract. Some people with these symptoms have serious diseases in their upper digestive tract including peptic ulcer, inflammation of the lining of the esophagus or cancer. Therefore, any symptoms that are persistent should cause an individual to seek medical advice, especially if they are elderly.  
The commonest causes of upper digestive symptoms include poor dietary habits, and poor lifestyle which should be corrected. Millions of Americans take prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to treat upper digestive symptoms. These drugs include H-2 receptor antagonists (e.g. Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid and others) or proton pump inhibitor drugs e.g. Prilosec, Nexium etc. These drugs are available often OTC and they all work by reducing the secretion of acid by the stomach. Drugs like Prilosec have become particularly popular because they work generally by completely abolishing stomach acid. Many scientists have expressed concern about the long term use of potent drugs that diminish the presence of acid in the stomach in a potent manner. These drugs that reduce acid secretion in a potent manner are highly effective and reducing symptoms of heartburn, but they have not been shown to be completely effective in managing functional disorders of the digestive tract. While the drive to use acid-suppressing drugs is symptom relief, the relief of symptoms alone may permit the individual to engage in the adverse lifestyle that caused the functional digestive upset in the first place. 
Recent research has shown that certain antioxidants can alter acid secretion by blocking stomach pumps (a proton pump inhibitor effect). In contrast to proton pump inhibitor drugs, such as Prilosec, these antioxidants have a much milder effect on acid secretion and do not completely abolish stomach acid, resulting in a potentially healthier circumstance where gastric acid can exert its important functions in the digestive process. A lot of inflammation in the upper digestive tract is caused by oxidative stress and infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes free radical damage which may result in inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract, peptic ulcer and precancerous changes in the lining of certain parts of the upper digestive tract, particularly the lower Esophagus and regions of the stomach. Heartburn Naturally contains powerful antioxidants including ellagic acid, green tea extract and turmeric. Ellagic acid has been shown in laboratory experiments to suppress acid secretion by the stomach with the mechanism action similar to that of proton pumping inhibitor drugs.  
The problem with acid suppressing drugs or supplements is their lack of immediate action in suppressing simple symptoms of simple heartburn or sour stomach. This is why many people favor mineral antacids (e.g. Rolaids or Maalox etc) for rapid symptom relief. These mineral antacids can cause bowel upset in high dosage and there are natural antacids in nature that immediately neutralize stomach acid. Heartburn Naturally contains flour from fava beans which has USP standards described for acid neutralization, similar to those standards described for commercial mineral antacids. Heartburn Naturally a content of calcium and magnesium in a two:one ratio which is not only a way of neutralizing acid, but also a way of supplementing two important minerals in the diet.  
Heartburn Naturally offers ingredients with advantages of soothing the digestive tract. These ingredients include lecithin, mastic gum, apple peptin and gastric mucin. These soothing agents help improve the barrier to the penetration of acid into the lining of the upper digestive tract. Mastic gum has been researched in Helicobacter pylori infection and Heartburn Naturally provides the added benefit of classic antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, with the indirect healing and antioxidant potential of zinc.  
Heartburn Naturally is a pleasant chewable tablet which can be taken as required, up to twice daily. The formulation of Heartburn Naturally is designed to have an immediate effect on acid neutralization followed by a more delayed and gentle effect on the secretion of acid by the stomach. A particular advantage of Heartburn Naturally is its antioxidant power as nutritional support for the structure and function of the lining of the upper digestive tract.
Chew one or two tablets per day with 2 oz. of water.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $24.99
Other Spec:
Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap, (Natures Benefit)

A proprietary blend of: Ellagic acid (pomegranate & raspberry), green tea (50% polyphenols), turmeric root, fava bean flour, mastic gum, lecithin (soybeans), apple pectin, gastric mucin) 685mg  
Vitamin A (beta carotene) 2500IU  
Calcium (carbonate) 100mg  
Magnesium (carbonate) 50mg  
Vitamin C 30mg  
Sodium (Bicarbonate) 28mg  
Vitamin E (Natural) (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 15IU  
Zinc (amino acid chelate) 7.5mg  
Other Ingredients: Fructose, sorbitol, mannitol, beet juice, rasberry, cherry and vanilla flavors, silicon dioxide, stearic acid
Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap, (Natures Benefit)

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Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap, (Natures Benefit)

Heartburn Naturally is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Heartburn Naturally - Acid Neutralization w/Antioxidant Power, 40 cap, (Natures Benefit)

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